Raven Shield Multiplayer Problem.


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
OK I got the game with the purchase of my Audigy 2 ZS, and it's the oem version. I got the patch and it says one of the fixes is "fixed problems oem disc users were having" so obviously I should be allowed to play mp. It asks me for my cd key, but it didn't come with one! What do I have to do?
Did you try asking someone from Red Storm? Maybe they'll give you a way to get around it.
No but shouldn't I have a cd key somewhere?
Hey guinny, I'm looking to get an audigy 2 card to go along with some speakers i'll be buying soon. how big of a difference in sound quality have you noticed between the audigy 2 and whatever you used to have?
getting Raven Shield to work online is a real bitch. but once it's working is very rewarding.

ayway, you're looking for the cd key? it should be on the inside back cover of the manual i think..
:| There HAS to be a cd-key regardless, to pick out pirated versions. Find it quickly. Yes, Ravenshield is very rewarding, not to be cocky in it or anything but I pwn in that and I would happily play against any of you.
Soundwave said:
Hey guinny, I'm looking to get an audigy 2 card to go along with some speakers i'll be buying soon. how big of a difference in sound quality have you noticed between the audigy 2 and whatever you used to have?

Used to have a santa cruz 4.1 sound card with z-540 speakers.

Now I've got this card with z-5300 speakers (BEST SPEAKERS IN THE WORLD IN MY OPINION, theyre so sexy looking and the remote control is so sweet and the bass kicks ass) but i do notice quite a big difference. everything seems much more crisp and clear, and you tend to notice more sounds in games and more instruments in music. its really an awesome card and it comes with a TON of extras. i got raven shield, tombraider angel of darkness, nero, a bunch of applications cd's, etc etc. Great deal for 165 bucks at newegg. Dont get the 206 dollar one, its a waste of money not to mention its the same card except it comes with recording equiment and shit.
heh, the 5300's are the exact ones I am looking to get as well. Good to see they are quality
also there is no cd key. i checked again. the box came with a big envelope. inside were like 8 cds all in their own cd envelope things. i checked every one of them for a key or something inside em. nothing. nothing at all. so idk what the hell to do!
:frown: Well, you best contact someone... when you call make sure you sound pissed off, that way they will get things done more quickly.
lol ok I'll call tomorrow. I guess I have no choice do i. Bastards...you'd figure they would give me a damn key.
Don't just sound pissed off, you've got to be screaming on the top of your lungs also.