Rebels Yell


Apr 26, 2006
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Half-Life 2: Rebels Yell
Chapter 1: Dark Tunnels
Robert Cooper ran through the grimy tunnels, the Manhacks but a few centimetres behind. The gyroscopic red sensors flung the otherwise black chambers into horrifying intimidating red rooms, their blades constant spinning echoing of the walls, giving the perfect vision of Hell. Robert desperately grunted as he ran, each step bringing him closer to safety. Each step tiring him more. He had been doing little but running the past few hours, having delivered a important message to Black Mesa East, and completing his job. On his way back he had been discovered, and as Anticitizen 35, the CP’s couldn’t past this chance up. He was now on the run, having been chased by a Hunter-Chopper, lots of Cops, scanners, APCs, and now manhacks. Eventually, Civil protection would give up, but while they had a lock on him, they weren’t going to give up any time soon.
Robert raised his head, and his hopes rose as he saw the Lambda logo sprayed onto the pipe. He looked behind him briefly, and his eyes widened as he saw the Manhacks were almost upon him. He turned and only then saw the pipe in front of him, but couldn’t swerve before his smashed into it. He fell, the foul water washing over him, and his vision blurred, the last thing he saw the red glow of the Viscriters…
thats good, could use a little work, but i think it is pretty good! :sniper: keep up the good work! :thumbs:
Soon. I've got chapter two and three planned out, just finishing them off right now. Thanks for your patience.:cheese:
the second part of chapter two

“Please brother, consider what I have said,” Jordan Ahoskie pleaded with his brother. They were in an interrogation room, with dirty, propaganda filled walls and dirty floor, littered with items of an age long passed.
“I would never consider such a thing. Even if I were to become one” –his voice cracked here, but after swallowing, Charlie Ahoskie continued – “one of them” He glanced at the row of pods containing once human faces. The creatures looked peaceful while sleeping, but any loud noise would scare them so much they would start screaming, sometimes never stopping save through death.
“Stalkerization is a fate I would not wish on anybody, especially you brother”, the elite metrocop continued. “If we don’t stand tall with the Union, we will fall, as will the rest of humanity. Now, enough of this nonsense Charlie. Come, join your brother, and see the stars. Forget those humanity-dooming rebels, and join me. For heavens sake, you’re my own brother!”
Charlie looked up, a dark look, as black as night, in his blue eyes. “I have no brother”, he muttered, and spat on Jordan’s shiny metal boot.
“Well, if that is how it has to be, very well. If it means saving humanity then I will treat you as any other prisoner. If you change your mind, I’ll be here,” the elite metrocop concluded, and began striding towards the door, pausing only to allow a Vortigaunt slave to clean of his shoe. The door slammed shut. The cold creeped in.

EDIT: In my title I meant chapter one :D
This picture at your title of post looks like cracking knuckles