Red Orchestra - Summer Update


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Red Orchestra team have released details of the upcoming Summer Update.[br]This is a hefy update featuring a new map, a new German tank, new vehicle features and a massive number of other tweaks/fixes, the entire list of changes can be found here.[br]

- Added Anti-Aliasing and Anistropic Filtering settings to the in-game display settings.


Also, the second pic = 404 error.

Edit: Wow this update is gonna be awesome
V-Man on the update

They haven't updated this game in a long time, compared to how much they used to anyway.
The only problem is this isn't much information, so I can't really predict wether or not I'm going to like this.
^ Did you follow the link to the full list of changes? All the info you need is there.

Can't wait for this now :D
Err, nevermind. How do I delete posts?

Anyway, can't wait for this update!
They haven't updated this game in a long time, compared to how much they used to anyway.
Compared to how much valve update dod:s, it's shitloads!

God valve sucks with dod:S updates "omg every developer is working on that cartoon crap tf2 yeah that'll sell well"
Meh, they already had a Panzer IV, IIRC. This is just the Ausf. H with the spaced armor added to the turret.