Read Only Issues


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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I have Vista 32. So I am trying to remove the read only check box from multiple files. Every time I uncheck "read only" and click continue, it goes through the process of unchecking all the "read only" files, BUT if I look again at the properties it is still read only.

So I tried to follow the directions here-

To view or to remove the Read-only or the System attributes of folders in Windows Vista or Windows 7
Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press ENTER..
To view the syntax for the Attrib command, type attrib /? at the command prompt.
To remove the Read-only attribute and to set the System attribute, use the following command:

attrib -r +s drive:\<path>\<foldername>
For example, to remove the Read-only attribute and to set the System attribute for the C:\Test folder, use the following command:
attrib -r +s c:\test
Be aware that some programs may not operate correctly with folders for which the System attribute and the Read-only attribute are set. Therefore, use the following command to remove these attributes:
attrib -r -s drive:\<path>\<foldername>
For example, to remove both the Read-only and the System attributes from the C:\Test folder, use the following command:
attrib -r -s c:\test
If the Run command is not listed on the Start menu, do the following:
Click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Run.

However I keep getting errors in the cmd no matter what I type in, the error will either be "Parameter format not correct" or file not found.

Okay, so, if I want to remove the read only attribute of freelancer (which is c:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer)

wouldn't it be-
attrib -r +s c:\program files\microsoft games\freelancer
I keep trying variations of this and none of them work.
After a cursory glance: try putting quotes around your path? The space in "program files" is usually pretty evil for paths.

attrib -r +s c:"\program files\microsoft games\freelancer" ?

Now I get an "access denied" :(
You need to include the C: in the quotes as well, I'd assume. The drive name is still part of the path.

Also, you probably need the extension for the file too.
Try running as administrator(or just disable UAC)
Yeah, you need the C: in the quotes and you need to run cmd as admin.