Recent Household Problems


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
List all the things that have borked on you in the last month.

So far...

  • The telephone line is now officially, worthless, unusable and you can't hear shit through it.
  • The router died when upgrading it's firmware.
  • The internet likes to cut out every 5 minutes for some reason.
  • Windows sometimes reports a Application Error when trying to load up Steam or Worms Armageddon when I was using them 10 minutes before hand.
  • The LCD TV has a odd, dark patch which is really noticeable at the bottom of the screen.
  • The washing machine started leaking slightly.
  • My PC can't play games without crashing to a BSOD every time; so it's ****ed and is being taken in on Friday
  • The aerial from my phone is now sellotaped in place (it's a v550, old piece of shit I'll be on contract soon however)
  • The BT home hub constantly has moments where it stops receiving data- I won't be able to browse any web pages, yet I can still talk to people on MSN.

Technology and I really don't get along, yet I'm off to Uni to study computing and music tech. :cheese:
bah! that's nothing ...lets see, this past weekend I had to demo my solarium/porch from my new house because the previous owners had built it without a permit and it wasnt to make things worse part of the structure covered the hydro meter ...this was discovered during a surprise inspection that ended with my electrician being fined $5000 and an immediate power cutoff if we didnt take it down ..2 large disposal bins later and I now have a gaping hole where the porch used to be'll probably cost upwards of 7-$10,000 to build something in it's place ...oh and this is after spending close to $30,000 on renovations to the house which are still ongoing
But Stern, now you have a hole! That's awesome! I bet you can do lots of stuff with that.
ya back fill it with gravel so my kids dont fall in ..oh and it's about 6 inches deep
I was thinking about being able to use your backyard as a cemetery, but nvm
Put some of that black stuff around it and build a pond!
hmmm not a bad idea although I should extend it and make it into a moat
My internet died on Saturday, still isn't up. Good thing work has internets.

roaches are getting more dominate on the inside, so we laid roach traps...nothing. I still see 4ish every time I walk in there. Need to buy me some roach powder *DO THESE THINGS JUST FOLLOW ME?!*

Part of the roof is leaking over the porch. Not a big problem, since I won't have to pay to get it fixed. WOO for renting.

There is no food in the house to make, and we are all poor. BAH!
you should really call an exterminator , we used to have a really bad roach problem and they just came in put a few blobs of gel here and there and we haven't seen them since(the roaches that is).
4 weeks (ish) ago my custom built pc stopped working when I plugged in a external hd via usb. I opened up the case and noted to my horror I'd forgot to ground it. I went to grab my forehead with my hand when I knocked my coffee over my wireless keyboard...and then tried to use it! FFS!

/Salutes MB and wireless keyboard

Two weeks later my 360 gives me the RROD!

/Waits for MS to repair 360 (2 weeks and counting)

Little update on the phone line.

I ring the landline using a mobile phone, answer the landline phone and all I can hear through the speaker is a ringing noise that's all distorted and the mobile phone is still ringing as well.

What the hell? D: