Red light on motherboard turning on

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Aug 24, 2005
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I have just built this new system and any time the thing has power, this little red light turns on right near the ram slots. I don't have windows installed yet, so i don't know if it is an error. If anyone here has ever experienced this, please tell me what is up. BTW my mobo is a Nvidia EVGA 133-K8-NF41
usually thats the light indicator that there is power running to your motherboard mine is green so it could just be the manufacuter who picked the light
That may just be it. I thank you sir for your input and hope now that my new system doesn't incinerate due to that small red light. Now I just have to wait for windows to arrive then I can play Far Cry in all it's HDR PS 3.0 glory.
Mine is green as well.
Maybe you should look in your manual if Red means something?