Red Faction: Guerilla XBox360 Beta @ FilePlanet (Subscribers)

Just got my key, will try it out tmr.
Beta vids on gametrailers look pretty badass. Let us know how it is, guys. *envy*
It's okay, the most boring part is setting up matches, there's a -40- countdown that seems to reset every time a player joins/leaves.. Which makes it take forever to get a match going, there are also latency issues when it comes to physics and the shooting is pretty awful, but it's still fairly fun, and the game isn't due out until 2009 so they still have time to work on the aiming(Such as add some form of autoaim because right now shooting is so f*cking awful.)
I don't have a 360 but thought I'd get the Key for those who don't have a Fileplanet Subscription account,

Drop me a PM and I'll send the key over. :)

EDIT: It has been taken.
Having a great time in it now, befriended one of the multiplayer developers(I know he's legit via the beta forums etc) and we had a hilarious time smashing down buildings on eachother.:)
Yeah depsite some matchmaking problems like Garg said the game is really fun.
Adrik_Senturu, add me to your friendslist, my GT is Gargantou(Who'd have guessed!), some day we'll run around smashing down buildings all whilst I'm yelling "RAUUURGH GET DAUN DO IT NAU!!!" with my awesome Arnold-impression.:)
Hell yeah. Also the rhino attachment is the greatest thing ever. When I first got it was thinking "The hell does this do" I used it near a wall, slammed through it and sent some guy behind it flying. Greatest kill ever.