Red Sox - Yankees ALCS


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Man only 20 hours away. I cant wait. This is going to be an exciting week and a half.

I think baseball....
I live in San Diego...
I watch the padres :(
qckbeam said:
What's this all about now?
it's one of the most humorous events in all of sports. tune in to watch the redsox lose in about as dramatic a fashion as can happen in baseball.
I can't watch more than 5 minutes of baseball without having psychotic episode. :|
Lil' Timmy said:
it's one of the most humorous events in all of sports. tune in to watch the redsox lose in about as dramatic a fashion as can happen in baseball.

Is baseball that game where the players beat each other in the head with heavy metal sticks? I remember that game. Such brutal fun. Tak ah lah.
Lil' Timmy said:
it's one of the most humorous events in all of sports. tune in to watch the redsox lose in about as dramatic a fashion as can happen in baseball.

so true.
actually this time around the Big Red Suckers have a good pitching staff... most stay the Suckers have an edge in the pitching department over the Evil Empire.. i won't disagree with that.

i just want to say that, until they win, the Suckers haven't proven anything :p

/me ques Star Wars music
Schilling is gonna tear Arod a new asshole. The new asshole will be near his old asshole.....but still.....the man will have two assholes.
Sorry the yanks have no more mr clemens. Yankee's=****ED.

Go sox!
hahahaha.. take it sox fans.. take long and deep and hard and deep.
Lil' Timmy said:
hahahaha.. take it sox fans.. take long and deep and hard and deep.

lol Timmy u can be pretty mean some times.. but i love u still :) :laugh:
anyway i was hearing so much about how the Red Sox are the team to beat this post season...well all due respect but this was a typical ho-hum game :p btw i thought this game was very important for Boston to win and they didn't.. i guess it ain't the end of the world but when u have ur best pitcher going and u don't win...the chances of winning the series slightly decrease.

over the last few years the Yankees seem to bend, but rarely break..especially against the Red Sox.
Pedro is the best pitcher for the Sox, thus second game he plays.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Pedro is the best pitcher for the Sox, thus second game he plays.

nah uh.
i disagree... Schiling is their best pitcher.. all the baseball analysts believe so as well.. Pedro was the best pitcher for the team before tho.
anyway Pedro himself said in last off-season the NY Yankees are his daddy :laugh:
thats why there was "Who's your daddy" signs all over Yankee Stadium hahah ;)
it's a shame the cubs aren't in the playoffs this year. watching both cursed teams fail dramatically was hilarious. oh well, wonder what blundering the sox will have this time. although i'd rather see them beat the yankees. the cards will win world series though, so doesn't matter.
psh, Boston fans are babies. Both the Cubs and the White Soxes are on longer draughts than the Red Soxes. Plus, the Bears suck.
game number 2 tonight @ 8PM EST.

Pedro has admitted the Yankees are his "daddy" :laugh: so will the angry little kid fight back? stay tuned! :E

i am not counting out the Yanks.. u know what they say... "never count out the heart of a champion" and we all know how many times NY has won over the last few years ;)
Bah, The Schill had a torn tendon in his right ankle, no wonder he did bad. Pedro is either going to be lights out tonight, or awful. I cant wait.
I dunno... I've been a yanks fan ever since I knew what baseball was... can't help it :)
freakin boston losing again, they are down by 3 dam....go cardinals hehe

hope boston wins...yankees won too much world world series
looks like the "who's your daddy!" chants got to Pedro :laugh:
some of the signs at Yankees Stadium were priceless :E

one of them read: "Father Evil Empire" lmao
another: "At Yankees Stadium everyday is fathers day!" hahah :laugh:

seriously tho now.. i didn't like Boston's chances before the series began and i don't like even more now that they are down 2-0.

LCS fact: the last 13 times a team went down 2-0 in a series, they ended up losing.
Joe Torre fact: ever since Torre became the manager of NY in 1996, the Yankees haven't lost an LC series ;)

i dunno...i just think thats way too much history to overcome for the Red Sox :)
That, plus the fact that the sox ALWAYS choke when they REALLY need to pull through.
gee, i wonder if Red Sox fans are wishing for this game number 3 to be postponed til tomorrow because of rain.. :rolleyes:
i thought game number 2 was a must win for Boston but i guess if this game ain't, then nothing is!

let the "whos your daddy!" chants continue :laugh:
I dont watch baseball but i still root for the Yanks.

Pre pare to be worn out sox!
seinfeldrules said:
How? He pitched an excellent game.

despite his honesty in the post-game news conference...i dunno.. i think it bugged him just a little :)