Rearrange chapters in order of preference.


Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Under the Radar
Riding Shotgun
Our Mutual Friend
T-Minus One
This Vortal Coil
To the White Forest
Freeman Pontifex
I'm not gonna count T-Minus One because it's all story and no gameplay, but for the record it's still amazing.

Riding Shotgun
Under The Radar
Our Mutual Fiend
This Vortal Coil
Freeman Pontifex
To The White Forest

Really though, all of EP2 is great.
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
Riding Shotgun
FP was the weakest. And the strongest? Too tought to call. In terms of tightness/pacing: Riding Shotgun. In terms of breadth: Our Mutual Friend (which also gets the knod for best chapter title).
Going to play them through again. Get a sense of my favourites. There's quite alot of eveness among them. There were good parts all of the place.
Our Mutual Fiend
Riding Shotgun
Under the radar
Freeman Pontifex
This vortal coil
To the white forest

But they're all awesome - To the white forest, while the worst IMO, had a lot of atmosphere.
Riding Shotgun
Our Mutual Friend
Under the Radar
T-Minus One
This Vortal Coil
To The White Forest
Freeman Pontifex
Vicarious Reality
We are not alone
Crush Depth
Foxtrot Uniform
Welcome to Black Mesa
Friendly Fire
The Package
Pitworm's Nest
Worlds Collide

1k post :hmph:
Riding Shotgun
Under the Radar
Our Mutual Fiend
T-Minus One
To The White Forest
This Vortal Coil
Freeman Pontifex

And from this it looks like I hated This Vortal Coil and Freeman Pontifex but no, I still really enjoyed them, just not as fun or developed as other chapters in the game, all levels were good and enjoyable to play through, just some were better than others :D

EDIT: Samon, you missed Under The Radar...
To me all of them have some good sides and some bad sides:

To The White Forest:
-good: great introduction, it states your goal clearly for the rest of the game
-bad: kinda reflects what environments expect for the rest of the game, too. (Forests and mines)

This Vortal Coil:
-good: nice transitions between man-made shafts, antlion tunnels and natural caves, great Griggs and Shackly (speling?) scene and Gman appearance!
-bad: maybe a little too long and acidlions are a bit nuisance

Freeman Pontifex:
-good: great (if not best) antlion guard (x2) battle, and awesome zombie part (I just loved the feeling I got when I saw the whole level from the top of that building and had to go to the other side to get the car, It just felt huge!)
-bad: they should added more "gravity gunnable" objects in the guard battle

Riding Shotgun:
-good: excellent driving chapter, it felt like you are really on the move. Also I loved the hunter battle (My heart was pumping with adrenaline!).
-bad: hunters are too easy to kill and I wish the "advisor barn scene" had more random moving soldiers.

Under the Radar:
-good: same as Riding Shotgun, but with nice pauses to explore for the cashes
-bad: Inn ambush felt great but I could have been even grater if there were more soldiers and hunters outside once you got out of the Inn.
-random fact: once I trapped myself inside of the inn while Alyx was still on the the side of the force field. After a while she magically found a was inside.(Probably came through the window)

Our Mutual Friend:
-good: Great indoor battle sequences, awesome final battle, and a nice story telling moments
-bad: Again, soldier AI seemed scripted, should have been split into two chepters
-random fact: In my opinion, a final battle could be even better if they let combine forces come a bit more mixed (not just hunters adn striders).
For example:
1. wave: 10x combine soldiers, 15x manhacks (that don't appear in this episode), 2x elites and an Armored Personnel Carrier
2. wave: 15x combine soldiers, 4x hunters, 5x elites
3. wave: 15x combine soldiers, 4x hunters, 5x elites, a strider
4. wave: 10x combine soldiers, 5x hunters, 5x elites, 2x striders
5. wave: 5x hunters, 3x striders
6. wave: 5x hunters, 5x elites, 4x striders
7. wave: 15x combine soldiers, 5x hunters, 5x elites, 4x striders

Or something like that!

T-Minus One:
-good: just like the first chapter brought us in the episode, this takes us out. We have completed our goal and immediately got another.
-bad: I just started to like Eli when that slug came...

And now after this long Review-ish post,
I am going to list my chapters:

Riding Shotgun
Freeman Pontifex
Under the Radar
Our Mutual Fiend
T-Minus One
This Vortal Coil
To The White Forest

But as I said, all those chapters are great and they succeed in doing their awesome job while being pwnsome in the process! (just like Valve does)!
- Best -

Riding Shotgun.
Under the Radar.
To the White Forest.
Our Mutual Fiend.
T-Minus One.
Freeman Pontifex.
This Vortal Coil.

- Not so Best -
1. wave: 10x combine soldiers, 15x manhacks (that don't appear in this episode)!

Yes yeh do, during Mutual Fiend as a matter of fact, 3 or so fly at you while your moving through vents etc fighting off hunters