Recommend me some GameCube games...


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
I'm getting a GameCube on monday - don't tell me to get a PS2 or an X-box, I've heard that too many times now - and I'm getting Mario Kart Double Dash!! because it's a bundle pack and then I'm getting Zelda...
After I get some more money which games should I buy?
I'm very interested in a game called P.N. 03 even though a lot of reviewers slayed it hard and cold. I like big white rooms, I like action, I like robots and so on

Looks interesting and I found it pre-played at a very fair price...
But I'd like you to recommend me some other games. I don't care about the genre just as long as it isn't Pokémon...

Thanks! Here have some flowers...
You must get Resident Evil 4 - it's one of the best games i've ever played. On any system. Ever. Pure class.

I'm also a great fan of Super Monkey Ball (the first is very cheap these days, and worth every single penny) One of SEGA's best.

Viewtiful Joe is another top title - a must if you're into old school beat em ups.

Of course, there's also Metroid Prime 1 & 2. Check out no. 1 (it's cheaper :))

Hope you enjoy Zelda - it's a great game :)


let's not forget F-Zero - greatest futuristic racer ever made. Check it out if you'e into racing games. Adrenaline junkies only :).

A new Star Fox game is also out next month - looking mighty tasty.

Lastly, if you're into traditional Japanese style RPG's, then I suggest Tales of Symphonia - a great Namco game.
But I've never really figured out what made Metroid Prime so good? It's a FPS, right? Tell me what's so fantastic about it...
Yeah, I'm into Silent Hill games and the new Resident Evil looks really beautiful - but still it doesn't have the same kinda feel like Silent Hill.
What about Pikmin? Never really understood what that was about except that it's a bit like Lemmings?
Being sceptical on buying Resi Evil 4 because it doesn't give off the same kind of feel as Silent Hill, is like being skeptical about getting HL2 because it doesn't give off the same sort of feel as System Shock 2. They're very different games, both fantastic on their own merits. :)
Metroid Prime is a first person advanture game more than a shooter. Other than Ico, it's the most wonderfully chilled game i've played. Really good atmospheric stuff, it brings out the explorer in you.

Resident Evil 4 really isn't like silent Hill. It isn't that creepy, or tense. It is a superb action game tho. I couldn't go back to playing Silent Hill, or the old Resident Evils, after playing this. Best game this generation (imo)

Pikmin is another lovely and chilled title. It's good because it's so charming, and because you get attached to the little guys. Not for everyone, but a great game nonetheless.
Ok so RE 4 is more pow-pow-like where Silent Hill is like "ARGH! I don't dare to go any further so I'll quit right now" <---Just like I did today... ****ing Theme Park in Silent Hill 3 scared the living shit out of me.

What about that new Paper Mario thing? It's a roleplaying game in 2D-3D or something and it should be kick ass... haven't tried it and I don't know how roleplaying-kinda-like it is? Is that worth anything?
How could I forget lol

You're right, Paper Mario 2 is excellent. Easily on par with the first :)

(it's threads like this that remind me how much I love my GC \o/)
But what kinda RPG is it? Turn based like Heroes of Might and Shit or what?
metroid prime!
Like warbie said, it's very much an adventure game. There's little skill in aiming (it relies heavily on auto-aim / lock on) but there is a lot of skill in movement and choice of attacks during combat. The game is HUGE and you will explore large enviroments, which look stunningly contrasted, and cradle a huge assortment of atmospheric music and effects. Metroid prime is amazing. buy it.

If mario kart is the best racing game on the gemecube, Super smash bros. is the best beat 'em up. They both feature the same "easy to play" controls, and both shine with a unique nintendo quality. Oh, and SSBM is the only beat 'em up i've ever played that requires skill over button bashing!

Oh and if you like MGS get MGS:Twin Snakes. It features the playstation version's great story and atmoshpere, but the PS2 sequel's great gameplay additions. It's amazing even if you don't like MGS :laugh:
Metroid Prime 1&2 - definately.
Resident Evil 4 - not out in Australia yet, but I heard it was excellent.
Super Smash Brothers Melee - old now, but still good.
Paper Mario - decent rpg, but definately feels like a kid's game.
Tales of Symphonia - another rpg, longer and not turn-based (battles are more like a fighting game with combos and so on).
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - gamecube is best system to get it on.
Ah, i really should get around to finishinf ToS. I would suggest getting it as others have here. I haven't beat it, but all the reviews i read say its 40+ hours long and a great game :D
Also Metroid Prime
Timesplitters 2 has some crazy-ass multiplayer that's really fun.
Double Dash is a must have.

I haven't played Picmin 2, but from playing Picmin a fair bit, I can say it is pretty fun. (I don't own a game cube)

Alot of Gamecube games require some friends to have fun.

If you have friends that will play with you, get Mario Party 6. Never ending fun there.
I was going to recommend Eternal Darkness, it's a great game and all, but i thought that Resident Evil 4 would be better.
F-Zero GX. Holy crap that game rocks.

And when I mean "rocks" I really mean "addicting like a combination of acid, speed, and crack."

It's funny because the game seems like all three ;)

EDIT: Did I mention Viagra? because that game is HARD :P (I'm sorry I couldn't resist)
Mario Power Tennis
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Metroid Prime 1/2
Resident Evil 4
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Havent got to play RE4 yet, can't wait to though.
However, Eternal Darkness is an experience that no one should miss if they have a GC. It's a very original Survival-Horror with lots of nice surprises.
Frank said:
But I've never really figured out what made Metroid Prime so good? It's a FPS, right? Tell me what's so fantastic about it...
As said before it is more a First Person Adventure. IMO it can be compared to Zelda but without the overworld and a darker/cooler atmosphere. It´s as nonlinear and u have to explore the world/dungeons to get deeper into the world/game. IMO it´s a lot better than Zelda-WindWaker, although that´s a great game, too. Metroid Prime is the "Must-Have"-title for the cube...
I'd get Resident Evil 1, made me nostalgic playing it on the GC. The Jill model is almost "whack-off-able" because of all the polys.
Must buys:
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Resident Evil 4

I would also suggest Wind Waker, although you either love it or you don't. I loved it, personally. After these suggestions, it depends on what kind of games you like. You have to buy those top 3, though. They're just too good.
Eternal Darkness, even if it does rip off Lovecraft left right and centre :P
Yeah what everyone said, + mario sunshine and pickmin.
Oh yeah and if you have a gba or gba emu, the metroid fusion and metroid zero, M&L superstar saga, Zelda the minish cap, they may look primitive but they give you mroe fun than a lot of pc games.
I didnt played too much gamecube games and I dont hav one

but I recomend you super smash brothers melee is ubber fun
Thanks, guys...
I bought my gamecube earlier today, got Mario Kart and Zelda... haven't tried it yet... don't know what's holding me back?
Resident Evil 4 (Resident Evil Remake is cool as well, but if you had to choose one of them, definitely choose RE4.)
Pikmin 1 & 2
Paper Mario 2 (Lot's of humor)
Metroid Prime
Viewtiful Joe
Eternal Darkness
Soul Calibur 2
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Only GC game I've played a lot is Capcom vs SNK 2... I tended to own at that. But special shortcuts? Urrgh. And Yamazaki felt crippled. At least Rugal was about.

...uh, never mind. Just listen to other people. Hope you enjoy what you've already got too...
Venmoch said:
Eternal Darkness, even if it does rip off Lovecraft left right and centre :P
Thats why I loved Eternal Darkness. If anyone else wants to steal from Lovecraft they're welcome to, lord knows it would improve a lot of games. :D
Plus you got Mario 128, which Nintendo has refused to show because it apparently has some revolutionary gameplay elements that it's afraid will be copied.

The new Legend of Zelda is also due out around the same time.

A new Sonic Adventure title is coming also....I believe it's the third entry.

Killer 7 looks pretty sweet. It'll be GC exclusive for a little while anyway.

2005 has some great title coming for the GC. You're gonna get hooked up.
Only a week till future perfect? :D
I'll have to pick that up very soon.
Future Perfect? What's that?

EDIT: oh wait...I found out
Is Super Mario Sunshine like Mario64? In what ways and vice versa?
Frank said:
Is Super Mario Sunshine like Mario64? In what ways and vice versa?

Sunshine doesn't really have the charm and "wow" factor as Mario64. If anything, Mario 128 is supposed to be the true successor to Mario 64.
Oh that's the one everyone is aiming for, eh?
Ok... can anyone tell me what the hell Metroid Prime is about?
I just bought it, started playing and all of a sudden I was on a huge space ship, then I slayed some creatures, then I slayed this huge mother****er, all of a sudden everything was blowing up and my roll-ball-feature didn't work anymore - neither did my rocket-thing. Now I'm on a very rainy island or something and I'm running around scanning things...
Is it normal that I have absolutely no idea of what's going on?
Frank said:
Ok... can anyone tell me what the hell Metroid Prime is about?
I just bought it, started playing and all of a sudden I was on a huge space ship, then I slayed some creatures, then I slayed this huge mother****er, all of a sudden everything was blowing up and my roll-ball-feature didn't work anymore - neither did my rocket-thing. Now I'm on a very rainy island or something and I'm running around scanning things...
Is it normal that I have absolutely no idea of what's going on?

Just take your time - soak in the atmosphere. Scan things and read about them :)

MP is not an action game - if you play it like you may end up dissapointed.
I just read the pre-story to Metroid Prime in the I seem to know what I needed... But god damnit! Those levels are huge! I'm in some sort of a desert/egyptian city (at least it looks like one) and there are wasps everywhere! ARGH!