reason idea.


Jul 9, 2004
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Hi, i use reason 2.5 and I was wondering if anyone here uses the program too. I want to make music and send it back and forth between people, or persons so its like a virtual band.. just an experiment.. It would be really cool if someone coded an addon where you could make music on reason with two people at once.
1) Yes, I use it
2) That's a stupid idea

edit: I get you now! Work on your explaining! It wouldnt work because of the latency over the internet, It wouldn't be possible to stay in time!
why is it a dumb idea? i dont feel im strong in making songs that people will like so i see this as a possibility to find new paths of creativity, and even teach others and myself how to better use the program ie lastnight i read the manual and really understood how to use the vocoder.. but now im having trouble doing loops with dr rex so
I know what you're talking about. I used to have a program that allowed you to collaborate on project files with others online. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of such a device for Reason. The only available course at the moment is to simply send the file back and forth to each other and take turns with it.
What kind of songs do you make with Reason? Do you have any tutorials on making them?
It's a very good idea! But can you help me out making some too? :)
Just read the Operation Manual.

Seriously, I don't know why people overlook that thing.
google ninjam, works with VST host stuff only though
I wish he would make more sense! does he mean simultaneously make music, like a band. or COLLABORATE over the internet.. geez
I wish he would make more sense!

Funny. Because I had absolutely no problem understanding him. The words "virtual band" and "with two people at once" made it pretty clear.

So maybe the problem is on your end?
As long as whoever you're sending your pieces to has an adequate means of recording their own pieces and mixing it with yours I see no real problems with it. As long as you're not going to take it 100% seriously, an 'experimental' approach would be the best way to handle it :P go for it anyway and see how it turns out.