Recommend a game


Jul 22, 2005
Reaction score
I just got €50 from my parents for a festivity only Dutch and Belgian ppl know (it's normally on 6 December but neway), and I want to buy a game with the money, but I don't know which one. I'm thinking o: Q4, F.E.A.R. or GW, but I'm still not sure so just recommend away. And please, no WoW. Anything but WoW. Or something that has monthly fees.
I personally wouldn't recommend Quake 4 or FEAR. Quake 4 is very repetitive and as some reviewer put it, it would have been an excellent game if it came out in 1999, because thats what it feels like. Although FEAR has a lot of cool elements, I wouldn't say its worth buying. The environments are very bland, but its got some cool enemies and ending. The demo is a very good example of what to expect. Also, what does GW stand for?

I got Battlefield 2 and its a lot of fun - especially squads. If your looking for multiplayer, BF2 is an essential purchase.
I disagree! I found both games to be immensely fun. The question is: what sort of games do you like, or what do you look for in a good game?
Boogymanx said:
I just got €50 from my parents for a festivity only Dutch and Belgian ppl know (it's normally on 6 December but neway), and I want to buy a game with the money, but I don't know which one. I'm thinking o: Q4, F.E.A.R. or GW, but I'm still not sure so just recommend away. And please, no WoW. Anything but WoW. Or something that has monthly fees.

I'd buy BF2. And if you already have BF2, buy the SF expansion for 30 euro's and get Silent Hunter III for 20 euro's at the Free Record Shop.
Oh, and about Quake: play the demo first. I personally hated it.

Talking about those festivities, I'd really like a couple of pepernoten or a chocoladeletter.
Shakermaker said:
Talking about those festivities, I'd really like a couple of pepernoten or a chocoladeletter.
I'll give you some marsepein.:thumbs:
Adabiviak said:
The question is: what sort of games do you like, or what do you look for in a good game?
Fun. Something that can keep me busy for a couple of hours, has an easy SP to get you used to the controls and stuff, and a good, balanced, multiplayer.
^That's what I'm looking for in a FPS
Fun. Something that can keep me busy for a couple of hours, has an easy SP to get you used to the controls and stuff, and a good, balanced, multiplayer.
^That's what I'm looking for in a FPS
BF2 it is then :thumbs:
BF 2 is full of bugs & ahve very slim chance that EA/DOICE will correct the issues, PS they dont give the users the support that they shud.

I'D go with FEAR & QUAKE 4
That's not true, St. Nicks is celebrated december 6th all over Europe, not just in Holland.

As far as you wanting fun in a game: Yeaaah no shit. I think the questions is more "what makes a game fun for you?"

As far as SP having simple controls, both FEAR and QUAKE4 have really self-explanatory controls, so that's no worry. However both games are weak in multiplayer. Quake 4's is just Quake 3 with slightly better graphics (still ugly in my opinion) and FEAR isn't particularly addictive (slightly fun)

Personally, if I had to make the decision I would choose FEAR. Simply because the storyline is more original and it looks better, plus the combat is actually fun. QUAKE 4 is ugly and uninspired, although it may provide fun if you're a big arcade-type fan.
BF 2 is full of bugs & ahve very slim chance that EA/DOICE will correct the issues, PS they dont give the users the support that they shud.

Bugs? What bugs?
Based on your post I would say CoD2. Decent singleplayer and large multiplayer playerbase. I have both quake4 and fear, and I like both, but if you want something to keep you occupied online those two don't quite cut it. If you don't have it already I would suggest DOD:S for mp only and try to find fear or quake4 somewhere for 30euros. Should be possible now.

Boogymanx said:
Fun. Something that can keep me busy for a couple of hours, has an easy SP to get you used to the controls and stuff, and a good, balanced, multiplayer.
^That's what I'm looking for in a FPS

If it's between Quake IV and FEAR I'd go for FEAR. Great singleplayer.

Boogymanx said:
I'll give you some marsepein :thumbs:

Oooh, yummie. And a couple of suikerbeesten. Also some gevulde speculaas. And taai taai of course .... Damn, I am hungry. Gonna get sumit to eat.
F.E.A.R. is an amazing single player experience that will keep you busy for under twelve hours.. and the multiplayer is a lot of fun too.. if you're into that. It's definately a game I would recommend to any FPS gamer.

That being said, I got 750+ hours of playtime out of Guild Wars, and it too is an awesome game, with plenty of stuff to keep you busy for much longer than FEAR or Q4.

I've yet to play Q4 however, so I can't give my input there.
TheSomeone said:
That's not true, St. Nicks is celebrated december 6th all over Europe, not just in Holland.

6.12 is also the independence day of Finland :O

Anyway, if you're looking for a FPS game with good multiplayer, you should consider BF2 or DoD:s or fear
Atomi said:
6.12 is also the independence day of Finland :O

Anyway, if you're looking for a FPS game with good multiplayer, you should consider BF2 or DoD:s or fear

And in that order! :laugh:
Bugs still O/S, Server browser, Bunny hopping, diving , AA need serious attention, TK system, Unmodified content bug, weapon accuracy.
O/S = ?
Server browser = bugged? works great for me - even in 1.01 i'd always find a server in the first ten options
Bunny hopping = not a bug/part of the game
diving = not a bug/part of the game
AA need serious attention = not a bug/part of the game, but yes it does need to be addressed, maybe along the lines of hl2's rocket code
TK system = not a bug/part of the game
Unmodified content bug = restart bf2
weapon accuracy. = not sure what the problem here is. for example if have you ever fired a gun you will know that hitting the centre of a target at even 5m requires more skills than good soldiers have
john3571000 said:
O/S = ?
Server browser = bugged? works great for me - even in 1.01 i'd always find a server in the first ten options
Bunny hopping = not a bug/part of the game
diving = not a bug/part of the game
AA need serious attention = not a bug/part of the game, but yes it does need to be addressed, maybe along the lines of hl2's rocket code
TK system = not a bug/part of the game
Unmodified content bug = restart bf2
weapon accuracy. = not sure what the problem here is. for example if have you ever fired a gun you will know that hitting the centre of a target at even 5m requires more skills than good soldiers have

Hmm ur just putting the fact that there is a problem asside.

Server browser is buggy as fuk, u press on a server & it does nothing for about 10 secs.

Learn sum facts then come back until then!
How does a delay in respons make it a bug? It has to contact the server to gain the server details!

Bunny hopping and diving: how on earth can you call these bugs?! may as well be calling the M203 and GP-30 bugs too

TK System: The system is fine, Page Up/Down to forgive/punish. The way it calculates the TK's can sometimes be screwey, but should only matter if your a stats whore

Weapon Accuracy: take your time, crouch or prone=better accuracy

AA Guns: Ok, so they are poor, but not a bug

Unmodified Content: never had this for me

O/S??? explain
Prolly gonna buy BF2 if I can run it, I tried the demo and it was pretty choppy.
Intel Pentium 4 3.0, ATI Radeon X600-Pro HDTV, 1GB Ram (2*512), and that's about all that should matter for games. Will I be able to run it?
Hell yeah you should be able to run it fine.

I have same specs, just P4 3.2Ghz, everythind medium, on top resolution it can have and it is fine
lister said:
Bugs still O/S, Server browser, Bunny hopping, diving , AA need serious attention, TK system, Unmodified content bug, weapon accuracy.

The only "bugs" here are the server browser and the "unmodified content" bug (which I have no clue what it is). All the rest are put in there on purpose as part of the gameplay. The weapon accuracy is fine, you just can't use iron sights. And the TK system was adressed. Bunny hopping and diving are part of the game, if you can't do it too bad for you.

You need to get some facts straight and understand what bugs are. There are two bugs, one I don't even know existed so it probably doesn't affect game experience, and the other one doesn't really affect your gamign experience at all, I never have trouble finding a server in a couple of seconds.
F.E.A.R. is indeed excellent. However, I've gotten huge amounts of time and entertainment out of BF2 and its expansion: if that's your sort of game, I'd recommend it in a second. Haven't played Guild Wars, heard it's great, haven't played Q4, heard it sucks.
TheSomeone said:
Bugs? What bugs?
I bought it when it first came out and it was so riddled with bugs that i couldn't be bothered putting up with it and returned it. Don't know about now if there are still bugs or what, i'm sure theres not.

But yeah, only buy BF2 if you've got a beast of a PC.
I'd definitely get Guild Wars. Will last you very long if you have a few friends that play it.