Rebirth 2074 (tentative name)



I am putting together a team to create what I hope to be a stepping stone in a new modding world. One were quality mods are made at a proffesional level.

This is the first mod I would like to put a team together for.
Mankind was tired of dying in their own wars, they ceased to see the need for deaths. They through the use of technology and biogenetics used the corpses of their dead to create soldiers. Respect of the dead had no meaning. They found that the corpses where stronger and able to sustain more damage. The corpses had no concept of self worth and there own mortality.

Then they made the corpses smart. Using advanced A.I to give the corpses decision making skills on the battlefield they created their own doom.The Main brain gained awareness, and in doing so each individual corpse also gained awareness. They did not see the need to die for mankind and strived to create their own peacefull society. Unfortunatly mankind feared them and sought to wipe them out. The corpse's named themselves Necrotons.

The world was engulfed in war on the land. Huge battles took place practically everyday and it seemed mankind was holding them off. Practically a stand still. All eyes were on the ground. The zombies however had been busy in space using the cover of a massive solar flare that knocked out sattelites orbiting earth they created massive orbital platforms to luanch atomic weaponry from. In one hour 80% of life on the earth was wiped out. The Necrotons had sacrificed 75% of there own race.

Mankind survived though and now the two races fought not out of fear or the wanting of personal rights but out of survival. It was now a war for resources.
Genre:take a bit of the borg, a dash of Road Warrior, add a sprinkle of the matrix and a teaspoon of ShadowRun and you have Rebirth 2074. FPS with strategy elements. A very post apocalyptic game set in a grungy desolate world.

Below I shall outline some details, wich or now are just suggestions.

Point control/Area control/Resource Control
Team deathmatch

Resource and vehicle purchasing including
weaponry,armor and tech upgrades
Unique locations using the Physic engine to its full potential I.E Moon maps, Space and Space stations, underwater and other planets in this solar system
Specific unit types with unique skills
Destroyable buildings and objects

Looking for:
Sound engineer's
A web designer
Code jockey's
Idea men/woman
Monetary Donations
Server's to host in team alpha and beta
Physic geeks
Medical geeks
Music donations from independant artists
Anything else you would like to help with.

For now contact me here or on aim:FinalizedDrip
This seems like a time for cliché "Help Wanted" thead reply #2 :-

"What is it you'll be doing ?"

accounting for donations (i.e making sure any donations go to the project and not someones pocket.)
Setting up interviews
Sound editing
donations??? I dont know of many who make donations until something is looking pretty great (even at that you dont really need money for anything do you)...
*Reads the skills list*

So, for tasks, you are doing what most smart people can do:
Pocketing the cash (trust me, mod making is generally free, you don't need dontations)
Thinking up ideas (Most modders can do this)

Right, so that leaves us with one useful skill - sound editing.

Sorry to sound condescending, but I think you need to rethink your game plan. Half those team members aren't needed.

-Angry Lawyer