Rebel Titans


nebular x

This is my first Fan Fiction hope you guys like it. Hope it aint to long...

Rebel Titans
Part 1: Headhugged

John woke from his uneasy sleep to the sounds of war in Settlement 64. John was in his mid twenties and was very fit, he had mattered black hair and
pale green eyes that were hollow and devoid of feeling, that’s what Maitland had done to him.

The windows were destroyed when the bunker was attacked yesterday so now the gun fire was even louder. The fight was over the Southern portion of the city. John could here the sounds of a Tripod as it blasted through combine solders scattering them. The combine had been struggling to keep their last hold in the south ever since the Citadel was overrun and the rebels had managed to use the gunships against the combine.

“Oh, John you’re awake.” Said a young female voice.

“Huh?” John turned his head while still lying down to see a young woman smiling down on him, she wore jeans that ripped so that they looked like shorts
and a long sleeved shirt, she was carrying a Combine pulse riffle in her arms and a magnum was jammed in a belt around her jeans. Her face was relaxed and she
had a casual aura. His heart jolted slightly before he spoke again, “oh, Anne, what are you doing here? I thought you were in the South.”

“I got reassigned, I’m assembling a team, and you’re on it.”

John moaned as he pulled himself up from the burnt mattress and picked up his SMG, ammo and three grenades. “What do we need a team for? The
Combine are surrounded.”

“They reclaimed the South Control tower and we’re all in retreat. I reported to the Citadel they told me to make a crack team of twenty of the best and
assault the Control Center through the sewers.” John raised an eyebrow, he wasn’t anything special.

“The combine closed the sewer escape up remember. You know what their walls are like.”

“They remotely opened it. Come on, we’ve got to get going, come meet the team.” John began walking towards the door and said:

“Why did you pick me?”

“Because you’re resourceful, anyway we might need some improvised cocktails like the one you made with the Pulse Riffle ammo.” She smiled smartly and
walked out of the room through the door that wasn’t much more than splinters. John followed through the door and up the stairs into the weak winter sun. About
twenty people sat around a hairy black head crab, five pistol bullets lay imbedded in its back.

“Good shooting Terry, you’ll be able to cook yourself a decent meal.” Said a burly man with a shotgun. Another man in his twenties picked up the head
crab with one of its legs and shoved it into his backpack. That must be Terry, thought John.

“Ok everyone,” said Anne, “this is John; he’s the one who made the cocktail from that pulse rifle ammo.” There was excited murmuring and then the group got up and welcomed John with handshakes and hugging, John was engulfed as the group rushed to meet him.

After a minute Anne spoke again, “come on, we’ve got get going.” John and the rest of the group followed her as they moved closer to the Southern part of the city. To the west John could see the Citadel rising high up into a hazy sky; John’s heart stopped for a second as he saw the dirty colour of the sky, it could mean only one thing: portal storms.
John jogged up to the front where Anne walked; she was watching two gunships make short work of civil protection units, “have you looked at the sky today?” asked John with unease. Anne glanced up quickly before looking John straight in the eyes, he noticed her eyes were filled with worry, and replied:

“I already know, that’s why we need the Southern control center,” she sighed uneasily, “well, where here.”

John tore his gaze away from Anne and followed her eyes until he met a barb wire fence with a hole in it and beyond it a dry pool, leading from a storm water drain. At the front were two zombies wearing Civil Protection clothes.

“Ok, people, lets move!” ordered Anne. The group pulled out shotguns, SMGs and pulse riffles those with shotguns led the group as they crawled through the gap, John went through after the people with the shotguns and everyone followed. The zombies were made short work of with the shotguns and the group spread out a little as they entered the narrow tunnel.

John was near the front and was right behind Anne. They walked quickly; a person at the front was using a pulse riffle to clear the tunnel of headcrabs. After five minutes and ten dead headcrabs John entered the dry bed of the sewer system.

Old ladders were used to get up onto both walkways that hugged the walls. John was located two positions from the front on the right side. There was little gun fire in the next two hours of marching, most of the Headcrabs were killed by turrets; those that had survived were easily picked off.

John heard his intercom buzz into life and Anne’s voice came through it; “everyone down the ladders, where getting close. Prepare for a fight.” John holstered his gun and climbed down an old ladder after the two people in front of him.
He pulled his gun back out and peered into the gloom towards the emergency exit used just days ago when the Combine attempted to flee. Their bodies strewn across the sewer ground half destroyed from zombies eating them.

John couldn’t see the gate but he could see the movement of something, at least fifteen creatures were blundering towards them. They weren’t Combine that was for sure.

John then saw one of them throwing something at the group of rebels, a black creature landed on a man’s head the man gave muffled cries and dropped his shotgun. John snatched up the weapon and slammed the butt of it into the headcrab. It didn’t let go and the man fell to the ground writhing as the head crab pushed tentacles down the man’s neck.

John aimed slowly, “I’m really sorry about this,” and fired into the headcrab. It gave a cry before it lay still clinging to the man’s face. John heard cries throughout the group as more headcrabs were thrown.
John looked up and prepared to aim at the headcrabs. He fired quickly knocking two out of the air and ducking a third which was killed with a pistol. John dived aside as another landed where he was just seconds before, he fired at it quickly before getting back on his feet.

He looked up in time to see a headcrab smother his face, he fell to the ground. He closed his mouth, he knew from training what a headcrab did. John then slammed the butt of his weapon into the headcrab but it didn’t let go. He could feel it pushing his mouth open as it tried to get in, he could feel the cold steel of a magnum on his chin and heard someone say to hold still. The headcrab pushed into his mouth and John felt dizzy and weak from lack of air. And then bang! A shot was fired into the headcrab and it flew into the air its tentacles flailing loosely as it landed dead a meter away.

John gasped and air rushed into his lungs. For a minute he lay on the ground simply breathing, and then he looked up at his rescuer; it was Anne. “I see my training paid off,” said Anne her casual aura gone, “don’t do that again.” She looked relieved but her eyes were wide with fear, “I’ve never seen zombies throwing them before.”

“I have,” John replied with a grimace. Last year was a nightmare, he never wanted to go back to that place, he shivered; he was lucky to be alive, but not very thankful for it. He stood up shakily and looked around; a sniper was finishing off the lumbering beast and those with shotguns were killing the headcrabs that had taken a human host. At least seven had been taken by the Headcrabs.

John walked over to the sniper as she fired a bullet into the head of the last zombie. “Could I have a look through that?” he asked. The sniper looked up and replied with a nod. John took the weapon and looked through the scope; the thing with combine snipers was their scopes could see through dust like it wasn’t there. John gasped as he saw hundreds of the black headcrabs prowling slowly around a small door that led into the under works of the Southern Control Center. “We can’t kill all those,” whimpered John angrily to himself.

“That’s why Anne called in the gunships.” Replied the sniper, John was startled since he didn’t expect a reply. He looked over to see Anne talking to a burly man and a skinny teenager holding an explosives pack, they turned and walked back the way they came. John looked back at the sniper and replied:

“Oh, ok.” He gave the sniper back to the lady; she was smiling at him amused.

“By the way, my name is Liz. I already know yours.” John forced a grin before he stood up to find a weapon. He picked a Pulse Riffle and shoved a heap of ammo into his belt and shoved the Pulse Riffle into his backpack before picking up the shotgun he was using earlier and prepared to fire it at the next Headcrab or Combine he saw.
Could you edit it with spacing and paragraphing, then i'llbe able to read it. Stuipd eye sight!
As above, so below :p

Spacing and Paragraphs are a must before i even consider reading a fanfiction.
I have to agree with Evilsloth and Jintor, shorter paragraphs and spaces between them would make the reading much easier. I did read through the whole thing though. You have some interesting premises and I would like to see where you are going with this.

Your biggest weakness seems to be proofreading. Make sure to at least spell check before posting. You had a few consistent mistakes such as "riffle" for rifle, "minuet" for minute, "where" for we're and "aurora" for what I assume you meant to be aura.

Also, always make sure to start a new paragraph when you have a new speaker. And don't be afraid to go with shorter paragraphs; it can make things easier on the reader. Here's an example of how you could clean things up a little:
John jogged up to the front where Anne walked; she was watching two gunships make short work of civil protection units, “have you looked at the sky today?” asked John with unease. Anne glanced up quickly before looking John straight in the eyes, he noticed her eyes were filled with worry, and replied: “I already know, that’s why we need the Southern control center,” she sighed uneasily, “well, where here,” John tore his gaze away from Anne and followed her eyes until he met a barb wire fence with a hole in it and beyond it a dry pool, leading from a storm water drain. At the front were two zombies wearing Civil Protection clothes. “Ok, people, lets move!” ordered Anne. The group pulled out shotguns, SMGs and pulse riffles those with shotguns led the group as they crawled through the gap, John went through after the people with the shotguns and everyone followed. The zombies were made short work of with the shotguns and the group spread out a little as they entered the narrow tunnel.

John jogged up to the front where Anne walked; she was watching two gunships make short work of civil protection units. “Have you looked at the sky today?” asked John with unease.

Anne glanced up quickly before looking John straight in the eyes, her expression filled with worry as she replied, “I already know, that’s why we need the Southern control center.” She sighed uneasily, “Well, we're here.”

John tore his gaze away from Anne and followed her eyes until he met a barb wire fence with a hole in it and beyond it a dry pool, leading from a storm water drain. At the front were two zombies wearing Civil Protection clothes.

“Ok, people, lets move!” ordered Anne. The team readied their weapons and those with shotguns led the group as they crawled through the gap. The leaders made short work of the zombies and the group spread out a little as they entered the narrow tunnel.
These are fairly minor things and easy fixes, but they can make quite a difference for the reader in terms of enjoyment.

Keep at it! I'd like to read more. ;)
Thanks for the sugestions :D I'm not very good with my spelling, I'll put the next part on when I finish proof reading it.

Oh, yeah. I've just edited the first part, hope its better.
This is the next part... enjoy!

Part 2: Assault on the Control Center

It had been half an hour since the Headcrabs had attacked, John sat on a moldy log throwing junk at a Barnacle that twitched and pulled up it’s sticky tongue when John or Liz, who was sitting on a bin, threw a large piece of wood or a dead rat.

Boom! A sudden explosion from the way they had come startled John he looked around to see a red light in the distance.

“Good, took em long enough!” growled Liz who had completely forgotten about the Barnacle. The Barnacle chomped through the dead rat dropping more than it had pulled up.

The flame disappeared and the sounds of Gunships filled the air as they passed through the newly made hole. The gunships moved quickly and within a minute were roaring overhead snapping the Barnacle tongues like a hand through a spider web. The gunships roared as they fired pulse bullets at the headcrabs.
Two scanners floated through the open door of the gate but were quickly destroyed by Liz’s sniper, “at least some of us keep their eyes peeled.” She sneered at John. John smiled:
“Oh, I saw them, but I didn’t have a sniper rifle did I.” Retorted John, she grimaced back and peered back into her scope, ready for anymore scanners.

It felt good to have the upper hand against the Combine; no other rebel group had succeeded in controlling a citadel before. John had heard of rumors of the City 17 Citadel becoming unstable but all the other rebel attacks had been futile. Soldiers squeezed through the narrow exit and began firing rockets at the Gunships.

“Damn it! It’s going to be a lot harder to take it back now!” cried Liz as she fired quickly and efficiently at the Combine.

She managed to down two soldiers before a series of rockets were fired into both of the gunships sending one into a chaotic series of explosions before it burst into flames and crashed to the ground in a number of pieces.

The other gunship was smoking and a fire had erupted on its back, it knocked down the other three soldiers with its tail like rear, and turned around speeding back down the sewer where the explosion had been.

“What about the Headcrabs?” John asked. Liz gave him a quick glance before peering into her scope checking for Headcrabs.

“We’ll most of them are dead, there’s still some scattered ones but I can pick those off.” She didn’t wait for a reply before shooting fifteen shots into the pile of Headcrabs. “Well, that’s most of them,” she stated with a sigh, “I only have another seven rounds so everyone with Shotguns will have to finish them off.”

“Ok everyone, time to move!” Shouted Anne, who was standing in front of the group, “keep your eyes peeled, we don’t want to lose anyone to the Headcrabs!”

She turned around and began to walk, the small group behind her followed as they quickly approached the gate. There were the sounds of shotguns but no one was hurt only the Headcrabs.

John was near the front of the group and found Headcrabs on all five Combine soldiers; they were quickly disposed of with numerous shotgun and Magnum bullets.
He reloaded and followed Anne through the gate and into a short concrete corridor littered with dead Headcrabs.

“Looks like the Combine have cleared the way for us, eh!” said Liz with delight.

Anne bent down and examined one of the headcrabs, it wasn’t like the black ones that were normally seen in Australia, and this one was fleshier and had weaker limbs with no fangs.

“Damn it! European species, the Combine are bringing these!” cried Anne aggressively.

“They’re used in Maitland, the whole town’s crawling with them,” said John knowingly, “they must be spreading.”

“It looks small and weak, we could kill that in a few shots,” stated Terry. John looked around at Terry with raised eyebrows.

“Their fast, you’ll have a hard time shooting it if it chased you.” Sneered John, “the zombies are a nightmare, you know their coming but you have to kill them because their a lot faster than any human.”

“Keep your eyes peeled people,” said Anne, “if their in the Control Center then they must have more of them.” Anne pulled out her Magnum stowing her pulse riffle for later, “There will be combine ahead, and shotguns will be useless at the range we will be firing at.”

John had never been inside the Southern Control Center but knew that it used to be a library; he could hear others changing their weapons so John pulled out the pulse riffle and put the shotgun in his bag. John also shoved ten rounds into his belt for later use.

Anne moved forward towards the door only steps away, her gun was ready; John was posed for action, his blood pumping at an incredible pace he prepared to pull the trigger.

He could hear fighting outside but nothing close by. Anne kicked at the door; Bang! The door slammed open and Anne aimed a shot straight into the head of a Combine soldier.

As he fell to the ground, the facility was revealed; it was an open room with high walls and marble floor, it was littered with objects such as fallen pillars and even a gunship lay sprawled across the ground. However constant attacks from the Striders had reduced the western Section to nothing more than a pile of concrete.

Anne dashed across the room until she was behind the gunship and began firing on a group soldiers coming out of a hole in the wall.

John followed and shot down three civil protection units on an overhead railing. He rolled under a series of pulse fire and hugged the gunship with his back.

He fired an energy ball at the Combine soldiers instantly disintegrating three Combine. More in the group were now in the room, hiding behind pillars and fallen sections of ruble. SMG fire and a grenade quickly finished off the remaining Combine.

Anne made a movement with her hand for everyone to move towards a stair case leading up to the fourth floor.

A dropship flew overhead containing supplies and men. Anne ordered everyone to stop; they were going to take the supplies.

The dropship lowered towards the ground past the mostly destroyed roof and walls. Five projectiles flew through a hole in the Eastern wall where five combine stood.

The rebels fired back but it was too late and three slammed into the beast and two into the cargo it held. The Beast let go of the cargo, which crashed to the ground.

The beast rose quickly out of the structure firing at the Combine. More rockets from the roof of the Eastern section quickly disposed of the Beast.

The combine fired rockets at the rebels sending a group behind a pillar to their death. Another smashed into the back of the cargo causing it to slide violently towards the fallen gunship.

Liz dived behind a pile of ruble as a rocket slammed into the front of the pile throwing debris over her head. John and Anne raced over and dived under the pile as more rockets slammed into the gunship and the pile of ruble.

John could hear others dashing for cover as more rockets were aimed at them. John pulled a grenade from his belt and pulled the pin, he threw the grenade at the Combine.

The grenade soared across the void between the Combine and John. It looked like it was going to make it. However he had no time to find out, two rockets were aimed at him and he was forced to duck as they slammed into the top of the pile sending dust and a piece of debris slamming into a rebel that had hidden behind a stalker container.

Bang! The grenade exploded and he heard the thud of bodies being thrown against the ground and pillars. Then silence, the Rockets had stopped but John could still hear the sounds of war in the distance as he slowly stood up to see if any Combine remained; none, they were all dead.

“Its all clear, we can come out now.” John said loudly so anyone in the room would hear. Only two people rose up, “Is there anyone else?” he asked the two rebels who had hid behind the cargo. Liz and Anne also got up examining other bodies nearby.

“People are moving in the Cargo,” said one male rebel, “we just have to lift the bar on the door.” The other rebel; Terry walked over to the Cargo and easily lifted the bar, the doors swung open and five people walked out, each bearing bloody wounds from containers and weapons in the Cargo hold.

Each held a plasma riffle or SMG and had a grenade strapped in their Combine clothes, only their faces were visible and it was obvious their bodies had been changed.

“Hmm, you must the first people who have been modified, just the soldiers we need,” said Anne, a grin on her face, “you are now under my command, you will follow my orders and if I die you will follow John’s orders.” John was startled that he was considered so highly of.

He heard a gunship and looked up to see the orange sky; it wouldn’t be long before the energy in Zen would hit the boarder of this Dimension and send Zen creatures onto Earth.

John also noticed the huge Suppressor gun that reached straight up towards the circle of the portal storm.

“We need to move, where going to take back the suppressor and reactivate the shield to protect us from the storm.” Anne said and she began to move towards a stair well that led into the Eastern half of the former library. The rest of the group followed in a lose pack, keeping constant watch.

When they reached the top of the stair well they found the entire roof demolished. Parts of the floor had also caved in. Only one part of the building remained sticking out of the ruins; a small dome which the Suppressor weapon stuck out of.

The dome was protected by snipers and John was forced to dive behind ruble so that he didn’t get killed by sniper shots that now filled the air cracking and smashing the concrete they hid behind.

“We need something to get rid of the snipers.” Anne said into her intercom.

“Where reassigning a gunship for the job,” said a man over the intercom, “did you get the supplies?”

“Well… yes, but the organic part was destroyed and the Cargo damaged.”

“Did the five troops make it?”

“They all did-” more sniper shots filled the air as the Combine became inpatient, dust and small debris filled the air around the group, “-we need those gunships, how much longer?” she asked, a note of desperation in her voice.

“Almost there.” The reply was. Liz gasped:

“What about the rocket launchers!” she said, she quickly took aim at two soldiers that were about to fire on the group, both were dead before they could pull their triggers.

“Damn it!” screeched Anne, she spoke into her intercom, “pull them out! Pull them out! They’ve got Rocket Launchers!”

“Too late, there are two striders coming from the West to back you up.”

“Thanks, we’ll need them.” Anne replied with a sigh.

Two gunships rose up from the West blocking out the view of the Citadel and opened fire on the snipers and the Combine hiding in the building. Most of rockets were destroyed by the Gunships’ defenses.

The barriers the snipers had erect were easily blasted away and the snipers easily shot down, their weapons not strong enough to beat the Gunships armor.

More rockets eventually sent one crashing to the ground in a series of explosions. The other quickly followed crashing through the floor of the building.

With the noise the Gunships had caused gone he could now hear two Striders approaching from either end of a street to the north of John’s position.

He could see one of the Striders heads overlooking the former Library. A rocket narrowly missed one of its legs; it fired a blue beam into the second floor of the building which exploded, collapsing a large section near the Eastern side of the building.

Both Striders began firing at the Combine and after three minutes of mayhem there was silence. Liz cautiously stuck out her weapon and surveyed the floor with her scope.

“Nothing, I think they’re all gone.” Liz stated.

“Good,” replied Anne, “let’s move people; we have a Combine weapon to take!”

Anne got up and began to move towards the Suppressor, “Liz, get yourself a good position and do what you can to sniper any soldiers that back them up.” Liz nodded and surveyed the floor quickly before running off to a pile of ruble with two dead combine laying on it.

The rest followed Anne; John pulled out his shotgun and reloaded it preparing for close range combat.

The Combine watched the group from their position but did not send any troops out of the dome. Then suddenly, the suppressor weapon began to charge; it didn’t send up a bolt, it simply charged.

“Are they going to fire at that range? They’ll blow themselves up if they try to hit us!” cried Anne.

The group continued running, trying to get closer to the dome. The Weapon continued to charge; the metal of the weapon was glowing red hot and smoke was filling the dome.

“It’s too hot, we’ll get fried! Stay here, find some cover!” Anne ordered, fear in her voice.

John gasped; he could barely hear Anne of the noise the weapon was making. He crouched behind the dismal remains of a wall; Anne followed and crouched beside him.

The dome was now red hot; smoke obscured the Combine and everything inside the dome. Then the bolt was released with an explosion than sent the entire dome up in a ball of fire. John braced himself for unspeakable pain if the bolt hit him. But it never came.

“Look up John,” said Anne’s voice in a whisper. John looked up in absolute awe and horror. What have the Combine done? He asked himself…
I haven't posted for a few days so here's the first part, enjoy!

Part 3: Fighting to Survive
“What had the Combine done?” John asked himself. He was looking up in sheer horror, “what have they done?” he muttered to himself again.

It seemed the Suppressor had destroyed the barrier between Zen and Earth, creatures fought amongst the skies of a merged world, green lightning constantly struck the Earth and a draft of deafening wind was crashing down on them.

John could hear gunfire as the combine in the building attempted to defend themselves against the onslaught from Zen. John had been through portal storms, but none like this.

Static rushed into Anne’s intercom as someone from the Citadel spoke. “Citadel to Anne… Citadel to Anne… Citadel-” the voice was cut short.

“Yeah, I’m here, where in situation normal apart from the portal storm.”

“Situation normal? That’s no portal storm; the sky’s been ripped apart! What happened, looked like some bolt came from the Control Center and now we’re connected to Zen!”

“The suppressor was over charged, they must’ve sent that energy tearing into the fabric that separated our two worlds. We couldn’t get in because it got too hot and when that thing fired it ripped itself apart. We didn’t do this, the Combine did.”

“I hope so, because we would kill you if you did. The Combine is on Zen and our forces won’t hold them forever.”

“We’re going to try and get back to the Citadel, can you supply any transport?”

“No transport, where stripped for resources at the moment, you won’t be able to get here on foot either. Combine Zen brought down the bridge. You’ll have to find some other Combine transport; I don’t know if there are any in the base. We didn’t have any when we had control of it.”

“Damn it!” Anne shouted angrily, “make contact when you’ve got something.”

“Alright, I’ll see what I can do, out.” The line went dead. Anne was fuming.

“Come on, let’s try and find something useful in this heap of concrete.” She called every one over and they began to walk towards the stair well, “whoa!” cried Anne.

Two combine were climbing up the stair case running from a strange flying Zen. John prepared to fire and Liz fired a shot straight into the Zen creature killing it. Suddenly a bolt slammed into the two soldiers and when the dust cleared two guns lay on the ground. “The bolts were taking things into Zen as well as sending them to Earth,” muttered John fearfully.

“We’ve got to get out of here!” cried Anne. Her voice chocked with panic. She signaled for everyone to get down the stair well. John glanced back towards the dome; it was now simply a pile of burning ruble. The suppressor now lay scattered across the floor, its metal ripped into numerous pieces.

“Wait! What about Liz,” John told Anne putting a hand on her shoulder. Liz arrived seconds later struggling to stay on the ground due to the reduced gravity.

“Gee thanks for waiting! Come on we really need to get out of here.” Liz shouted over the wind, “The storm’s spreading too fast and the Citadel’s like a conductor for that lightning.”

John and Anne both looked towards the Citadel which was indeed being struck by a bolt of lightning every few seconds.

“Lets go then!” shouted John and he jogged as fast as he could with his head down. He suddenly felt dizzy as gravity returned to Earth and his feet hit the ground hard. At least he could run properly.

John, Anne and Liz all jumped down the stairs two at a time and reached the bottom just before the gravity changed again, this time heavier.

The remains of the Western section of the Library threatened to crash to the ground. The building behind then made noises as the metal bent under the increased weight. One of the striders lay on the ground roaring, it was unable to move and across the street a building collapsed leaving a compressed dust cloud behind.

Unable to run, the group could only shuffle, no one dared to sit down. They were nearly at a large wooden door when Headcrabs appeared.

Lighting sparked on the ground at their feet and three fast headcrabs appeared. John fired into one sending five bullets into it and killing it. Terry fired with his SMG but he couldn’t aim quickly enough and one of the headcrabs jumped hitting his waist due to the increased gravity.

Anne quickly shot the third with her magnum and John shot quickly into the second headcrab before it could attack Terry again.

“I told you,” was all John said as he looked at Terry who was wiping blood from his ripped shirt. He barded his teeth aggressively and struggled up. The gravity changed again; now back to normal.

The strider returned to its feet and plodded off slowly killing anything that was in its way. A metal walkway above the group bent with a groan. Flashes of lights filled the air and John saw two Gunships fighting each other. Were there combine on Zen? he asked himself.

“We better keep going, watch out for more,” said Anne addressing. John sighed and looked around at the building; it was a Combine Control center. This meant… it had a teleport!

“We can use the teleport,” replied John, “this is a combine facility; it’s sure to have a teleport!” he exclaimed, “follow me.” He ordered.

John led the group through the door into the former library. “Guns at the ready everyone,” said Anne. They were in a corridor with three wooden doors.

“We’ll split up. I, John and one soldier will take the Eastern door, you two-” she pointed to Terry and the other rebel- “will take the southern door with a soldier. Liz, take two soldiers and take the northern door, the other soldier will tell us if they try to send troops through the entrance. If you find the teleport; report back to the rest of the team.”

The team gave nods of approval and each prepared to fight their way through the facility. The teleport was their last hope. John and Anne moved forward a soldier with them towards a door labeled Dark Energy, Entanglement Facilities and Garrison. John opened the door slowly and without a noise.

The room beyond was large and spacious and made mostly from traditional materials. No noise came from it. Behind them the other Teams closed the doors into the other parts of the building. The soldier stepped through first. He moved over behind the front counter, made by the Combine, with barely a noise and signaled the all clear.

John and Anne both followed him, the door closed itself behind Anne, “Damn it. It’s a trap, the door’s sealed,” stated Anne. John looked around; sure enough a combine seal was on the door.

They hid below the Counter, their guns ready. John listened, only the sounds of battle outside. He looked around the room, its walls were partially remade and shelves were spread through out, they were holding large screens each with a small amount of buttons under them. These were Data Screens or basically a book that the combine and the modified rebels could transfer to their minds. They could simply be read but weren’t really designed to be.

That’s when John saw it; something dashed behind a combine shelf. “Headcrabs, Eastern shelf.” Anne looked to the western side.

“They’re on the western side as well,” said Anne, “I think where surrounded, prepare to fight.” John swapped to his Shotgun and stood up to check the room for more. They came running from all sides.

“Here they come!” shouted John. He fired into the swarm of twenty fast headcrabs. The soldier’s pulse rifle ripped through five headcrabs before he ducked down and reloaded. Anne’s magnum never missed as she fired calmly but aggressively into the swarm. They had halved the numbers of the swarm by the time they reached the group.

They all jumped almost instantaneously all three ducked and fired more shots from their freshly reloaded guns. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three blast from the shotgun and three dead headcrabs.

John dived to the floor as another jumped at him, landing on his groin; it moved swiftly towards his head, John swung the shotgun into the headcrab knocking it off him. However it continued crawling towards his head, it prepared to jump, John rolled and the creature missed. A shot from Anne’s magnum stopped the headcrab.

John fired at another headcrab charging at him. He clambered to his feet and fired into one headcrab that was limping with only half a leg. The gunfire stopped and John leant his hands on his feet puffing for a few seconds. He looked up to see Anne firing a shot into the soldier’s head; a headcrab had successfully clung to his face. She looked up disappointed and sad before turning to her intercom.

“All groups report on your situation.” Stated Anne into her intercom.

“Just had a little fight,” said Liz, “we’ve found a dead end, this whole area is collapsed.”

“Just preparing to take a stair well up to the second floor,” replied Terry, “nothing much on this floor, a few civil protection and lots of stalkers in here.”

“Terry, don’t bother with upper floors, they’re to vulnerable to attack so the Combine would have the teleport in an underground part of the building.”

“There isn’t any way downstairs, this whole area is human made, only the occasional control panel.” Terry replied.

“What about you Liz?” asked Anne, “is there any way downstairs from your position?”

“Dunno, nothing we can get to though, I doubt there is though.” Replied Liz uncertainly, “not much combine gear here, just a lot of headcrabs and stalkers, all the Civil Protection were dead before we got here.”

“Both teams pull back and rendezvous with us in the room beyond the Eastern door.” Ordered Anne.

“Affirmative,” replied Liz’s voice.

“Alright Anne, where comin’,” said Terry, a second passed as John and Anne waited then Terry’s speaker came through again, “Argh! We’re under attack-” the sounds off a wolf like call filled the intercom, “-help! It’s… zombie… don’t… come… leave, it’ll…kill… you…” he moaned, the sound of blood in his mouth slurred his words...
Is any one reading this, please let me know, anyway if anyone is, here's the rest of part 3:

“I’m going in!” stated Liz over her intercom.

“We’re got to help!” cried Anne. John reloaded and Anne attempted to open the door. She pushed the door but it didn’t move, she pulled it to know avail, “damn thing’s stuck!” she growled. Anne kicked it and slammed it; it vibrated violently but didn’t open.

John looked around desperately, he looked at the wooden door, “we could use a gun,” suggested John. Anne glanced at him quickly before she stood back and prepared to fire her pulse rifle at the door.

“If there is anyone on the other side of the north door I advise you to move,” said Anne aggressively into her intercom.

She fired a pulse of energy straight into the door; it exploded on impact vaporizing the wood into a strange black outline. From beyond the door the rebel soldier lowered his hand from his eyes. Anne signaled for the soldier to stay put.

“Well that worked well,” said John impressed by how little of the door survived the attack, “lets move.” Anne gave a nod and she moved quickly into the Southern part of the building. John followed close behind.

“What’s your situation Terry?” asked Anne through her intercom. They were moving through a room scattered with a few Civil Protection, strange long legged headcrabs and stalkers; they were all dead. No answer came through the intercom.

“I don’t like this Anne,” said Liz through the intercom, “I think they’re dead. I’ve reached the Entrance, you had a pretty mean fight, eh!” she said with mild enthusiasm.

“No time, stay back, it’s crowded enough already,” replied Anne, her voice cold and calm. Then John heard it, a cry. He heard the beast coming.

“Get back, you’ll get killed if you don’t.” warned John, both stepped back to the entrance of a room. More cries, at least five, “they’ll kill us!” he cried desperately.

He could hear them galloping forward at incredible speeds. Just then gravity changed, the air became less dense and dust began to float in the air every time an explosion or even a footstep was made.

John looked back, wishing he could escape. The beast stopped as the gravity changed, they called again, They began running again. John noticed the door behind him it worked.

“Get back, where escaping.” John said and he roughly pushed Anne back she growled in protest but fell back anyway.

John pressed a button on the other side of the door, pressure pins were released and the door moved painstakingly slowly across; so this was the emergency power source though John, the gravity didn’t help but it wasn’t an extreme change. If the power grid had not been destroyed by the rebels’ just hours ago then John wouldn’t be relying on a ever-weakening source of power.

John saw the first of the beast enter the room, it’s body a thin leathery hide of muscles with a fast headcrab on the head. It raced towards the half-closed door; John retreated and backed against the wall behind as the creature struggled to fit through the door. It moaned with bloodlust as it desperately tried to reach him. Anne casually shot it in the head and the door beyond closed. A headcrab adding to the mess in the room.

“Why did you back away?” asked Anne, her head cocked to one side in curiosity. John was breathinh hard, he felt so ashamed of his actions, especially in front of Anne.

“Because of Maitland,” he replied looking down at his shoes. Anne looked at him sympathetically before she reloaded her magnum and walked back towards Liz. John followed, a painful memory stirred inside him, for a moment he seemed to be back in Maitland:

He stood looking through a slit in a rusted old metal door. A black headcrab pushed itself aggressively into a dead corpse, its host was covered in boils and its transformation was nearly complete. In a few hours the zombie would join the rest of the hungry horde that would feed off the flesh of a sacrificed prisoner; that was what he was told by his cellmate, this was his first night in the prison.

Suddenly John heard the lights of the prison go out; one by one, each set turned off progressively. Finally a click and John was pitched into darkness.

A few more clicks before silence, then the sounds of howling beast, John shut the shutter and sat on the bed next to his cellmate. A zombie galloped by followed by two more. Then he heard a deeper growl. It sounded similar, but it was a lot closer, heavy footsteps approached the door to their cell, Boom! Boom! John jumped back; the beast roared loudly and thudded its fists again.

John sat on the bed shaking profusely; his heart raced and tears welled in his eyes. The cellmate simply looked at john with hollow and empty eyes, he was pale. Now he knew why his cellmate had gone mad.

“The elite will be difficult to defeat so we’ll infiltrate into the Teleport chamber and seal ourselves in,” the voice of Anne sounded distant. John shook himself off from his dark thoughts and returned to the present.

He found himself at the entrance corridor. Before him stood Liz, Anne and three soldiers, “come on, we have a teleport to find,” Anne finished.

The group moved stealthily over the remains of the splintered door and into the reception for the Eastern Section of the facility where John and Anne had been ambushed earlier.

The group moved slowly cautiously through the room scanning every corner before moving to a single combine door directly across from the entrance.

Anne peered through the window on the door and saw a small room made from wood with two doors going from it. A number of control panels were in the room and a few civil protection talking amongst each other.

The door was easy enough; the controls were on the wall beside them. “Whey're going to ambush them," wispered Anne, "everyone find a spot and wait for my magnum fire before you fire.” The group moved off and hid behind selves along the sides of the room and watched Anne through gaps between the Data Screens.

She stood next to the door near the controls watching the combine go about their business; she looked puzzled by their behavior. Suddenly gravity strengthened back to normal, Anne grinned in triumph and pressed the door before running behind nearby shelves.

The pins released and the door slowly opened. After thirty seconds the door finally opened completely and silence filled the air. It seemed like an en masse war was going on outside and constant explosions and roars filled the air. What was going on out there? Wondered John; his thoughts were stopped when the Combine began talking.

“What the?” said one of the guards. Static cloaked his voice just like all the combine soldiers.

“Must be the gravity change causing a malfunction,” said a second, “I’ll close it up.”

“I don’t like it,” said the first guard, a hint of nervousness could be detected in his cloaked voice, “what if some Vortigaunt did that?”

“Don’t be stupid, those Zen things are dumber than a bird!’ cried a third guard, a group of at least four guards chuckled, the sound of pressure pins announced the door was closing. It had just closed before Anne who was now smirking pushed the button again.

The door began to open again. This time an officer stuck his head out and looked around the room, just after Anne had returned to her hiding spot, “I’m gonna check this out,” said the officer, “since I’m your superior you’re all coming to.”

The officers groaned in annoyance but when the superior officer stepped out into the room the four others followed. They took a few steps into the room and then the trap was sprung, Anne fired a shot into an officers arm, three shots quickly killed two more, the third missing by an inch. A short blast of pulse fire from a rebel soldier’s gun quickly finished the remaining two off.

* * *​
Two minutes later five rebels disguised as Civil Protection officers walked casually out from a lift and onto the bottom floor. The room they were in was fairly small with only three combine computers along the Western Wall. Opposing them on the eastern wall were three teleports. There were only three elite soldiers in the room.

The Officers gathered together and whispered amongst themselves. They spread out, one unit approached each elite and the other two remained at the door and shoved a grenade in each side of the door before pulling the pin and moving quickly away from the door.

Each officer pulled out a gun as simultaneously the two grenades exploded sending the door into lockdown. Three shots; one from a magnum and two from shotguns, three combine lay dead on the ground.

“Work these teleports,” said Anne pulling her mask off. Three soldiers moved to the door and began working with the controls, within seconds all three teleports were charging.

“How long are they going to take to work?” asked Anne anxiously.

“Ten minutes,” said one soldier.

“Damn it!” cried Anne, “they’ll have attacked by then!” she kicked a table. The minutes passed by and the group set up defenses. About a minute before the teleports were complete the lift rose up out of sight. “Get ready everyone, they’ll be here soon.”

John hid behind a table and waited, he didn’t wait long. The lift reappeared with ten elite soldiers on it. Anne made a signal of cease-fire and she remained hidden behind one of the control panels. The doors opened with ominous sparks.

The charging of the teleports finished and was replaced with silence. The soldiers moved quickly through the room, one approached John’s hiding place, he shuffled a little so that a garbage bin concealed his foot. He saw the legs bend and prepared to kneel, then a commotion over by the controls instantly made the elite bolt upright, he moved away. John exhaled quietly.

“Get off me!” shouted the muffled cried of Anne, John made to move but Liz put her hands to her lips from her hiding place under the opposite table, John moved back to his position.

“Where are the other rebels?” growled the gruff voice of an elite.

“They’re dead, killed by fast headcrabs.”

“Where?” asked the soldier again.

“In the southern section of this haunt, me and a survivor went into the eastern section of this building and he got killed by another headcrab, in that ambush.”

“Ah, very well.” Sighed the elite in what was supposed to be a apologetic voice, however it sounded more like he was evil, which he was according to John, “you will be taken to Maitland for being a sympathizer for the rebels.” There was the sound of footsteps as Anne was taken to a teleport and with a loud blast was sent the ground shook. “We need to attack a group of Zen disturbances on the third floor,” the group returned to the elevator and left.

The group crawled cautiously out from their hiding places and breathed slightly. “What now?” asked Liz.

“You follow my orders, Anne said that it was my position if see was not here.” replied John. He felt dizzy and shocked, he was scared as well; he needed

“Yeah, yeah, we know,” said Liz, “are we going to escape then?”

“We follow Anne,” john said, “its day time so we wont be attacked by many zombies.”

“Are you mad! That place is like hell, we won't get out alive!" screeched Liz.

"It's been done before, I was saved by a rebel team and we got out alive." replied John calmly, the shock was doing this, otherwise he probably be threatening Liz with his shotgun.

"Fine!" she growled, "I'll go then." Liz stared him down; John looked away and jumped in a teleport.

A soldier jumped in with him while another prepared to send them, some scuffling next to John alerted him of Liz and another soldier climbing into the next teleport.

The doors closed around both teleports and with a bang and a flash of light they were sent into a swirling spin of rainbow colours, it seemed like a second. It was a strange feeling; he felt no weight, he could see flashes of images that rushed through his mind and he even thought he could see a distant orange ball he thought to be Zen. And then gravity returned and the swirl of confusion seemed to fade, he was going back to Maitland; back to his nightmares.
I've red / read (??) the first 'Chapter' and it looks good, there is some room for improvement, but it's a good idea so far.
Part 4: Fight Through Hell

Here's the first part of Part 4.

The swirl of colours in front of John’s eyes began to disappear; the colours in front of him were warped and were replaced with more definite shapes, three large concrete walls surrounded him on three sides. However, straight ahead was only a pile of ruble in front of a combine wall, above a sky became apparent and he noticed he was inside a teleport.

The warping stopped he sighed in relief. It was short lived as Suddenly the swirl of colours returned and two silhouettes joined John and the soldier. The colours disappeared and two soldiers, Liz and John pushed themselves out of the teleport and into the deserted ruins.

Liz clambered up and surveyed a black wire that led into a Combine structure that smothered the view through the fallen wall. “Well, we ain’t going back that way.” She said looking at metal strewn across the floor- it was once a control panel.

John got up and looked about the ruins, it was covered in plant life from Zen. From what John knew of Maitland it didn’t have many soldiers guarding it. Instead fear and Zen wildlife were used; they often cleaned up the corpses of prisoners and kept the rebels away from it.

John looked up at the deep blue sky above; a Gunship idled high above. There was a strange streak in the sky where fiery green lightning sparked. Floating land could be seen where the war continued to be waged. “Whoa… it’s spread pretty far,” exclaimed John.

“That portal could’ve taken us weeks into the future you know.” Said Liz wearily. She pulled out a pistol.

John eyed her uneasily, “we ain’t going to find out just standing around are we.” Liz nodded and moved towards the hole with the soldiers close behind her. John sighed and followed. He clambered over the ruble and into an alley between the ruin and the Combine wall.

The group was approaching the street when John spoke; “I wouldn’t go out there. Too many snipers.” Liz stopped and looked at John. He moved in front of the group and looked out at the street; a burnt car lay abandoned a zombie sat inside pretending to be dead, beyond was the other side of the street where three Houndeyes were prowling.

“So, what do you propose we do?” asked Liz, hostility in her voice.

“Distract them;” Liz’s eyes narrowed, “we wake the zombies up and enter the gaol (jail).” John gestured towards the combine structure.

The gaol was used in the seven hour war as a refuge however it was destroyed shortly after as the combine began searching for pockets of resistance. It fell into disuse countless years before the Resonance Cascade. The combine now used it as a gaol for those that were considered sympathizers; no one had come out except for a lucky few.

“What!” Liz cried angrily, “this is your grand plan,” she hissed, “I thought you would get us in without danger! I thought we would fight a few combine! Not snipers and zombies!”

“Calm down, there is another way, but it takes a lot longer!” said John urgently he heard a roar; “crap! To late!” Fast headcrabs burst out from under cars and zombies crashed through doors and windows. “Time to fight! Follow me!” Shouted John; the snipers began firing into the swarm of zombies, headcrabs and other Zen wildlife after the headcrabs.

John ducked as a blob of toxic waste sped towards him, it splattered into the ground a few meters away. John fired into a zombie racing towards him. Bang! Bang! Bang! John fired shot after shot as he and the rest of the group ran from the ally and around the wall of the gaol. Headcrabs launched themselves at the group constantly- occasionally hitting a limb.

John continued running even as a zombie blocked his path. He skirted quickly around the lumbering beast as it was shot in the head intended for John’s; the snipers had noticed the group. The beast fell to the ground, Bang! The groan of a rebel soldier behind John as he fell to the ground with a thud.

John kept running; getting to the gate was his only thought. Pulse fire rang through the air as more zombies fell dead. The combine wall disappeared to be replaced by human built wall and the gate into the gaol. John turned into a gap in the wall where the twisted remains of an Iron Gate lay strewn across the ground.

Behind him John could hear the gunfire from the combine and the roars and moans from the headcrabs and zombies. Liz and the remaining soldier rounded the corner and followed John. John looked around desperately looking for somewhere to hide. A metal door; that would have to do.

“This way!” he shouted and he slammed the door open and raced in closely followed by his two teammates. Liz closed the door quickly behind her and John felt for a switch on the wall; he found the switch and activated it. Liz and John both sighed in relief; they were lucky to be alive.

A light shaped like a bar flicked slowly into life revealing a small room littered with old human items. A few stairs led to another area that was bathed in darkness. A fat headcrab lay dead on the ground- an entire round from a pistol in it. Liz bent down and pressed her hand against the creature’s back.

“It’s cold, been dead for at least a few days,” Liz stated.

“This is where the rebels got in last time; they traveled in an APC from Settlement 64,” said John.

“Good, that will make it easier for us.” Liz began walking towards the stairs. John and the soldier followed. They moved quickly down the stairs where the soldier lit a torch and revealed they were in the sewers. The bodies of zombies and headcrabs lay scattered everywhere.

“Soldier, do you have a map of this place?” asked John.

“Yes, I will be able to lead you anywhere in the facility.”

“Take us to the interrogation booths.” John shivered as he thought of what had happened to him in the booths. The soldier began to walk, John and Liz followed.
Last Part

This aint going to well so I'm gonna finish it here.

Here is the rest of part 4 and the end of the story:

The interrogation booths were in a small corridor. There were only four booths, two on each wall. A door led from both ends of the corridor. The glass of each booth had been smashed and the shattered remains lay discarded in the corridor.

Suddenly a rebel soldier slammed through the door and jumped through the nearest window. He was followed by two rebels who jumped through the window and slammed themselves into the wall beneath the window beside the soldier.

There was a few seconds of silence where John and Liz exchanged looks of fear before more footsteps could be heard. John listened intently and became downcast; there were still three sets of feet. Three soldier burst into the room. They kept running until one of the soldiers spoke; “the door’s closed, they’re still here.”

John mouthed a silent “Damn it” and Liz made to thump the floor.

“Check the rooms and don’t let them escape.” The same soldier said. Two soldiers guarded each door while another entered the room in the opposite corner to the one they were hiding in.

“All clear.” Said the soldier. More footsteps and he entered the room adjacent to there own. “All, clear.” More footsteps, less this time. And the door to their hiding place was opened.

The soldier entered the room, everything in the room slowed down to John. He took aim, as the soldier looked the opposite way. He then turned his head and saw John just before he fired. “Crap!” He stepped back through the door as eight holes appeared in the wall behind where the solider had been a second earlier.

The rebel soldier jumped up and was instantly pulverized by two blasts from the combine shotguns. The soldier was slammed into the wall and fell to the ground in a bloody mess. John and Liz looked fearfully at the rebel soldier’s bloodied body.

“We surrender,” said John in a level tone. The soldiers that had been moving suddenly stopped. One spoke in an undertone through an intercom. John glanced over to Liz, she looked very pale and had wide eyes filled with fear.

He gestured for her to follow as he began to move; he moved slowly to the door and peaked out slowly to see two soldiers standing. One was conversing while one was looking towards the window. John pulled out a grenade and gently rolled it out near the two soldiers. “Crap!” shouted one of the soldiers and he dived aside. The mumbling stopped and John heard running footsteps as the other soldier ran.

Bang! The grenade exploded. One of the soldiers cried as he was thrown through the air in a tangled red mess. The other cried in pain. The third soldier began conversing loudly as he rushed into the both across the corridor.

Liz fired a shot at the injured soldier and John rushed across the corridor. “John flush him out!” shouted Liz. John opened the door and fired quickly at the soldier missing completely. The soldier fired back John stepping back quickly as pulse bullets tore the door to shreds. Liz took quick aim and fired two shots into the soldier felling him.

“We’ve gotta move!” said John, Liz nodded quickly in agreement and followed John as he opened the door at the far end of the corridor. “Crap!” he shouted as he closed it again and hugged the wall as Pulse shots ripped the door apart. Liz knelt in the middle of the corridor and reloaded preparing to fire at the next soldier she saw.

John practically dived into the right hand side booth as a shotgun blast entered the room. Liz fired three shots quickly; two moans followed as the soldiers dropped dead. John clambered up and hid behind the thin wall between the window and the door to the booth.

John poked his head and shotgun out only to quickly withdraw as more Combine raced towards the door. Liz fired another shot followed by a moan. John heard more footsteps near the door. John heard the click of an empty weapon, “crap! I’m outta ammo,” she shouted before diving through the door where John was hiding.

Footsteps approached and John peaked out and quickly fired injuring one soldier. Two more approached the room. He didn’t stand a chance; he was going to die in the gaol.

Then a familiar wining roar and three zombies leapt into the room attacking the combine. Pulse fire was thrown about and an energy ball bounced off walls into targets. John stepped out from hiding and quickly fired a shot into one of the soldiers killing him.

Three more zombies leaping into the room and onto the combine followed more roars. John stepped out of hiding preparing to shoot but didn’t fire. Instead he saw four zombies ripping apart the soldiers and devouring them.

He gestured for Liz to follow as she pulled out a pistol. She nodded as she saw the gesture and the two rebels slowly moved past the zombies, who appeared to be in a frenzy, and out into the courtyard beyond the booths.

They moved slowly into the small courtyard; it was littered with crates and boxes containing weapons. The air was smoky and numerous combine and Vortiguants lay dead on the ground. John looked up to see they were underneath the Tear in the sky. Bolts of fiery green energy speared into the building. It was different though; the sky was mostly blue with only a few blotches of the Zen hole visible. John creased his brow and wondered; is it clearing up?

“We better get inside before he get hit.” Said Liz uneasily. John nodded in agreement and they entered another door that had been left open. They entered a dark long corridor. On either side were hundreds of cells each with inmates or zombies inside.

“Maybe Anne’s in here somewhere,” John peered into a cell where a fast zombie was making loud calls from within a cell. John easily killed the creature with a blast from his shotgun. “Should we help the other people?”

“I don’t know… they’ll be vulnerable-“

“Help me! Please help me!” Shouted a prisoner two cells down. John rushed over.

“We’ll get you out if you can tell us what happened to a woman who came in earlier.” Demanded John.

“Yeah, she’s in my cell; her name’s Anne.”

“Alright I’m getting you out! Stand back!” John aimed his shotgun at the door’s lock blasting it open. The prisoner exited followed by Anne. “Anne!” cried John and he leaped and embraced her in a tight hug. She returned the gesture and for a minute they were at peace.

Then, Liz heard the sound of calling and running hands and feet. “Run! Zombies!” It sounded like an entire horde was upon them as John and Anne was ripped from their embrace. They ran towards the other end of the corridor trying to escape the beasts. They exited through a destroyed door and came to instant stop.

John ducked as a Combine soldier was flung over his head by a blast of green energy. John looked from where it came from to see two Vortiguants firing bolts of energy at a running soldier. Another blast and the soldier was slammed into a wall, dead. The Vortiguants suddenly disappeared in a blast of green energy.

“What was that all about?” asked John.

“It’s a war,” answered Anne, “the Vortiguants are protecting Zen from the Combine. Apparently we are the last connection into Zen so the Combine have invaded Earth so they can find Zen and finish them off.”

“We need to get outta here!” cried Liz, “those Zombies are getting closer.” Sure enough countless numbers of zombies were racing forward.

“Stand back!” ordered John he pulled out a pulse cartridge and threw it down the hallway. He then fired three-shotgun blast setting of the cartridge causing it to explode into a fiery ball of deadly heat. The sounds of dying zombies could be heard as the group raced away from the corridor and through a hallway.

They passed another corridor and came to a halt at the end; the entire wall was combine made. The door into the wall was sealed shut, except for the fact the button was outside the door. Liz pressed the button and the door slid open to reveal a large combine room with a teleporter in the centre. Scattered around the room were numerous Combine and Vortigaunt bodies.

The door slid shut behind them, “lets go home,” said John.

“Yeah, I wanna get the hell out of this place,” Said the prisoner, “any longer and I would’ve gone insane. John looked around the room and noticed a small combine monitor showing the Citadel. John walked over to it and his face lit up into a smile.

“Hey, you might want to look at this.” The other three turned away from the teleporter and approached and looked at the monitor showing the city.The sky was blue. The remaining patches of Zen were disappearing along with it the Combine’s chance at finishing the Vortiguants off. Eventually the group moved away from the screen and squeezed into the teleport.

The teleport spun and with a flash of light the group were sent into space back to the Citadel…

The End