Reflect on the brave men


May 19, 2005
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Guys i thought id share a moment or two to mention the brave men that get unjustly murdered by 3rd world terrorists and then post the video of them on the net.

This worst thing i have ever seen are the videos for example a truely horrific video of a russian man gettin his throat cut out and a man gettin his head sawn off with a knife. These people are shown to the world and butchered like cattle. Its unfair and unjust.

These things just make you think and wonder how can other human beings be such...well theres are no words in my opinion to desribe such madness and wrong doing.

I guess we can never escape these things, although im sure everyone here wishes they could.

Just reflect on those men that have been in those situations, id like to hear of your opinions and how it makes you feel.

(my saddest post)

obiously the videos are too graphic to be put on here, im sure you wouldnt want to see them either.
Its pretty shocking really, can't think how the families of the people would be feeling now. Totally shocking.
Tr0n said: is hell ain't it?
Real nice Tr0n.. :|

What I find most disturbing is the fact that the people who do things like that often use their religion to justify it. Not to say that any Islamic person is a terrorist, but the ties between terrorists and their religion are undeniable. Middle Eastern terrorists and the IRA being just two examples.
Gui! said:
This worst thing i have ever seen are the videos for example a truely horrific video of a russian man gettin his throat cut out and a man gettin his head sawn off with a knife. These people are shown to the world and butchered like cattle. Its unfair and unjust.

They're only shown to the people who actively seek them, I don't think its easy to just come across a beheading video.

To which I ask, why did you watch those videos?
Gui! said:
Guys i thought id share a moment or two to mention the brave men that get unjustly murdered by 3rd world terrorists and then post the video of them on the net.

This worst thing i have ever seen are the videos for example a truely horrific video of a russian man gettin his throat cut out and a man gettin his head sawn off with a knife. These people are shown to the world and butchered like cattle. Its unfair and unjust.

These things just make you think and wonder how can other human beings be such...well theres are no words in my opinion to desribe such madness and wrong doing.

I guess we can never escape these things, although im sure everyone here wishes they could.

Just reflect on those men that have been in those situations, id like to hear of your opinions and how it makes you feel.

(my saddest post)

obiously the videos are too graphic to be put on here, im sure you wouldnt want to see them either.

for every soldier killed there's hundreds of civlians killed least the soldiers know the risks

I dont like minutes silence, we have them in school for the london bombings, 55 people died.

While a child dies every 3 secounds.
On a semi-related note, I just watched some pretty horrible programme about how the Japanese treated allied soldiers, nurses and non-combatants during world war two. Pretty ****ing sick I must say. Things like tying up prisoners with barbed wire and using them for bayonet practice, like out of fifteen guys only one survived. Lining up nurses and machine gunning them, marching tens of thousands of prisoners sixty miles, if you fell down they'd shove a bayonet down your throat, theyd do sickening shit like making them bury their friends (alive). If you didn't they'd shoot you and call out 4 more people to bury you. Overruning a hospital and killing injured soldiers nurses and surgeons etc.

Conclusion - Some people are ****ed up.
When is it going to be widely recognized and no longer a disturbing and surprising fact that there's no limit to the sickness and evil of humanity?
And brave kids. Saw a documentary recently of the Bezlan school siege.

God that pissed me off. Little kids on their first day of school...
CrazyHarij said:
When is it going to be widely recognized and no longer a disturbing and surprising fact that there's no limit to the sickness and evil of humanity?

When people wake up....and smell the ashes!
The world is an unjust place, get used to unjust people and unjust actions.
That is like why anarchy is like so cool. Like when New Orleans was under water and like armed gangs of men were shooting doctors and rescue teams and like raping women in front of others I was like 'OMG that is like anarchy in action and I have an anarchy shirt and I scribble it on my text books that is sooo cool' and wished I was there too it must have been an awesome time.
its been proven that the guy getting his head sawn off by terroists wasnt real, it was faked. that particulat video anyway. not saying its never happened.