ready to compile character model


Mar 29, 2005
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ok heres what i have ready. i compiled the max file i had to an smd file. i have the original .mdl i decompiled. have two other smd files that i didnt even edit (didnt need to). i have this qc file...but i am unsure of what if anything i should edit about it. i think i got it when i decompiled. i also have several vtf files along with their tga and vmts. now im ready to compile....and ive read several threads but that just confused the hell out of me. dont think im forgetting yes what do i do now. ima take a break from all this.

Edit: figured it out. my qc file was referring to the wrong place. it completed the compile and whatnot but i have no idea where the output .mdl was put.
ok i was able to do it successfully with the original smd. one thing though. when i edited the character in 3dsmax and compiled back to smd and compiled to mdl....the character was REALLY messed up in game. im thinking i made an incorrect selection on options. for example, when you import (using cannonfodders plugin) there are several options you may select for the file. the options are import triangles, import skeleton, prompt for missing textures, and rebuild smoothing groups. and when you export it gives you the option between skeletal animation and reference. just out of curiousity....which ones of these should i use?

Edit: ok last discovery of the night. what i thought was the problem really wasnt. the problem really lied when i would delete parts of the model or merge verticies. this is something i MUST do, consequently. when i go to editable mesh it gives me a warning that i shouldnt do it cause it might cause undesirable effects. i think this has something to do with the skeleton. how can i edit this thing and keep the skeleton from ruining everything?