Rawr, I Has Photoshop


Mar 30, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah i got it today :D

Anyone have any good and recommended tutorial sites that would help alot, thanks :D

This is Helplife2.net
Unfortunately im one of those people that uses photoshop at work. Every damn day. I don't know why you're so happy!
Unfortunately im one of those people that uses photoshop at work. Every damn day. I don't know why you're so happy!

Mabye you should have looked at me struggle to do those phote edit contest :<
Mabye you should have looked at me struggle to do those phote edit contest :<

I have Photoshop CS2, and I still struggle. Why do I suck at it so much, I've been playing around with it for years :(
I have GIMP. I struggle twice as much as all of you, but at no cost :P
I have Photoshop CS2, and I still struggle. Why do I suck at it so much, I've been playing around with it for years :(

photoshop works best in tandem with Illustrator ..I cant use one without the other
I love using Photoshop. It's not really that hard, just mess around with all the settings and you get the hang of it in days :)
Photoshop is sweet, but its not as cool as newbs think it is. A lot of people are like "zomg sweet filters!!! ima use them for eVERYthing! OMG and lense flare?!?! W00T!"

It still needs talent to use.

*please note that I dont have a lot of talent, and therefore use filters for everything.*
I never use filters except for image correcting purposes ..most photoshop users can spot when someone uses a filter from a mile away
I hate Photoshop, I find it such a pain in the ass to use.
I've alwayse used Corel Photopaint for photo editing, drawing, etc.
Also I find it very funny that about 80% of the plugins that I use for Corel are designed to work with Photoshop yet they work just fine with this program too:laugh:
Yeah, thats what im saying. Photoshop users can spot the newbs easily.

But for game textures they're pretty sweet and fast.

This for instance, is textured 100% with filters and just adjusting them. I textured it all in about an hour.

No offense but those textures don't look so hot, although I sometimes use filters like this for textures too.
You might want to take a look here: http://mayang.com/textures/
We couldnt use photo reference for the project, and we didnt have a whole lot of time to do anything. The whole project from concept to finish was due in 3 days (12 hours of lab time).

Also, they had to be 128x128 which explains a lot about why they arnt so good.

But still, they work well enough to be used in a handheld game which is what we were supposed to work towards. And like I said, they were quick (took an hour or so)
What I like about photoshop is that its 600 bucks and evryone has it... ('cluding me)


Phong was probably the first place I went to. Really basic stuff there that you still end up using later on when you get good at the program.

Some advice:

- Use layers. Lots of them. Especially if you draw and you want to digitally ink and color your artwork, you're seriously going to go through at least a dozen layers. Even for just regular PS work, layers will make it easier. Don't skimp out on them because you don't think you need them. Never hurts to have more layers.

- Learn your tools. Photoshop's great for just dicking around and playing with filters (go easy on the lensflare), but if you want to get good familiarize yourself with everything. Learn your brushes and how to make your own custom brushes. Get used to the lasso tool. Dodge, burn, and smudge tools are your friends. Clone stamp is Jesus Christ in digital form. Seriously I can do anything with that tool.

Anyway just play around and have fun at first. Do some basic stuff like working with type and recoloring certain objects in pictures. And everybody when they first get photoshop goes nuts with the lensflare, so do that.
You can get download versions of CS2 for like 180.

If you are going to do that you might as well save your $180 and download it illegally. I have not seen a single legit site offering CS2 for download for anywhere near that cheap.

However, if you are a student you can get them fairly cheap, right around that price range for the full non upgrade version.
Liquify ftw.€1!!!!R"%!!!111

.. sorry about that
Lets be honest, I bet 99% of us here has an ilegal copy. And thanks god! I would never touch my pictures if I had to pay 600 dollars for it.

Nobody ever reads the terms of service:

. Terms of Software Use 9.1 You understand that in order for PriceSlashSoftware to make you a copy of any software, you acknowledge that you are the legal owner of this same software, and are looking to just make a new copy for archival (backup) purposes only. You also agree to destroy all copies of the software in the event it is ever no longer voluntarily in your possession. You understand that only the licensed owner (with a valid serial number, where applicable) of the various software found on PriceSlashSoftware may use the services located here. You also acknowledge that the software you have was obtained legally and that you have the legal right to request this backup copy to be made. If you obtained your version though any other means, including any pirated versions, or if you do not already legally own the same version of the software requested, then you may not use this service. Furthermore, you agree to hold PriceSlashSoftware harmless for any damages that may occur for your failure to follow the U.S. Copyright and other laws as they pertain to the backup you are requesting. When you purchase any backup copy of software through PriceSlashSoftware , you agree to assume full liability in the event your actions are deemed illegal. PriceSlashSoftware does not condone software piracy and has every intention of complying with the laws pertaining to the duplication of software.
They are not selling you a valid licensed copy of the software, they are selling you a backup copy which means you must first own the license to the software. It is a scam. Also, if a mod sees this, or Krynn, I recommend you remove the link posted, the software shown there IS pirated.
abode is working towards a services/subscription based online business model so pirating wont be an issue forever ..not too worry they're planning an online free version equivilent to photoshop elements
abode is working towards a services/subscription based online business model so pirating wont be an issue forever ..not too worry they're planning an online free version equivilent to photoshop elements

Holy crap, that will rule.

And am I the only person that finds Premier to be the best video editing *though most confusing* program out there?
And am I the only person that finds Premier to be the best video editing *though most confusing* program out there?

Meh... Ulead Media Studio FTW.

And since we're on the multimedia software subject, how many of you have a legal copy of 3ds Max.... Anyone? (3dsMax 9 = $ 3.450 :eek: )
I refuse to pay more money for software than what I spent on my car.
Thanks Darkside :D

and all others for participating in helplife2.net
I hate Photoshop, I find it such a pain in the ass to use.
I've always used Corel Photopaint for photo editing, drawing, etc.
Also I find it very funny that about 80% of the plugins that I use for Corel are designed to work with Photoshop yet they work just fine with this program too:laugh:

Hooray! \o/ Let's be Photo-paint buddies!

I don't actually use it that much but I'm far more familiar with it than Photoshop.
Holy crap, that will rule.

And am I the only person that finds Premier to be the best video editing *though most confusing* program out there?

It's not that confusing, is it? It's the only one I've used before besides Windows Movie Maker. So I guess I won't know. :/
It's not that confusing, is it? It's the only one I've used before besides Windows Movie Maker. So I guess I won't know. :/

I've used a few, and for some reason, Premier just seems to be more difficult to learn than, say, WMM.
I found Premier relatively easy to pick up at first, though perhaps hard to master. It was just very demanding on my system (or my system was crap) and seemed quite unstable.