

Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Just got an $80 gift card to Best Buy

What game (PC) should i get.

Right now, i'm thinking between F.E.A.R. or Call of Duty 2

I trust your opinoins
Well, here's a quote from someone:
With that in mind, I enjoyed FEAR over COD2. For the sheer reason that I could have played COD2 more than a year ago. It was called COD. And also, that I could have played COD over a year before that. It was called MOH:AA.
Muffin Man said:
get Final Fantasy Tactics, old but best game.. EEVVVAAAAAA
ney, i'm not into that stuff (puts me to sleep) sorry
iyfyoufhl said:
ney, i'm not into that stuff (puts me to sleep) sorry

eh, to each they're own, i love the rpg/tbs games. i'd probably go with F.E.A.R. then, if it will run fine
Either Psychonaughts or The Movies.
Weak sausage.

I only got a $50 BB card.
I got Shadow the Hedgehog and Tales of Symphonia.

I alllllmost got Big Red One for GC but I played the PS2 demo and I hated it.

And considering the other thread, I'd pass up FEAR for RE4, which I also almost got.
If someone says hentai again, I might have to kill all the hentai and steal your mhz!!

I'd recommend COD2 if anything. I have been playing it a lot lately and love it.