ravenholm...no COMBINE traptown?


Oct 7, 2004
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Last night, I got to the point in ravenholm where the amazin "traptown" e3 video started, and I knew something was wrong when I noticed a zombie, not a combine soldier, coming up the right side of the building.

I went inside, looked around, and there were no combine to be found...no rooftop with the dumpster trap and swinging beam...nothing.

Not to say I didn't really enjoy Ravenholm anyway, but I'd just like to know if it fighting the combine there was cut from the game or if I missed something :|

Well Combine in Ravenholm wouldn't have really made much sense in the game, since Ravenholm is meant to be an abandoned old town overrun by Aliens.
Yes, the e3 03 videos were mainly to show off the game engine. Its fits into the storyline better with no combine. because why would the combine be guarding a town like that?
The combine were in a proof of concept demonstration (meaning that some if not all of it would appear in the final game).. Basically they took stuff they liked, made some levels out of it, and showed them at e3 as demonstrations of half life 2.
That video was from E3 2003 and a lot of things have changed since then. The gamespot article had said that the real production of the single-player story line kicked into high gear sometime after E3 2003.
Guys, I'm not denying that things have changed since E3, and that having combine makes little sense (not really an alien take-over, more like a combine sent alien bombardment given the missils), but it still would have been great as that video showed some truly exceptional gameplay.

They should have made some excuse. Maybe the combine could have been dropped there to hunt you down :naughty:

or atleast just give to us as a bonus stage. i'd just like to play it.
Yeah I wish there was a Traptown. I didnt really enjoy Ravenholm. Even tho it was funny watching the car fall on them or slicing them into half with those spinning thingies. I would've liked it better if they had Traptown. That was one of the maps I was looking forward too.
Yeah I passed ravenholem and I dident see the part with the falling dumpster...did i miss somthing or is it still coming?
Its been cut from the final game. Technically it was never in the game, just some possible concept demos.
I really like Ravenholm too...by far the best level in the game for me, and I loved every other level before/after it. I just thought it was the most inovative in terms of weapons and such. It was cool. some didn't like it but I did.
I loved it, but I still wish there were some combine to trap! There ragdolls are much more pleasant to watch crumple.
