Red Orchestra 3.1


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Don't let the name fool you - It looks absolutely amazing! The amount of stuff they've put in is worthy of an RO 10.0 title! - Check it out, they've put up a small teaser movie showing off some of the new stuff!

For those of you who don't know RO is a WW2 TC for UT2004 - (set on the eastern front) and has got to the final stage of the Make Something Unreal contest - and without a doubt they'll win it :D

Anyone who's got UT2004 you'd be stupid not to d/l it when it comes out!

Now stop reading and start watching that movie! :D :bounce:
I think i downloaded an older version of RO a while back. Is this the mod where you don't have a rectical/crosshair? brilliant idea but takes way to much praccy :P
Download the bleeding teaser movie and see how far it's come! :D
I am I am :P Edit/ Wow even for a war game this looks pretty amazing :E These guys have definately got that compo in the bag. Edit2/ Is that Make Something Unreal competition the one where you win $1mill? or is that split up between the winners of each category?
oh man, this is one of the best mods ever, for any game, ever :|

its a shame i dont have ut2004 installed anymore :( might have to install again!
Alig said:
I am I am :P Edit/ Wow even for a war game this looks pretty amazing :E These guys have definately got that compo in the bag. Edit2/ Is that Make Something Unreal competition the one where you win $1mill? or is that split up between the winners of each category?

I haven't got a clue of the total sum tbh, but all I know is it's a load of cash - a liscence for the engine, giving the ability to truly make it there own game - and if they choose - go retail. I'm not too sure on the exact details, they have won money in the previous phases - so maybe, the 1 million is split up between all the phases and catergory's etc.

I think the last sum for RO was somewhere around $10,000 USD so the prize money could be anywhere from 20 grand to 100 grand!

Guess we'll find out.
This mod is the most professional mod ever. Period.

I played it from the 1st version to to 1.2. After 1.2, they went to UT2004, and I never got UT2004. So I haven't played it since. I used be really good at it. I could snipe people while they were sprinting from the other side of the map.
Damn stupid crappy games with their damn stupid awesome mods...
Red Orchestra kicks rather alot of bottom. Some of the people who are making it are working on Insurgency for HL2, so don't worry - even if you don't have UT2004 you might still get a *slight* taste of what RO has to offer. However, I think UT2004 is worth buying simply for the experience of this mod... especially if you like Realism.

It is really really professional - it just doesn't have that many followers at the moment.... it's a niche.

I haven't played it for a while now because I didnt like the latest version (3.0) quiteeeee as much as I liked it before, but 3.1 looks set to blow me away again. Bloody hell that trailer is brilliant, captures the feel of it precisely. Red Orchestra is so atmospheric... gritty. You feel like you are there sometimes - and it's as close as you'll ever want to be to the reality of the Eastern front of WW2.

/Awaits 3.1 eagerly :)
Well, looks like this version is going to something special. The only really thing RO needs now is - Fans!! There are so little people playing this mod. I'm not sure if it's because it's a mod for utk4 - I suppose that would make sense as generally speaking people who buy utk4 aren't looking for anything realistic :P

This one will be something special though - I personally bought ut2004 just for this mod after playing 1.3 for ut2003 before. Honestly - it's worthit, but keep in mind this mod is heavy on the realism - it's got a bit of a steep learning curve. No crosshairs etc. Free aim (so no hip-shooting by sticking a crosshair on your screen :P) - but like I said all this mod needs now is more players.
i tried it when the last major version was released [3?] and it sucked and was buggy as hell. i went back to cod.
Oooo Saw the trailer, looks very cool!
I'm not exactly sure what it does add exactly, as the changelog hasn't been released - But so far what I can see is:

- The addition of the Panther, re-done Panzer IV and T34, as well as another T34, rumours of a KV-1 (dunno what that is), A russian truck, and a re-made half track.

- All the interiors are now up to scratch (as you can probably see from that trailer :P) as well as the exteriors.

- Both the driver and gunner now can button down the hatches, or open them and have a much greater field of view (this allows the gunner to find targets), but also means you can get shot :( - and I'm sure you can actually chuck grenades down open hatches.

- If you've played earlier versions, the prone bug is gone (long story short - annoying bug) as well as new animations, sounds, skins etc.

- A new 'whiz' system where if any bullets travel past you in a proximity appropriate whizzes and what have you will be heard - help keeping to the intensity, and means "supression" is alot more feasible.

- More maps, no idea of how many - but I should suspect quite a few.

- And loads more stuff and changes which has yet to be said.

As Demon said though - RO is a "niche" - Alot of people like it, but then go back to CoD, others hate it, and very few like it and stick with it.
I liked it, it just got repetative and the lack of clans and competitive gaming was annoying.
The lack of clans is simply due to the lack of players.

If you've played 3.0 - take a look at the new Panzer and russian tank! :D
In 3.0 they were very unfinishied - more of an experiment to see if the RO fans like them (Which they did- well most). But here's the re-done German and Russian tanks :) <---- Erm nevermind heh, you'll have to see for yourselves the pics are too big to attach :(
Looks great, makes me wanna buy UT2k4.

But was is a lack of players? Are there still enough good servers or is the number just relatively low for such a good mod?
Well seeing as your from Europe there will be no problem finding a server, theres always one or two full servers - but that's about it. When the yanks get up theres about 3 full servers (about 20-30 players each) but compare that to say Counter-Strike (far-fetched comparision but heh) I could get up at 4am and find hundreds of games to play in. Chances are if I got up at 4am to play RO there'd be some Americans playing in one server, if I'm lucky.
I found most mods on UT2k4 had next to no one playing them :( RO included. Maybe its just a not very popular game anymore.

Jimmeh use to host pictures if there under 1mb (the size limit on this forum is stingy :P)
Erm, heh it freezes when trying to upload, I left it for a few minutes and it did feck all :(

But actually the T34 is on the RO frontpage, and if you register to the forums you'll find the new Panzer (as well as new faces) in the showcase. If you do register post about a bit, maybe d/l the current 3.0 if you can be arsed.
Oh and Ali, the prize according to the MSU site is $150,000. Not too shabby! :D
I have this mod but i havent played it much, i should do... its just sitting on my hard drive fragmenting away.
Holy mother of God! That trailer is fantastic.

Now, I never thought I would say this... but I am gona buy UT2004 JUST for this mod! :D
Downloading the trailer now. I've played this since 1.something. It's easily the best UT2004 mod. I never played the version with the vehicles though since my UT disc got cracked... eek.

That Jucha level looks great.
Jimmeh - I jnow this is sort of off topic but I know you check this thread and probably know. I tried RO 3.0 again earlier today and my mouse sensitivity was way too high - I couldn't change it in options :(

Could you tell me how to change sensitivity in both Iron Sights and Hip shooting mode? preferably I want to tone them both down by the same percentages.

[OnTopic] Anyway the new Trailer makes me wonder what was so fantastic about the old Trailer :P Seeing as this is released on the 15th, it will be something for any of you UT2004 owners here to try on that last day before we get to play HL2.

and anyway, like oldagerocker say - UT2004 itself is a great game...
It's the complete opposite of RO however - which unfortuantly is why it has such a small fan base. I suppose the only people who play it are people like me who play both Deathmatch and Realism... or people so dedicated that they buy the game simply for the mod, and I know they exist :).
Hmmm, I can change my sensitivity in Settings>Input. It effects both Iron sights and hip shooting. It's really confusing though, as say you changed the default value of 2.50 down to 1.50, the next time you go to options its 2.50 again, but the sensitivity is really still 1.50 - If you know what I mean :P