Red Orchestra unveils...


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score

Like angry houses, or perhaps just irate bungalows, they were kings of the Second World War. Now these steel beasts of glory stalk the battlefields of the Eastern Front once again in Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45.[br]

[br]What you see before you are fine examples of the armouria genus: the German Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf E "Tiger" (with cockpit and moving parts proudly displayed) and the Soviet T-60. These noble creatures were once a common sight roaring across the Russian steppes like metal cottages on the warpath, carrying with them poor helpless soldiers that they had captured like King Kong carrying Anne Darrow. The German Tiger, now extinct save for a few examples in museums, was huge and powerful, built for strength (although some scientists speculate its treads could not have carried its enormous bulk for long distances and that it was, contrary to popular belief, a scavenger). Its Russian counterpart, the T-60, was fast, nippy and cheap - Nazi engineers once remarked after capturing a Russian tank that if they'd tried to built it the thing would never have gotten through quality control.[br]</br>You can find the update in its entirety at the Red Orchestra website where you can also find out more about this highly-acclaimed mod that puts a new spin on World War 2. If you wish to petition for me to stop using old PC Gamer jokes, just click on the 'comments' button under this news piece.
sulkdodds i <3 u :)
What you see before you are fine examples of the armouria genus: the German Panzerkampfwagen VI Ausf E "Tiger" (with cockpit and moving parts proudly displayed) and the Soviet T-60. These noble creatures were once a common sight roaring across the Russian steppes like metal cottages on the warpath, carrying with them poor helpless soldiers that they had captured like King Kong carrying Anne Darrow. The German Tiger, now extinct save for a few examples in museums, was huge and powerful, built for strength (although some scientists speculate its treads could not have carried its enormous bulk for long distances and that it was, contrary to popular belief, a scavenger). Its Russian counterpart, the T-60 was fast, nippy and cheap - Nazi engineers once remarked after capturing a Russian tank that if they'd tried to built it the thing would never have gotten through quality control.
Nazi engineers once remarked after capturing a Russian tank that if they'd tried to built it the thing would never have gotten through quality control.

Good ol' German engineering.
Wow looks great.

I will probably start playing this again when it comes out on Steam, so sad it lacked a significant player base as a mod for UT2004. Hopefully they'll be many, many more players this time :)
German tanks were by far the most powerfull and effective in fighting ways. However Russian tanks could sustain massive crap and still run.
The T-34 is voted the most "effective" overall "power-cost-reliable" tank.
Dont know where this "russian stuff = crap" comes from, but if you look at the AK47, its still the most reliable weapon, and still massively used ( and not only by mindless guerilla units ).
Its accurate, reliable, cheap and powerfull. Exactly what the Russians are good at.
Germans were good at combat power and effectiveness, but German tanks cost a fortune ( at least the Tiger 1 and 2 did :p )
Heh, angry houses. I see that PCGUK thread has been sticking itself to you Sulk ;)
SubKamran said:
One of those most high quality mods I've seen, wow. :eek:

FORMER mod, this is a standalone retail game now :) Move over dod source, in fact id go so far to say gtfo of my sight, and hellllloooooooo Red Orchestra. :dork:
ROO will pwn any WWII game currently out there. The team has rewritten 90% of the code from the mod and done some major updates to the UE2.5 so expect awesomeness.

As a tribute to my love Sulkdodds, I'll scream "IRATE BUNGALOWS!" over the voice link in Red Orchestra whenever it's released instead of "ENEMY TANKS!". :D

Ome_Vince said:
German tanks were by far the most powerfull and effective in fighting ways. However Russian tanks could sustain massive crap and still run.
The T-34 is voted the most "effective" overall "power-cost-reliable" tank.
Dont know where this "russian stuff = crap" comes from, but if you look at the AK47, its still the most reliable weapon, and still massively used ( and not only by mindless guerilla units ).
Its accurate, reliable, cheap and powerfull. Exactly what the Russians are good at.
Germans were good at combat power and effectiveness, but German tanks cost a fortune ( at least the Tiger 1 and 2 did :p )
Uh, the AK-47 is not accurate at all. It's massively used because it's cheap and easy to use. Its powerful, yes, but it sure as hell isn't accurate (particularly given the untrained soldiers that generally use it). Reliable, yes; you can drag it through sand it often won't even jam.
Oh man, as soon as the words "irate bungalows" hit my eyes, I know that this was by Sulkdodds. <3 you, sulky!

And this... this looks excellent! The inside-tank views make me want to piss myself. I'm not sure why.
speeding cottages roaming the russian steppes ...that must have been a sight to see ...especially during migration season

Please note that the quality control comment wasn't intended as a dig at Russian armour as such - their tanks were actually incredible. The thing arose more because of the difference in the way the two nations went about designing their tanks rather than the Russian ones just being absolute rustbuckets.

Ive read about Armor in that war, and the German Tiger suffered many problems. First of all, it was complex and difficult to maintain, second of all was that it ran on traditional fuel where as the Russian ones used diesel fuel. In the winter this problem was a disaster, tanks many times simply wouldn't start up.

As for the ak-47 comment, let's agree on the basic, a gun that doesn't shoot is a useless gun no matter how accurate it is. That would be the ak-47's counter-part, so it easily makes up for its accuracies by the fact that the enemy has a high chance of their guns becoming obsolete.
CptStern said:
speeding cottages roaming the russian steppes ...that must have been a sight to see ...especially during migration season


hehe it was a good chuckle.
i can't wait for this...hopefully its the equivelent of BF2 for Source/Steam...wait, lets hope it surpasses BF2 :p

hmm...anyone know if this will be a free mod or a retail one?
Since when have our news sections become comedy routines?

I approve.
Uh oh, I think my house is moving....
Dr. Freeman said:
hehe it was a good chuckle.
i can't wait for this...hopefully its the equivelent of BF2 for Source/Steam...wait, lets hope it surpasses BF2 :p

hmm...anyone know if this will be a free mod or a retail one?
It will cost moneys.
Red Orchestra said:
Tripwire will deliver its award-winning first person shooter via Steam, Valve's online content delivery system.
So I guess it isn't strictly Half-Life 2, but fug it. Who cares - it looks cool.
JNightshade said:
Oh man, as soon as the words "irate bungalows" hit my eyes, I know that this was by Sulkdodds.

... or, rather, by PC Gamer magazine. The "angry houses/irate bungalows" reference is from PCG, circa a few years ago. Sulk's just nicked their joke without crediting 'em! :p

Ennui, maybe you used a Chineese counterfeit? :D AK-47 is pretty accurate, maybe not as accurate as some other modern weapons, but I will not agree that it's "inacurate at all".
To jam the AK-47 you would have to be extremely talented... or use the gun-lock too slow (you have to pull it vigorously) :p Appart from that, this weapon is almost impossible to jam. As Kalasznikov himself said, you'd have to put the gun in beton to disable it. You also could not clean it for years and it would still be 100% functional.
Przemek said:
Ennui, maybe you used a Chineese counterfeit? :D AK-47 is pretty accurate, maybe not as accurate as some other modern weapons, but I will not agree that it's "inacurate at all".
To jam the AK-47 you would have to be extremely talented... or use the gun-lock too slow (you have to pull it vigorously) :p Appart from that, this weapon is almost impossible to jam. As Kalasznikov himself said, you'd have to put the gun in beton to disable it. You also could not clean it for years and it would still be 100% functional.
The AK47 isn't as accurate as its western counterparts, I don't think that can be disputed. I'm not really too worried about being a few inches out at 500 metres unless I have a telescopic sight, however. AK47 beats the crap out of anything evar on reliability too, although with love and care almost anything (even the famed L85, aka GP aka SA80 aka POS) can be a perfectly reliable weapon. As long as you keep it oiled. And don't cock it slow. And release the cocking lever instead of sliding it forwards. And put the magazine in firmly. And sacrifice a goat at 13:37.

Przemek said:
To jam the AK-47 you would have to be extremely talented...
I bet one of my cadets could manage it. True story, we had one who's official training function was "Weapon Stoppage Simulator" - he could generate a specific weapon jam for us on request, very useful for teaching people.