Red Alert 2 kills internet


Jul 14, 2003
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I'm playing Red Alert 2 with my friends for nostalgic reasons, among other wierd things that happens when I run Red Alert 2, the worst thing so far must be when I've played a multiplayer game online. After the game, internet won't work. I have to reboot my computer in order for it to work again. Anyone have any clues on how to fix this issue?

EDIT: I also use a router, but all firewalls are turned off. The wierd thing is, I can't even access my router when internet's not working.
OOO..I hate routers...I much prefer Hubs. I don't know what's wrong but it's probably screwing with your IP address or gateway. Try looking at those things next time after you finished playing a online game with your friend.
Yes, as a matter of fact it does. When I open cmd and type "ipconfig" I cant find the standard gateway or anything.
...but I still don't know how to fix this issue...
Now, if I recall Red Alert 2 uses the old IPX protocal rather than the modern and commonly used TCP/IP.

That may be causing your problem but I'm not networking dude.