Recommendations on Individual-level RPGs?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hey there fellas.
I'm looking for recommendations on RPGs where you control an Individual(Ala Elder Scrolls) rather than a party(Ala Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Night).

Preferably western-themed(Dungeons and Dragons being my fav).

I can consider party-based but only if it allows one to hand over control to AI, with said AI being good. I tried handing over control to NWN2 AI, which seems to think rushing headfirst into a battle and wasting all its spell is a great tactic.:)

Thanks for any helpful tips!
You can do BG, NWN2 etc. with only 1 character - it's just harder and you'll miss out on some party interaction in a couple of those games. Also I think you can do that in KotOR 1/2?

NWN1 is definitely doable with 1 char given you can't even form a proper party in the OC.
Well, I don't mean simply doable, I mean where I don't miss out on the game by going solo.

Like in the Elder Scrolls series.
Well NWN1 then. In the OC you don't have a party anyway, just 1 character and switchable henchmen types who're fairly uninteresting anyway.
Titan Quest (and the expansion Immortal Throne). Very decent Diablo-clone with good graphics and a fair bit of depth. You can also play co-op with friends online if you want. It's on Steam.
Fallout. Fallout 2. (remember the HR patch, though)

Two Worlds (action-RPG, though)

Morrowind is good too.
Already played all of those Mikael, thanks none the less though!
Played Fo2 with the Restoration Patch?

Nox is a decent hack'n'slash RPG (also up on AFAIR).

Pre-IX Ultima series is supposedly good.

You might try soloing through Might & Magic (although prepare a platter for your ass)