Red Hot Chili Pepper in the Eye


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
My friend decided to bring in some red hot chili pepper today for his food class and he handed one out to our mate and...he was obviously trying to suppress his pain especially since this was at the beginning of a practice exam. :)

Somebody else wanted one to. So he got one, started playing with it and decided to not eat it.

But 5 minutes later he rubbed his eyes and the chili was making his eyes water so badly that he couldn't see where he was going and had to be helped to the emergency room D:

Lesson: Don't rub your eyes after handling extremely spicy food.
Look at the evil bastard.

I did that once, but instead of rubbing my eye I had to go to the toilet.... yeah... that was fun...
I'd hate to be the guy who got caught rubbing these in his eyes, especially if he had a milk allergy..
Sweet Jesus. My eyes are already watering D:
You guys should try chilli vodka ... sets your face on fire :)