Reason for no prefabs being available


May 31, 2004
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(this is my theory anyway) The prefabs along with any models and stuff are not being made available, because hl2 is not released. They definately do not want a whole bunch of fools posting pics of all the models and prefabs and trying 2 work out what the story is etc before its been released. It would put all of their hard work to stop spoilers 2 waste. any other theories? anyone think I'm wrong? Discuss
Not how i understand it, and I am a complete novice when it comes to hammer.. but from what ive read.. Prefabs are dead!

The way you select chairs, tables and such ilk is to create a

prop_physics and set the world model setting to whatever model you wish..

Playing around with it today, there isnt much in the form of modles released as regards HL2 but I think all of the cs:source stuff is there.

Again just my interpertation of what ive read so far.. anyone know different?
Prefabs aren't dead atall.. Prefabs are still a convinient way of creating sections of a map, only now you can build up a library of prefabs that also include props (meshes)

Build a load of them, and you can just change them about and create new levels along the same theme/style.
I don't think I've ever used prefabs. I just like to create every part of the level from scratch to ensure it's not repedative. Works for me.
prefabs aren't anything particularly special. They're useful if there's objects that you tend to use a lot, but they tend to be a personal thing - ones you've made yourself. Otherwise, everyone's maps look the same.
true but i mean with the contents of hl2 to go on for props, i think the mappers could do fantastically varied stuff. Obviously with a little work put in for other bits that need to be made.