Ray Charles Dies

This sucks, everyone that was popular when I was little is dying. Does that mean Im getting old? Anway, thats really too bad.
CptStern said:
ya I'm sad too cuz many people died today including Bob, John, Roger and Bill...they all have the same names as my neighbours...so now I'm sad
You, sir, are a dickhead. How about you go to your corner and suck your own dick.
and you sir need a laxative. Relax I was joking, jebus you're going to give yourself a brain hemorrhage if cant learn to take a joke...
Oh. Ohkay then. Don't really listen to jazz.
yesss... i knew who he was... no really, i did.... err...

i really should know who he is as i used to play the saxaphone, but then again i dont get out much :D
For those who don't know who he is: ever heard "Hit the Road Jack"?

Man, this has got me feeling worse than when Johnny Cash died :/
And once I think of one dead famous musician I end up thinking of them all...
ray_MAN said:
You, sir, are a dickhead. How about you go to your corner and suck your own dick.

i was watching a program on oxygen with Sue, an older Canadien lady who talks sex (i forget the name of the show). during the intermission it said that .3% of the male population can pleasure themselves with their mouths. wow. unfortunately i'm a member of 99.7% who envy those guys.

btw, on original topic. ray charles was the man! you may not know him, but you've seen him. a blind dude rocking on a piano. wow, i can't believe anyone wouldn't know him.
Harryz said:
Hes only the most legendary Jazz/Blues artist there was.
actually, he was more of a soul/pop-R&B artist. jazz and blues were more his influences than his currency.
god is love
love is blind
ray charles is blind
therefore, ray charles is god.

not28 said:
god is love
love is blind
ray charles is blind
therefore, ray charles is god.


that was rather profound

... i cant belive it, ray charles was the man ;(
