Recommend Me A New Game

May 15, 2003
Reaction score
G'wan, you know you want to! I'm talking multiplayer.. I need a new online game. To give you an idea of what I've enjoyed in the past:

Adrenaline Gamer
Quake 3
Unreal Tournament

I rather enjoy fast-paced FPSes, preferrably with a steep learning curve and a lot of skill required to move etc.

I've tried City of Heroes, I really really liked that, enjoyed it more than WoW.. not a huge MMORPG fan..

Any ideas?
BF2. Do it. Though I already discussed this with you.
I don't think that BF2 is for you, Badger. You liked Q3A...what about Q4? You might also enjoy FEAR, the multiplayer can get pretty hectic.
BF2 isn't fast paced though. I've recently started playing Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004 and I'm really enjoying every second that I play :)
Played FEAR MP through the Beta, didn't like it, it was a bit too random :p

I played a bit of Quake 4 at a mates, I enjoyed that.. I might try it :)
There's this amazing game called Half Life 2 Deathmatch. I think it's the sequel to Half Life Deathmatch. Not sure.
BF2 isn't fast paced though.

Not if you're good. If you're good at infantry, you can throw yourself into the middle of the enemy and just destroy. This is why I love the game.
Reginald said:
There's this amazing game called Half Life 2 Deathmatch. I think it's the sequel to Half Life Deathmatch. Not sure.

Got boring fast. Only really enjoyed clan matches, public was so boring/slow

Might investigate HL2DMPromod .. I played a few early versions of that.. but the problem is it's probably already a dead game (much like I fear Quake 4 is)
While it seemed I was joking about HL2DM, I did mean it in a sense that it's always going to have a good player base as long as HL2 is around, and it's fun.
Reginald said:
There's this amazing game called Half Life 2 Deathmatch. I think it's the sequel to Half Life Deathmatch. Not sure.

LOL since when do mulitplayer games have sequeals????
If you're willing to take a few steps back in time, I recommend MoH: AA. The only MoH multiplay I've played and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I would assume that the newest installments are up to par as well.
giant384 said:
LOL since when do mulitplayer games have sequeals????

Pokemon Stadium? :dork:
Christ, even Mario Party.

Dunno, heard some say it was good, never played it.
Americas Army, although it can be slow at times. Great game.
Glenn, isn't that an MMO? Maybe I'm thinking of something else.

Come join me in Day of Defeat: Source pwnage, Badger!!
sinkoman said:
Prey DM = Q4 DM + Antigrav
QFT, also some other stuff in there that others may care to point out.
It's fun nonetheless.
dod:s is amazing now with the detonation maps, it's pretty much all I play now
Rainbow Six 3: Ravenshield

Imo, it's the best R6 game that has ever been released. MP is only slow if people don't work in teams. It's very challenging going against a team that works well together. Learning to move and aim while not getting shot is also challenging because it only takes 1 or two bullets to die. At the moment, the multiplayer community is pretty small. Once R6: Vegas comes out... it's probably what i'm going to start playing.
I would say Prey. The demo had really awesome multiplayer, and pretty fast paced too. And unlike in Quake 4, it doesnt take like 1000+ shots to kill a guy.
sequels dont pertain to mulitplayer it pertains to story......
UT does have a story. It's the Tournament mode. lol...
Hazar and I played a shitload of TS today, and I can confidently say it's my favorite mod. It's so freaking awesome D:
Starcraft. Its an RTS with the action of a FPS.
JNightshade said:
Hazar and I played a shitload of TS today, and I can confidently say it's my favorite mod. It's so freaking awesome D:

omg yes, it's so freakin awesome D:

damn, we were playing for WAAAYYY too long D:
