Recommend Mods


Jul 7, 2003
Reaction score
Basically we recommend/share any mods we occasionally play to the Half-Life community. It doesn't have to be a Half-Life mod.

Modification: The Specialists (Half-Life mod)
Trailer: The Specialists Beta 2.1 Teaser Trailer
Whats it about?: The Specialists team, started 2 years ago by Morfeo and John_Matrix’s direction wanted and wants to create a mod for the great, famous and best-seller Half-Life, in which there are two primary objectives for the team to reach: Action movies’ gameplay style but also credible realism, both for guns and their damages.

Firefights, depending from the various gameplays that will be listed, will be both spectacular due to our “stunt” moves as well as spectacular for a new implemented particellar system, new muzzle flashes and weapons' realistic power. Players can shot down an enemy just with a burst of 9mm as well as a single shotgun shot.

Users will be able to choose if behave as an “action man” (use of light equipment, small caliber guns) taking advantage of their agility or behave as a “specialist” using large caliber weapons, which affect agility but improve firepower. It’s also possible to close any encounter with an headshot, which is, almost in all cases, lethal… But now don’t stay here, take a look to all “The Specialists” (TS from now on) new features! More info.

Download: The Specialists 2.1 - Full
Miscellaneous: Started playing this mod for the past few weeks mainly due to the multi-player mayhem. They're some cool maps such as "The Lobby" and "Chateau" from Matrix and Matrix Reloaded. There are approximatly 30 weapons which you can modify them with silencers, lasers etc. All in all, its a pretty impressive mod, I really recommend it.
Natural Selection

Very cool Alien vs Space Marine game. Check it out. If ya D/L it, look for the server [NAR]2-Gorge's Hideout. I'll probably be there. :cheers:
Specialists was and still is one of the best mods for HL. I still remember the first time I played it, on ts_lobby... Such bliss :)
Desert Combat for Battlefield 1942, get it at

the WWII mod for Battlefield Vietnam, get it at

They Hunger 1-3 for Half-Life, it may still have the official site up, not completely sure.

and not really a mod, but Xfire still kicks ass, and it's still under-appreciated. It's basically an instant messenger program for games. Get it at
Construction Mod for Tribes 2

It's a VERY fun and addicting mod, not much combat, it's about construction. Use hundreds of variations of beams, walls, bricks, forcefields, turetts etc.. to build whatever you want (starships, hotels, houses etc.. there is no limit on the size of your creation)

Once I played this, I never went back to plain 'ol Tribes..

www.theconstruct****/ <-- why is that filtered?

Alien Swarm (UT2004) - A top down squad based action game set in environments similar to Natural Selection.

BumperCars (Half-Life) - Well... it's bumper cars. What else is there to say?

ProBall (Quake 3) - A very simple (in a good way) first person futuristic sport. You basically need two buttons (other than movement) throw/steal and sprint. Of course, you try to get the ball in the goal. The maps can range from basketball courts to soccer fields to volleyball to a huge public restroom with giant urinals as goals.

MetaBall (UT2004) - It's sort of like Marble Madness...

QPong (Quake 2 and Quake 3) - Move a gigantic metal ball by shooting at it. The objective is to push it into your opponent's goal. You can gib people by rolling the ball over them fast enough.

StrangeLove (UT and UT2004) - You get to ride on top of Redeemer-like rockets.
Good Half Life Mods:

Vampire Slayer :
I don't know the links for any others, so here the rest are =]
Opposing Force x.x
Battle Grounds
Desert Combat
Digital Paintball

Best Ones so far =]
I love TS, DOD, and Op4.

But everyone knows about thoes.
Team Fortress
Team Fortress Classic
Team Fortress 1.5
Doom 3 Fortress
Unreal Fortress


Oh and Deathball.
I don't think there is a kung-fu mod for Max-Payne 2, but it would be ace if there was one.