Recipes ?!?!?!


Jan 21, 2006
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I thought i would try something new other than the usual "guy bangs cars" thread lol.Ive been here like 2 years and haven't seen anyone talk about food. We all eat hotpockets 24/7 but we can all appreciate our favorite home cooked meals lol. Share your favorite recipes! Im a big oriental fan (mostly Korean,but I also love sushi) Here goes, hope I start a trend hehe.


*About 1/2 cup of good strong soy sauce
*about 2 teaspoons of FRESH grated ginger
*4-6 cloves of garlic(crush it if you love it like me and my GF)
*2 tablespoons of rice wine(don't drink it straight it tastes like SHIT lol)
*A couple tablespoons of Sesame oil(watch the consistency)
*2-3 LBS of any kind of beef (even cheap ol chuck roast) sliced as thin as possible
*Dont forget green onions/scallions, use a a wad about as big around as ur "dong", flatter yourself if u want lol, green onions are good either way.Chop em up real good into little hoops.
*mix all these things together and then add the meat in a ziplock bag
Marinate for between 1 hour to 1 day (dont try 3 days if u overdose on the soy sauce, its way to overpowering, believe me lol.)
*After marinating pan fry, grill or even use a wok if ur fancy like that lol.
*serve with good (short grain,unless your really good) rice and maybe roll up in chinese cabbage leaf.If your really adventurous try eating it with Kimchi (usually fermented cabbage) which takes some getting used to lol.

Please revise this recipe if you find something more to your taste, I came up with this recipe off the top of my head but have learned a thing or two from traditional Koreans. And to all those real Koreans out there: sorry if its not at all how you have it, but to this American white guy its great lol
Baby milkshake:

1. Baby
2. Blender
3. Enjoy

modify as needed
I've tried your baby milkshake and cant help but think somethings missing....hmmm.... Oh yes! Oreo crumbs :D

Please try to respond seriously lol
Cinnamony Peanut Butter and Bacon Waffle Sandwhiches


2 Eggo Nutri-Grain cinnamon waffles
Peanut butter (smooth)
3 microwaveable bacon slices (pre-cooked)

Toast waffles. Nuke bacon. Spread peanut butter. Profit.

Serve with Cheetos.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew ^. i was actually thinking of starting a thread like this . thank god i didnt :( . no offense i love cooking and all that is edible but it seems that people just dont share that passion :p.
I just go for a simple Steak as such

Cook Steak (grill/fry depending on quality and other food stuffs) until medium
Slice up 'shrooms and tomatos and fry them
Get some Baby New Potatoes or Charlotte Potatoes cooked
Maybe a bit of veg, carrot, peas.

Eat and enjoy!
This is one of my first recipes I found online, prepared, and liked.

Shimizu Chicken & Sesame

3 chicken breasts
1 package paper towel
2 tablespoons oil
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon ginger
1 onion, chopped
1/2 cup sugar peas
1 teaspoon sesame oil
4 tablespoons sesame seed

Cut chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Wash and pat dry on paper towels.
In a large skillet over medium heat add oil.
When oil is hot add chicken and cook until the chicken is browned.
Add crushed garlic cloves and ginger, stirring occasionally.
Add chopped onion and trimmed sugar peas. Cook until the sugar peas turn bright green.
Pour in sesame oil for flavor and stir. Remove from the heat and stir in sesame seed.
This recipe serves 4 people. Enjoy and appreciate it.
OK here's one of mine:

Griddled Tuna with a garlic, chilli, ginger & coriander marinade

For each Tuna steak:
1 large garlic clove (grated),
the same quantity of grated ginger,
a good handful of chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves,
1 red chilli - de-seeded and chopped.

Mix all these ingredients together in a sandwich bag, add some olive oil. Then season your tuna steak(s), cover with a little more olive oil and place into the sandwich bag and leave for half an hour or so. Then fry in a griddle pan for about 4 -4.5 mins each side (depending on how thick your tuna steaks are, and how you like them cooked).

Serve with some sauteed new potatoes and..

tomato and red pepper relish.

2 red peppers (cut into strips)
3-4 whole plum tomatoes (from a tin)
2 whole cloves of garlic (peeled)
4-5 shallots (coarsely chopped)
2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
a handful of coriander (cilantro) leaves

Heat 2 tbsp of olive oil in a pan. Fry the peppers for a minute or so, then add the shallots and keep frying until the peppers are slightly soft (or starting to brown at the edges). Then add the tomatoes and garlic. Cover the pan and simmer for 25 mins. Empty the pan into a food processor / blender and add the coriander. Blend it a little, but leave it quite coarse. Empty into a serving bowl, stir in the balsamic vinegar and some freshly ground salt and black pepper to taste.

This is also great with tortilla chips - much nicer than the dips you buy in the supermarket.

Enjoy!! :cheers:

Boil some water for spaghetti. While that is boiling, chop up a lot of bacon into pieces and fry it in a pan. Half way through toss in some onions and mushrooms as well. Keep frying until the bacon is pretty crisp. Drain the grease (not into the sink). When the spaghetti is finished, drain it, add 2 eggs, the bacon and a bit of cream or butter if you feel like it. Stir everything together. The heat from the pasta will cook the eggs as you keep mixing it. Also add pepper and parmesian. Very classy meal.
Serious post now.

Pulse's Drunken Snack Delight


1 Slice of mature cheddar cheese
1 Slice of thinly cut ham (any variety)
1 Jar of 2 year old Dijon mustard
1 Tub of Buttars
2 Slices of bread (your choice)


1) Prepare ingredients, stopping to make gestures at your parents or siblings.

2) Butter the bread and then apply mustard to one slice of bread. Dry heave and break into song.

3) Create the sandwich. Eat your delicious sandwich. Rejoice in your drunken state.
marbu dofu (that's how you pronounce it anyhow)

Start some rice in the rice cooker, or boil it in a pot as per the instructions. In a pan, start to brown about a half pound or so of lean ground pork. When the pork is mostly cooked, add ginger, soysauce, miso paste, and a couple spoonfulls of chili bean sauce. Take a block of soft tofu and cut it into one or two roughly cubish shapes (if it came as a rectangle). Then slice the cubes into about 1/4 inch slices and cut the whole dealy horizontally into triangles. Add this to the pan (the water from the tofu will make it more saucy. Mix it all together and serve over top of the rice.
Boiled potato cubes (drained) (takes about 10 mins in microwave)
Tuna (cold, fresh from the can)
Sweetcorn (boiled - takes 5 mins on hob)

Pile all of the above into a big bowl. Grab a fork and devour.
Soggy Waffles

One waffle
A few friends
Their future kin

shake well, enjoy.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeew ^. i was actually thinking of starting a thread like this . thank god i didnt :( . no offense i love cooking and all that is edible but it seems that people just dont share that passion :p.

Hey, I like cooking too, but when you're in a rush you're in a rush.

That's actually what I had for breakfast this morning....