Really funny post I have found



"Yes I have payed 49,90 euros do get the simple edition of half-life 2.And then I found out that I couldnt play the game cause I had to downloaded first.Hey what the fack?I have a 56k dial phone line.When I will manage to download the game the Half-Life 3 game will be out in stores.So 49.90 out of my pocket down the sewers...for nothing.....god dam valve.I want a refound."

I went to the gothic 2 forums, and found a topic of steam hate. This stuff is hillarious.
He has 56K, and he did not know through Steam the game had to be downloaded.

Just so you know, 56K is not exactly fast.
What? The guy didn't have to download it, just put in the CD.

Unless he meant he bought VIA Steam.. and didn't know that meant he gets it.. via steam.. in which case it's pretty retarded on the guy's part. haha

edit: Realized it was a quote, changing 'you' to 'his'. lmao
I know that 56K isn't fast cuz I had it for 3 years until I got a cable connection (but I live in Israel so its not so diffrent from 56K :( )
But he should have read how to do what before he bought it...
Edge said:
You can't even spell refund... you dumbass.

I didn't write it... you dumbass. That was the whole point of the thread. :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
no one needs ur comments nagual, if u dont think its funny, then dont read these post anymore
as far as i know, a forum is about exchanging ideas. by submitting his thread to general view, Garric also implicitely submitted it to general criticism. i am exercing what a forum is about : giving opinions and views. if that wasn't the case, people would just write whatever they want, and no one would reply since no one would need their "comments".
nagual678 said:
as far as i know, a forum is about exchanging ideas. by submitting his thread to general view, Garric also implicitely submitted it to general criticism. i am exercing what a forum is about : giving opinions and views. if that wasn't the case, people would just write whatever they want, and no one would reply since no one would need their "comments".

my brain hurts ;(
nagual678 said:
because i don't think it's funny ?

Because you dont have to post useless shit and act like a smart ass.
It's funny cause the guy is a complete dumbass. Cann't use grammer or spelling for crap, and didn't bother to check out anything at all -ever, it seems- about the game.

People who take that amount of time to write a reply or topic deserve to be laughed at. :x
*posts another pointless flamepost, because everyone seems to do it*
Oh well, he probably did downloaded, but wanted to sound smart/tough while sounding really dumb.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Because you dont have to post useless shit and act like a smart ass.
because posting "it's not funny" is somewhat less useful than posting "it's funny" ?
and i am a smart ass for what precise reasons ?
nagual678 said:
because posting "it's not funny" is somewhat less useful than posting "it's funny" ?
and i am a smart ass for what precise reasons ?
Restating the fact that you thought it was funny time and time again? You submitted your view on the subject once, you don't really need to post a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time... :|

Back on track to the people that matter. I've seen lots of these popping up nowadays on off brand forums. It's ok theough, because we know how great Half-Life 2 is, and they won't be able to enjoy the splendour :D
cyberpitz said:
Restating the fact that you thought it was funny time and time again? You submitted your view on the subject once, you don't really need to post a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time... :|

Back on track to the people that matter. I've seen lots of these popping up nowadays on off brand forums. It's ok theough, because we know how great Half-Life 2 is, and they won't be able to enjoy the splendour :D
1rst time : i submitted my views
2nd time : when "explained" why it would be funny, i reposted the same sentence to explain i understood every part of of the post
3rd time : i repeated that it wasn't funny in order to try to get an answer of why he called me a dumbass (remember, at that time, i only did post once my view of the matter)
4th time : it doesn't exist ?
as i demonstrated, i did not restate the same fact 4 times, so, following your reasonment, i can be no more qualified of a smartass, nor do i post 'useless shit" (still following your post)

i reiterate my question, this time to Raziel
We concider useless shit to be a post dedicated to flame. You're an e-thug, so be it. Flames aren't welcome in threads, you don't like the post, move on. You don't need to dump your seemingly endless amount of flames and turn arounds to try to hide the fact that you flamed and it was worthless.

plz lock thread, it turned into worthless banter tnx to nagual.
all i can see is i just posted my opinion - as i said up in the thread, a perfectly normal behaviour in a forum. furthermore, i did so without any harshness or similar things. i do not see where the flames are in "and this is funny because _____? "
then :

Garric (threadstarter) flamed me calling me a dumbass
Vito Dintino flamed me telling me to leave the thread
Raziel-Jcd flamed me telling me i was posting "useless shit" and calling ma a "smart ass"

if you consider flames and useless shit posts trying to defend oneself from what is just hate at someone merely disagreeing with threadstarter - then so be it. call me an e-thugh, what you want, but i merely expressed myself and got flamed for it, not the other way around.
the "worthless banter" you mention is absolutely not my fault, as it is clear
nagual678 said:
Garric (threadstarter) flamed me calling me a dumbass
Vito Dintino flamed me telling me to leave the thread
Raziel-Jcd flamed me telling me i was posting "useless shit" and calling ma a "smart ass"


You ARE on fire man! :cheese:
nagual678 said:
all i can see is i just posted my opinion - as i said up in the thread, a perfectly normal behaviour in a forum. furthermore, i did so without any harshness or similar things. i do not see where the flames are in "and this is funny because _____? "
then :

Garric (threadstarter) flamed me calling me a dumbass
Vito Dintino flamed me telling me to leave the thread
Raziel-Jcd flamed me telling me i was posting "useless shit" and calling ma a "smart ass"

if you consider flames and useless shit posts trying to defend oneself from what is just hate at someone merely disagreeing with threadstarter - then so be it. call me an e-thugh, what you want, but i merely expressed myself and got flamed for it, not the other way around.
the "worthless banter" you mention is absolutely not my fault, as it is clear

Owned :D
nagual678 said:
as far as i know, a forum is about exchanging ideas. by submitting his thread to general view, Garric also implicitely submitted it to general criticism. i am exercing what a forum is about : giving opinions and views. if that wasn't the case, people would just write whatever they want, and no one would reply since no one would need their "comments".
