Recruiting members for a new multiplayer mod


Dec 28, 2007
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This is going to be a multi-player deathmatch mod created in the Source engine which involves players being able to shape-shift into creatures during gameplay to gain special abilities for a certain amount of time and with other side-effects.

There will be a range of different characters with their own separate creature and ability and will feature graphics much like in Team Fortress 2. There will also be various weapons to use.

A few ideas for abilities I have are: increased speed, a strong melee attack, a weaker ranged attack, ability to fly/teleport, cloaking and a symbiotic ability where you can attach to other players and gain their health or give them health like the tf2 medic and/or help them to attack.

Currently I am the only person working on this and I will be doing the mapping and some of the texturing and coding. I require a modeller, a coder, a skinner, maybe another mapper to add variation and of course if this mod reaches beta stages, playtesters.

If anybody would like to help with this mod I will be greatfull.
Well I can probably program the weapons and attacks and I can use the Half life 2: deathmatch code for the multiplayer and after that I am not sure how far.
Well I can probably program the weapons and attacks and I can use the Half life 2: deathmatch code for the multiplayer and after that I am not sure how far.
Well it's encouraging to see you're willing to muck in in all areas, but I think maybe you need to take another look at how complex the graphics are for Team Fortress. There are lots of shaders working together to get the final effect. It's probably harder than a conventional 'realism' mod in terms of graphical difficulty.
I am not saying definitely for team fortress but I would like a cartoon effect or it can be a regular half life 2 style mod. Would you want to help?
I'd like to join. I only focus on music now though. I have done various other things such as level design, modeling and 2d art. My system is setup for music production only at the moment, unfortunately.

And about achieving a cartoon look, well that is great and can be done pretty simply with custom texturing, making them more cartoonish than realistic. It would also be much easier to produce cartoon/artsy-based textures than more hyper/photo realistic ones, which should make finding a texture artist (who is of adequate talent) easier.

Let me know via PM.
Yeah and I was wondering if coders who do join this mod if they could incorporate the class system like in TF2. I think it would make sense in this mod.
Sounds like it could be kind of neat, but it's going to be a hell of a lot of work. You should flesh things out first, come up with a clear design doc, and then start looking for people. Having ambiguity is never helpful on a complex project. It's important to be organized and have a solid grasp on what you're doing.
Yeah, a design doc is a must in this case since you're using a bunch of different characters with different abilities. Don't make this list too long though, you'll have to spend a considerable amount of time even with a small list to get the a perfect balance between characters. You don't want to throw in a bunch of abilities just because they're cool, they have to work with the maps (and the other way around) and against other character to make sure they aren't overpowered.

My tip would be to make a very small list with the best and the most essential abilities in order to have a fun game and then go from there. It's always a great relief to know that the core gameplay if fun, so you have something to fall back on if some things doesnt work/not enough time.
Yeah I know I am working on concept art at the moment and a more in depth list of the classes, at the moment I am working on recruiting more than anything so I can get more people in for ideas etcetera. I think it would be a good idea to have larger maps like empires or maybe not I am not sure. I would like anyone concept art or ideas for anything also.