Reasons for Valve to release HL2 SP *ONLY* ASAP


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
Well now that the leaks have already happened its too late for them. What Valve needs to do now is fix ONLY the security process in the code like CD Keys and port access (from Steam). If it runs on Steam they have to fix it so the files within cannot be accessed from the net and cannot access the net so long as the MP isnt out. The Single Player Must be release ASAP. The 'beta' acutally reveals part of the story line with comment like text messages on screen , it looks pretty damn cool but I really want to play the final game. If its really already done then just fix those programming holes and release , before too many people warez and ruin it for themselves or just plain stop caring.


1. Fix security hole (CD Key)

2. Fix security hole (Net access through STEAM interface)

3. Release Single Player only version before everyone sees the story and gets tired of waiting. (the 'beta' contains part of the story)
I agree, people/valve should stop caring who leaked the demo and start caring about when the game will ship
Originally posted by nw909
It seems we've established a slow teleportation system.

ah yes or try a flavor of icecream called trainstation_01 , dont eat it for too long though!
yep ive been saying that for a while now. itd be nice if they did
Yeah, but since the game is not done yet, I just assume they won't. Nice idea though.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
ah yes or try a flavor of icecream called trainstation_01 , dont eat it for too long though!

Yeah, when it got to the part that revealed plot points (I assume) I ripped the headphones off of my ears and quit out of the game. Didn't hear a thing! I just played without sound in the part where there were alot of characters talking (trying to be as vague as possible) I still am oblivious to the story.....

But you can't expect VALVe to release an unifinished product. Give them a break, it'll be out by thanksgiving, just wait.
The game is not finished... that's what gabe said.

*Hmm strange, a long time ago gabe said that HL2 is complete. lol
Yeah, it'll never happen! I wish... atleast we have max payne 2.
call of duty bah. it better have some killer MP to make up for it being on the q3 engine. and yes graphics does affect playability. i got cutting edge hardware, the cutting edge games should take advantage. well at least it will run smooth
Originally posted by manny_c44

it'll be out by thanksgiving, just wait.

I live in Canada, and its thanksgiving tommorow over here. Guess I'll get it either tonight or tommorow then!!! sweet.
bestbuy has there preorder, and sets date for november 3-12
Originally posted by poseyjmac
call of duty bah. it better have some killer MP to make up for it being on the q3 engine. and yes graphics does affect playability. i got cutting edge hardware, the cutting edge games should take advantage. well at least it will run smooth

You obviously haven't tried the COD demo. It looks terrific on a 9800--far far better than Q3. And it still runs smoothly.
Valve should release sp only IF they are finished it, since it would be a very good method of damage control as it would stem the dls of betas. A patch could be later released to add on mp. The hype of HL2 is growing weaker by the day, so Valve needs to either create more hype by some sort of media blitz, or release a working sp only if the game is to do well.
Well, the Best Buy site says that its the SP only verson. I called EBGames and they said they don't know which version they're getting, he said that he "assumed" they'd get SP & MP, fool...anyway. I bet it's the SP, unless VALVe can get damage under control in time to go Gold and release during Holidays. I think they're going to try and release as close to the original release date, 5 year anniversary, or before Christmas. This will bring in the big revenue. I know you say it'll sell lots of copies either way, but damnit, people who have an education in business know! Expecially parents who buy games for the kids just because they think they'll like it. I knew three guys back in when I was in school who got Hl1, and didn't even have a clue about it! I seriously doubt we'll have to wait long.

Originally posted by Sushi
Valve should release sp only IF they are finished it, since it would be a very good method of damage control as it would stem the dls of betas. A patch could be later released to add on mp. The hype of HL2 is growing weaker by the day, so Valve needs to either create more hype by some sort of media blitz, or release a working sp only if the game is to do well.

Not even the SP version. I'm willing to bet that a mere 1-2 level demo would stop these warez-downloads in their tracks. Who wants to play a buggy beta vs. a complete demo? Although, they would need to include a vehicle level.....
oh wait, except the beta is pretty much all they have at this point. then everyone can bitch about how the game doesn't work right, that would go over well.
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
You obviously haven't tried the COD demo. It looks terrific on a 9800--far far better than Q3. And it still runs smoothly.

i have tried the demo... im just saying to keep me interested, it better have good MP
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Well now that the leaks have already happened its too late for them. What Valve needs to do now is fix ONLY the security process in the code like CD Keys and port access (from Steam). If it runs on Steam they have to fix it so the files within cannot be accessed from the net and cannot access the net so long as the MP isnt out. The Single Player Must be release ASAP. The 'beta' acutally reveals part of the story line with comment like text messages on screen , it looks pretty damn cool but I really want to play the final game. If its really already done then just fix those programming holes and release , before too many people warez and ruin it for themselves or just plain stop caring.


1. Fix security hole (CD Key)

2. Fix security hole (Net access through STEAM interface)

3. Release Single Player only version before everyone sees the story and gets tired of waiting. (the 'beta' contains part of the story)

Simple solution: don't play the beta.
Originally posted by rootbin
oh wait, except the beta is pretty much all they have at this point. then everyone can bitch about how the game doesn't work right, that would go over well.

Yeah, you go on and believe that :dozey: .

if valve will do sp only they cant take money from steam users and make internet expansion packs and multiplayer was one of the bigger projects in hl2 sp will end in a point and then what ill throw my copy?
and if they do they should leave the lan game cause im not going to buy a sp only game...
Originally posted by tkato

if valve will do sp only they cant take money from steam users and make internet expansion packs and multiplayer was one of the bigger projects in hl2 sp will end in a point and then what ill throw my copy?
and if they do they should leave the lan game cause im not going to buy a sp only game...

dont be so quick to flame. there will be an option to upgrade SP to MP over steam. and remember SP version will have MOST files. it wont be a gigantic download for MP, unless you want to download CS2 or Tf2. but still it wont be a 1.4 gig download.
the game has to be DONE, i dont want some unfinished shit, once its done they can release is, and i hope they will to :D
I actually seldom play games except in Cyber Cafes.. but this time i my first time buying original games.. it is Half Life 2.. i hope it ship faster..

I pray!
amen. let us pray together for its prompt and mostly bug-free release
Re: Re: Reasons for Valve to release HL2 SP *ONLY* ASAP

Originally posted by deepcore
Simple solution: don't play the beta.

Yes , allow me to tell this to the thousands of others playing the beta all the way through seeing the story the whole way. I did stop playing at that part , but I cant say the same for others. Others who would be customers to Valve.
The beta won't really cut into Valve's profits so much. The people who download the beta make up, what, 4% of sales? And even many of them will buy the thing when it comes out.

I can't wait to play it, too. But Valve will most likely take the time to finish the entire thing, and have a proper release.