

May 15, 2004
Reaction score
So with Alyx surviving the reactor explosion, whats our thoughts on Dr. Breen surviving the explosion?

He was still in his bubble, stuck in the middle of the reactor spire, ten tons of dark energy spewing out about 20 metres above him, whats the chances of his survival?

Even if he escapes the reactor where is he going to go, the resistance won't exactly welcome him with open arms :p
He'll wake up in the Combine homeworld a week later
or he wont wake up at all because the portal destination is untenable, surely you can see that ;) .
Well his last words were "NOOOOOooo!!! U need... me *Sounds like the Robot from Pulp fiction (at least i think it was that movie)
The story mentions Alyx being alive... but not what form she has taken. My theory:
Due to the uncontrolable nature of the broken teleporter, Breen's and Alyx's head will have been switched. This makes Gordon ponder his sexuality. This makes the object of Aftermath to safely switch the heads onto their proper bodies.
umm kay?
Sufferin-rebel said:
Well his last words were "NOOOOOooo!!! U need... me *Sounds like the Robot from Pulp fiction (at least i think it was that movie)

Theres no robot in Pulp Fiction....
i doubt they would kill off Brenn. Hes a fully-fledged character, so its highly unlikly they would kill him off
Sufferin-rebel said:
Well his last words were "NOOOOOooo!!! U need... me *Sounds like the Robot from Pulp fiction (at least i think it was that movie)

Oh yeah, that bad-ass mechanical hitman that said "I'm gonna get robot age on your ass!" :LOL: hehe.

Yeah, but seriously, no robot.
Maybe he gets teleported but is horribly disfigured and has to live out the rest of his life turned inside out or in the host body mentioned in Dark Energy.
AJ Rimmer said:
Maybe he gets teleported but is horribly disfigured and has to live out the rest of his life turned inside out or in the host body mentioned in Dark Energy.

That would be ACE.
Breen is dead, I can just picture the explosion engulfiing the chamber, no chance he survived
... and Gordon probably got knocked out by a piece of debris, that's why everything went black and he saw the G-Man, maybe HL2:AM starts with him regaining consciousness while Alyx looks over him
Rafa 5.0 said:
... and Gordon probably got knocked out by a piece of debris, that's why everything went black and he saw the G-Man, maybe HL2:AM starts with him regaining consciousness while Alyx looks over him

Thats already been done, I don't think they shall do that...I still think Breen is alive.
Imagine if you just started playing, and instantly Alyx is saying "Let's get out of here, follow me!"

And with no time to think you have to move.

That would be an intense start.
A_Denial said:
Imagine if you just started playing, and instantly Alyx is saying "Let's get out of here, follow me!"

And with no time to think you have to move.

That would be an intense start.

It would, but Valve will probably slip in a more streamlined beginning, so people understand whats going on.
Yeah, some kind of cheesy out of body experience where you see glimpses of yourself on a makeshift gurney being dragged out, a bit of mouth to mouth, a local hospital thats been 'commandeered' etc.

Maybe Alyx crying over your comatose form "please don't die, I think I, I think that I..." and then you gasp, taking in your first conscious breath since the explosion. "Doctor! He's waking up!"

They explain how if it wasn't for your HEV suit... blah blah blah.

Alternatively the explosion sends you flying across the town and the last thing you see before unconsciousness (and the floor) hits you is a sign saying 'ACME Medpeck services'. You come too in a warehouse full of used medpacks surrounded by lots of smashed boxes which broke open as you landed, their contents spilling over your broken body.

It shouldn't be Gordon.
Samon said:
It would, but Valve will probably slip in a more streamlined beginning, so people understand whats going on.

Yeah...still would be a surprise.