Ravenholm Bink Observation


Sep 16, 2003
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I just watched the Ravenholm bink movie and I noticed something that maybe not everyone might get. During The end of the video, gordon uses his manipulator to grab a med pack in another room. He then walks into the room and starts fighting zombies. What you have to pay attension to is the headcrab on the ground to his right. It's relatively close to him and keeps on bighting him. After that your screen goes black and you start to slowely loose health.

What I take from this is, Headcrabs can now take control of gordon (Like we see in with the scientist.) Anyone else notice this?

Something else, right before this happens it looks like gordon picks up a barrel with his "hands" (though they dont show it). and throws the barrel next to a zombie.
Actually, it's just the video fading out, and someone at Valve can't edit very well. :)

As for the picking up barrel thing, there's a whole thread for it. :P
I think that was just a video cutoff point thingy when it went black.

Yup it's been discussed the pickup of objects :D
you know what i noticed? something awsome.... the spikey disk he shot, STUCK in the wall... and paint came out of the paint thing.
staddydaddy said:
What I take from this is, Headcrabs can now take control of gordon (Like we see in with the scientist.) Anyone else notice this?

Hehe! Who cares if this is in the game... this MUST be made into a mod somewhere. Playing as a zombie would be a riot! :thumbs:
That would be really cool, it would give the headcrabs an added threat, and bring back some of that fear factor they used to have when jumping out of airvents, right now there pretty much buzzy flies.
I think one of the more important things that I don't believe has been talked about yet are the escape-pod/alien pod (or maybe rockets?) things that are stuck/wrecked into the ground in that level. There's a couple in the first minute, then near the end when gordon picks up the object with his hands.
KagePrototype said:
Actually, it's just the video fading out:P
rofl!! I can just see Valve employees sitting around laughing their asses off at this topic.
Mr-Fusion said:
rofl!! I can just see Valve employees sitting around laughing their asses off at this topic.

Hopefully taking notes. :) We need zombified!
if they can latch on, there HAS to be a way to get them off...

*Runts into wall repeatedly*
Being zombified could actually be implemented in a number of interesting ways. They could make it controllable but still undesirable. For example, maybe you could control yourself as a zombie, but would have restricted speed, inability to weild weapons, and perhaps distorted vision to make reflexes worse. Not to mention the fact that everyone would shoot at you now, even the rebel guys. Obviously you couldn't complete the story like this so it would have to fade out to a failure screen after some time. Still fun for a while though!
i noticed something a little more disturbing durring the video. look at the screen shots. that board just dissapears every now and then in the video.
sorry about the crap quality, but thats bink converted to AVI, screen shot taken with FRAPS. best i could do with what i had.
staddydaddy said:
How do you explain the loss of health in 5 hp increments?

This wouldn't be from having a headcrab on your head, because it's not a smooth draining. There's a significant pause between losing 90 and 85 (or something), and a much shorter pause between two other ones. If a headcrab was causing the health draining, it would be more smooth and rymthic rather than so random. not to mention that the last health loss is caused by something hitting Gordon from the right, while the others ones were not.

Also, if the game was still going, wouldn't there be sound? why did it fade out with the video? Also, the headcrabs attacked Gordon's head a number of times in the video...why did it only happen now, when the headcrabs had better shots before?

Seriously, you're looking into this way too much. :) like I said, someone at valve can't edit it right. They obviously had the level fade the video and audio out at one point, but just didn't edit it very well. It's the exact same effect as in all of the other BINKs, believe me. :)

You're probably right, but look how much fun we've had playing with the theory! Anything that passes time even remotely flame free around here is good. :)
another-user said:
i noticed something a little more disturbing durring the video. look at the screen shots. that board just dissapears every now and then in the video.
sorry about the crap quality, but thats bink converted to AVI, screen shot taken with FRAPS. best i could do with what i had.
thats because of the LOD system.

Did anyone else notice the amazing detail on the headcrab from bump maps?