recommend a good combo tube amp?


Oct 14, 2003
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I'm planning on buying an electric guitar in the next year or so, and I'm also going to need an amp. I don't want/need anything huge like a half or full stack, but I do want it to sound really good. I'm (hopefully) going to be getting Rickenbacker 360/6 or 370/6, so I'd like the amp to be tube driven so I can get that beautiful warm fuzzy overdrive sound.

As for the speakers, I'd like them to be either a single or pair of 10" or 12". Wattage isn't a big deal for me, though I'd prefer to not pay more for more wattage. It only needs to be loud enough to overcome stage sound, as I plan on micing it.

I don't really have a brand preference.

So, suggestions?
What's your price range, and what kind of music will you be playing? I'd like to recommend a Fender amp, but they won't get the best 'heavy' sound. But, if you're playing a more classic rock type music, I'd definitely look into some. A Blues Jr. would probably work at a gig if you mic it. I've never tried it before, though, so don't take my word on it.

I have a Hot Rod Deluxe, and it works very well for shows. It's pretty loud, though. If you want to crank it, I'd suggest getting something smaller. Some people don't like the drive channels, but I think they're pretty good. It's a great amp for the money.

If you need a higher gain sound, look into some Traynor amps. I've never tried them, but I've heard good things. And Orange, expensive but they got a very good overdriven tone. Perhaps a Rocker 30?

Avoid lower end Marshalls, they're generally very bad.
Meh, they're not really tube. They're solid state hybrids. If he wants 'genuine' tube breakup, I'd stay away from the Valveronix amps. They're very good modeling amps, though. Great amps, especially for the price, but, from his post, I assume he wants all-tube.
My price range will be around $300-$500, hopefully closer to the $300 end because the guitar's going to be very expensive ($1200-$1600). I definitely don't want heavy distortion. In fact, I don't want distortion at all really, just that slight fuzz you get when you overdrive on a tube. I'm don't really want to pigeonhole my "sound" by putting a single music genre on it, but I guess you could call it "indie rock".
I'd look into one of these bad boys. Sounds like it would work out for your personal needs pretty well. But, that's just one suggestion. Best bet is to go to your local guitar shop, grab a guitar and a cable, and test out as many amps as you can.
If you want to play any rock, I highly suggest the Laney LC30,same one I have.
It's pure class A valve/tube all the way, and isn't TOO expensive :)
You get every penny's worth though it sounds wonderful.

It's 30 Watts but is about as loud as a 100W standard transistor amp, it's much louder than my bandmates 100W Marshall MG!

I played the valvetronix in the same store I bought my amp from, doesnt sound half bad and comes with a load of mediocre effects you'll never really use. Valvetronix suffers in the overdrive department though, it lacks true valve tone as it is merely a transistor amp with a valve preamp to try and mimic true valve tone. I went for the slightly more expensive Laney though because of the beautiful tone. There was little competition because the Laney sounded like the Valvetronix wanted to be :)

if this all sounds stupid and messed up, it's midnight and I'm tired. :)
Yeah a friend of mine was talking to me tonight about class A tube amps. He's got a 15 watt that's apparently pretty loud. I'll definitely check out that Laney if I can find it. Thanks! :cheers:

EDIT: All the sites that carry Laney seem to be in the UK... Plus, its like $800 or so USD :\
eeeek. I acquired mine at a.... 'subsidised price' ....The Laneys are produced only in the UK it seems.
But you get the point about Class A valve/tube amps!! :)
well it says here that their distributor in the states is Hohner, so I'm wondering if maybe they're available in limited quantities or something. I'll have to do a little more research. But yes, I definitely get the point about Class A tube amps :D
That would be sexyful :(

Like I said, have a look at some class A valve/tube amps for that awesome rock tone, if you are looking for a more modern sound then tube amps probably arent for you.
See if your local guitar store will let you try out some amps. That's what I did, just popped in and tried some amps out a few weeks before buying :)
Give special attention to any second hand ones available you can find some real gems
If you didn't get a Rickenbacker, that'd be in your price range, =O. Oranges are really nice, especially if you're looking for a more British tone. I know some people who swear by them. That little thing is a beast!

If I were you, I'd seriously get a more mid-range guitar and a higher end amplifier. But, that's just me. Most of your tone comes from your amp. Although Rickenbackers are very sexy.

I love my Schecter, and it was $550. Plays like a dream. There are plenty of guitars out there for around that price range which are great deals. Then you could get a crunked-out amp.
British tones are very nice, because of the brightness
If you didn't get a Rickenbacker, that'd be in your price range, =O.

I'll stop you right there, that idea is out of the question.

I've been pining after a rick for like 8 years now... not gonna settle for less now that I can afford it :D
Yeah, I know the feeling. I had my eye one my current guitar for a long time. It would have been sensible to get a better amp first, as it affects your tone so much more. But the feel of the guitar, you just can't beat it.

Besides, it's not like you can't get a good amp in that price range. I'd recommend looking into the used market. You could expand your possibilities a lot. You might even be able to find a used Mesa/Boodie Mark IV, :O. I've been GASing for one of those recently. Even though I love my rig... lol.

I'm so bad. :o
Yeah I'm definitely open to getting a used amp. Hell, I'll probably be buying my Rick used since its damn near impossible to find a retailer that has them in stock.E

EDIT: This looks possibly tasty
EDIT2: Nevermind, the amp is crap - its an epiphone 5 watt. While its still a class a, the guy doesn't disclose the fact that its a bottom of the line epiphone, instead calling it a "boutique" amp, which calls into question how good the cabinet he's selling with it really is.
I say, buy your sexyful Rick! THEN go to the nearest guitar store that sells used amps and try some out in your price range! Find one that really compliments the Rickenbacker and your desired sound!
yeah i keep telling myself that, but my hands keep going online and browsing for amps anyways.
I have a 212 Crate Blue Voodoo Tube amp, it sounds delicious
Yeah I'm definitely open to getting a used amp. Hell, I'll probably be buying my Rick used since its damn near impossible to find a retailer that has them in stock.E

EDIT: This looks possibly tasty
EDIT2: Nevermind, the amp is crap - its an epiphone 5 watt. While its still a class a, the guy doesn't disclose the fact that its a bottom of the line epiphone, instead calling it a "boutique" amp, which calls into question how good the cabinet he's selling with it really is.
Those Epi VJs are actually really nice, especially for just jamming at home. Not really recommended for a band setting, but nice and creamy at home. Crank that thing and get some nice tube saturation, :D. The things are $100 new, though. It sounds like he's just selling that "boutique" cabinet.
hey, I didn't want to start a new thread since this one is already about amps, but I am looking for my second amp to replace the current 5-inch 19 watt practice amp I have now. I'm looking at anything in around the 250-300 dollar range.

I was thinking of the Marshall MicroStack, or the Line 6 Spider III 75

but really I have no clue because I'm a total newb when it comes to buying amps.
If its between those two.... the spider. The Marshall Microstack is a crock of shit, but sounds worse.

What do you want to play? Spider or Valvetronix seem to be in your price range.
Well I've been playing mainly postgrunge stlye (very fat sounding distortion with mid to low tone that sounds warm and open, usually just bar or power chords, and the occasional lead) so I think I might benifit from a tube, but I don't want to sacrifice power because I plan on playing live soon.
Tube amps are much much louder than their transistor counterparts aswell as sounding awesome.

eg my 30 Watt Laney is louder (and sounds better) than my bandmates 100 Watt Marshall MG.
I guess I'll have to try them out when I go to guitar center tommorow. Can you recommend me any good tube amps in my price range?
Not really, the only tube amp I've played myself is my own. best bet is to look at what second hand ones are on offer!
Laney LC15R and some smaller Fender tube amps should be in your price range. But definitely don't get that Marshall or Line6, they're generally known to be horrid, and a complete waste of money.

It all depends on what you play, though. Go to a store and try out a bunch of amps in and above your price range. If you like one a lot, search for it used or haggle it down.

I think the Laney would be best for your style out of the amps I can currently think of. You could try a Toland Cube 30, too. They're pretty cool, but solid state. You just can't beat that tube tone, :O.

Tube amps aren't technically louder, but we perceive them to be much louder. A 40w tube amp (like mine) will cut right through a 100w solid state half-stack. Not only that, transistors and tubes distort a lot differently. With tubes, it's much more natural. You hit some glorious tube saturation, and they just distort very organically all the way up to 10. The louder you get, the better your tone gets.

Solid state, on the other hand, will poop out on you. Transistors reproduce the sound very "perfectly" up to a certain point, and then they just hit a brick wall. Around three-fourths of the way up, your tone gets very muddy and undesirable. So, not only are tubes "louder," but you have a much more usable range of volume.

15w tube is all your really need to gig. You're usually miced up anyway, you just need to overcome stage noise. It's also enough for band practice, easily. You might need an overdrive pedal if you want to get more gain, though.

Buy for tone, not for power. And avoid lower end Marshall SS amps, and Line6 spiders. They're very bad.
hmm...unfortunatley guitar center (the only place within 50 miles of my home that sells amps) doesn't have any Laneys whatsoever.I'll look for some tubes when I get there.

What is so bad about the line 6? I've heard nothing but good things about it.

What do you thinka bout this standard epiphone valve tube amp?

Or this Rocktron V80R?

The rocktron seems like a good value, but I've never heard of the brand.
The Line6 is just a very mediocre modeler. It doesn't do anything particularly well, and just sounds very sterile. If you want a modeler, the Roland Cubes (excluding the 15) and the Vox Valvetronix beat the shit out of it.

Haven't played that Epi, myself. But, as far as I know, they're more aimed at a vintage tone. You play a more post-grunge type thing, if I remember right? It's hard to find a good high-gain tube amp in your price range.

Just try out everything you can, especially if the store is fifty miles away. Definitely check out a Cube 30 or 60, it's a great bang for the buck, and sounds like it would suit you pretty well. Not sure how the 30 would hold itself with a band, though. I've never owned one, just used them.

Rocktron doesn't look all that great, in my honest opinion.
I went out and bout a Vox valvetronix AD15v (I was going to get the 30V but they said they wouldn't get another shipment until june)

And man, I am pleased :)

For 15V this thing is REALLY powerful. I couldn't beleive how it sounded compared to similarly priced marshalls and fenders and the line 6. For 15v it blows the socks off of my friends 40V fender. I love the tone and the effects also. My band will be pleased :cheese: