Real Time Strategy News

Combine Elite

Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
RTS Fan ? I am. I have played Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, Empire Earth, Dawn of War 40K, StarCraft, Warcraft, Homeworld, Cataclysm, and Homeworld2, Command and Conquer and a few others. Lately however this genre has been lacking mostly filled with smash and spams ( DoW ) etc...

recently I have come across this Sins of a Solar Empire , not to be confused with The SINS Episodes. Solar Empire takes place , yes, in space so 3D strategy. And is produced by a bunch of people who developed Homeworld Cataclysm. Unlike Sword of the Stars which is turn based , this is totally Real Time.

Currentley it is in alpha stages of testing and soon to be a full blown beta. Now before you run out and buy your Founders Account from Game Spy you should know that Solar Empire is totally hosted in multi by the company that made it. So NO GAME SPY ! That alone makes me dance. I do know well have a feeling that the small community of fans on the pre-beta forums will have first boot at a beta. These Forums are also a gold mine of info on this game. And is one of the few where several members of the development team are active.

Info :

Pre Beta Forums :

Have a look. The more I read about it the more I like it.

Thanks for the info, I too have been following several RTS and Turn based strategy games that have not been given that much recognition by the mainstream market. I have been interested at Sword of the Stars for quite some time
there was this sweet game on X-Play one day called Perimeter, and it looked totally sweet, but i don't thinks its out yer =\. http://games.1c***/perimeter/eng/game.html <- clicky. theres a gameplay video and stuff, check it out
Perimeter was released last year, by Codemasters I believe.
looking at the race profile stuff and the screenshots on the SoSE (SoaSE?) the models are very uninspiring
Combine Elite said:
Lately however this genre has been lacking mostly filled with smash and spams ( DoW ) etc...

Hmm, I just picked up DoW, and i'm having a ton of fun with it. I find it to be one of the more tacticle RTS' i've played.

Then again, I don't have as many games on my belt as you, so I don't have as much of a perspective on the genre as a whole :P

But thanks for the link. I won't start praising it as the second comming of the genre [as you sorta did] until I see a demo, because they could say that it's the best thing ever (and most companies do), but it could turn out sucking.

Thanks though! I'll watch this for sure!
sinkoman said:
Hmm, I just picked up DoW, and i'm having a ton of fun with it. I find it to be one of the more tacticle RTS' i've played.

Have you noticed that every kind of weapons fire goes through solid object, and they haven't even patched that up. That is not very tactical to say the least.
Best RTS ever, I got a chance to test it a few months ago. It's AWESOME.
Yeah, it does look interesting, I take it its the game where you can ram and crush the enemies tiremes
Yeah, it does look interesting, I take it its the game where you can ram and crush the enemies tiremes
Yep. And take control of your hero for good ole 3rd person hack 'n slash action :D

pvtbones said:
looking at the race profile stuff and the screenshots on the SoSE (SoaSE?) the models are very uninspiring

Yet I am sure you are looking at very early concept and engine testing. Ironclad has been pretty tight lipped about those things since the announcement. Which is within thier rights. Frankly no knew what a lot of games would look like until it was Gold.

DoW yea people usually have fun with it for a month or two. Serious minded players maybe 6 months. Guys with nothing better to do 8 months. Be pretty rare to find a player from the closed beta in there , I know, I am one of them. Patches yes seem to be window dressing and do not address the larger concerns.

The beauty of SoSE is that it is completely the property of Ironclad. The online aspect of it is completely Ironclad. The patches will be written and inplemented by persons playing it not by some brief case carrying no mind behind a large too expensive desk. Take for example Homeworld as it is a good one. Sold all tolled 11,000,000 copies, took two patches that everyone liked basically, and is still played today. By more people than play Homeworld 2. A big reason was that Relic owned the liscense period. And the people that made it played it for years after Gold.

SoSE may not be the saviour of the genre it may not be for everyone. Many people really do like mindless spamfest one unit swarming type RTS. ( ermmm DoW ) people really do not want to think thier way out of problems. We want the cookie cutter approach to gaming. Something familiar, heaven forbid something original. So we get DoW, Blitz series, etc... HalfLife , DOOM , Quake to name a couple in this genre survive and thrive why ? Because they are original.

To the guys with other games to look at : thanks :) something to wet my appetite. I only brought this here because I know there are a lot of RTS players in here from my journeys in the HL2DM Servers. Sp if your looking for something being made with passion and something original and you dont judge a game on concept art and or/ alpha tests. Then check out Sins of a Solar Empire.
Pirates and Ninjas Allied vs. the Robot Monkey Entendre v. the Lumberjack Zombie Kingdoms would produce the best RTS in history.
ive been playing quite a bit of DOW lately
Hmm. Just today, I tried ammasing a huge force of Space Marines in DoW and just bum rushed the ai (campaign mode), no tactics, just all out spam fest, and they completely obliterated my space marines and managed to isolate my remaining squad or two into a little ledge with their artillery.

So I had to try and come behind with a giant rescue squad, but whadda ya know? I found myself in a bit of an ambush, with arty raining down around my space marines, and a bunch of two leggers (the ogre equivelant to the Drednaught) sawing their way through my second bum rush, nearly squishing my backup :P

Errhmm. No relevance, just thought i'd share :)

Anyway, RTS man who started the thread, what games would you reccomend somebody who likes to turtle, but also enjoys tacticle warfare on a large scale? I like forming bases almost city like in size, then sending out a huge army, breaking it apart, and forming a flank or a run behind on the go.

And is there any sort of release date on SoSE?

Sink get that sinking feeling ? The AI beat you up ? OMG ! What settings ? Well in any settings in DoW you might want to consider sticking to reflex FPS. The AI in DoW is weak. The problem with DoW is so many fanboi's blew smoke up the arse of the developers in the open beta that a lot of major concerns wen the way of the great white buffalo.

As for turtles well in open Multi it will get you one thing, a huge loss ratio. Visit my Clan Forums we even had a member in WCG for DoW.

Games I might recommend and in Sins you may be able to turtle somewhat. But for RTS play where some approximation of actual thinking may happen : Empire Earth II, Rome Total War, Age of Empires 3 , Homeworld 1 & 2.

Upcoming titles and there are a few : Sins of a Solar Empire, Supreme Commander, Sword of the Stars, and a couple that escape me. Dawn of War is ok just not the best and to much spamming goes on. Speaking of , up coming from Namco : Warhammer as in the medeival kind and it might be worth look.
Combine Elite said:
Sink get that sinking feeling ? The AI beat you up ? OMG ! What settings ? Well in any settings in DoW you might want to consider sticking to reflex FPS. The AI in DoW is weak. The problem with DoW is so many fanboi's blew smoke up the arse of the developers in the open beta that a lot of major concerns wen the way of the great white buffalo.

Not really. I just thought i'd try what you said, a massive spam, and see how it works.

I just selected a pot of maybe 20-30 space marines that i'd massed up, and moved them all at once.

I disagree with you. The ai isn't weak, it's just really stupid :P It throws tactics and such away in favor of what I just tried, and my flanks and run arounds will usually ass rape it.

But cool, i'll check out your forums. Dunno if I need another account on my belt through :P

Update on Rise and Fall:
The company creating it, Stainless Steel Studios, disbanded overnight. Future uncertain. It's a crying shame.
Yeah, i've been eyeing that namco warhammer game.

I was wondering though, i've never played an RTS online, and i'm a bit of a newb to the genre, but would like to play against a human opponent. Any of your clan mind playing with me?

Xfire tag is in sig.
