Regarding scans - READ!

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
We cannot permit the posting of, or linking to, any copyrighted material from the magazine reviews.

This includes scans or photos of the actual pages, and anything from the media included with it (i.e. pictures from the DVD)

Any threads containing such material will be deleted.

NOTE FROM ICARUS: Yes there are laws being broken by posting them. Do not post scans; we will not take responsibility for you. The terms that you agreed to when joining this board stated that we will surrender any information we have on a person in compliance with legal matters.

NOTE FROM SIDEWINDERX The difference between scans and direct and full copies of the text is not enough to make them permissible. Do not copy paragraphs or the whole review into a post either.
Sorry, I just posted some couple of minutes ago. Wasn't sure if it was against the rules if it was from DVD.
Are the screenshots on the DVD copyrighted? What law would be violated by posting those (he asked out of curiousity)?
SMT said:
Are the screenshots on the DVD copyrighted? What law would be violated by posting those (he asked out of curiousity)?
Even if its not illegal it is generally safer to simply not allow those as well. I mean unless the magazines say its ok I would really rather not have any problems with them.
They're copyrighted. Valve gave them exclusively to the magazines to use. We don't have permission to use them.
No actual law is being broken. However, we have requested that no scans, links to scans, or images from the DVD are posted on this site.

Compliance is mandatory.
yes theyre banned, yes we cant post about them. but i just saw them elsewhere, and they look F*CKING AMAZING.

you must all buy pc gamer.
anyone with those scans pm me.

...thats not illegal is it? :naughty:
Pi Mu Rho said:
They're copyrighted. Valve gave them exclusively to the magazines to use. We don't have permission to use them.
No actual law is being broken. However, we have requested that no scans, links to scans, or images from the DVD are posted on this site.

Compliance is mandatory.

In that case, I'll make damn sure I don't take any screenshots that remotely resemble those on the PC Gamer DVD once I own the game. <ohnoes>I wouldn't want them pursuing litigation!</ohnoes>
Just for the record, I had an e-mail from PC Gamer UK this morning requesting that all scans were removed. I, as well as numerous other staff and members have posted today stating that scans weren't allowed.

Harryz, you've been here since July 2003, I find it really hard to believe that after all this time you still don't know we don't allow scans.

It stops here or people will be getting banned.
Good stuff, im going to buy this mag anyway, everyone should. Afterall it's only a fiver.
Chris_D said:
Harryz, you've been here since July 2003, I find it really hard to believe that after all this time you still don't know we don't allow scans.

I know scans are against the rule, but since it was from the DVD I wasn't sure if it was allowed or not. I wasn't going to post them until HL2Fallout forums allowed them temporarily, until they later confirmed that they weren't allowed.
oldagerocker said:
Good stuff, im going to buy this mag anyway, everyone should. Afterall it's only a fiver.


I am crying, THIS IS HALFLIFE2, we should give pics to it.

Dam you CopyRight rules. ;) :naughty:
I'd be happier having the pics on the dvd in my hand (with the new video :naughty:) for my own eyes rather than a rubbish quality scan anyway. :D
oldagerocker said:
I'd be happier having the pics on the dvd in my hand (with the new video :naughty:) for my own eyes rather than a rubbish quality scan anyway. :D

They're screenshots, not magazine scans. The logic behind this still evades me, but I always follow rules regardless because it's the respectful thing to do. Plus, I live in the USA and couldn't get my hands on the magazine if I wanted to.
there is a site (link is censored) where all new images are online and i don't know what to say...doom 3 is absolutly PWNED
Presumably, that's equivalent to talking about what you read in the magazine, which doesn't appear to be restricted... yet?

Can we get confirmation from a moderator on whether or not mere discussion is a closeable/bannable offense?
Just something I pocked up on a illegal site of HL2. Have a laugh at the way how they request scans.


  • kittens.jpg
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A.I. said:
Just something I pocked up on a illegal site of HL2. Have a laugh at the way how they request scans.

LOL thats funny :LOL:
Oh crap! Must save the kittens!

/me posts all HL2 pics possible.
Sorry but I had to look at those screenshots... man!! Awesomeness to the max!!
This sucks :( But I do know why it is this way. For ALOT of people (me included) getting scans is the ONLY way that we will be able to see/read those reviews. Since no store here in Finland sells PC gamer, PC powerplay or any of those magazines.
MaxiKana said:
This sucks :( But I do know why it is this way. For ALOT of people (me included) getting scans is the ONLY way that we will be able to see/read those reviews. Since no store here in Finland sells PC gamer, PC powerplay or any of those magazines.

/me agrees

(but knows there's nothing he can do about it)
A.I. said:
Just something I pocked up on a illegal site of HL2. Have a laugh at the way how they request scans.

ya i saw that...

BTW that same site has like 50 links to the picts, but i wont tell you what site it is :p.
MaxiKana said:
This sucks :( But I do know why it is this way. For ALOT of people (me included) getting scans is the ONLY way that we will be able to see/read those reviews. Since no store here in Finland sells PC gamer, PC powerplay or any of those magazines.

My situation is the same. I am from Poland. Can someone send this scans on my mail [email protected] ?? It is my one chance to see the review. I will be wery happy.
My situation is the same. I am from Poland. Can someone send this scans on my mail [email protected] ?? It is my one chance to see the review. I will be wery happy.

I am from Czech Republic and I must say the same...PCGamer (cz) was selling few years ago in my country, but didn´t take hold (we have Score and Level magazine). Your scans and screenshots are my only chance (otherwise I must wait for next issues of "our" magazines - until November :/ ) to see how this godlike game came off.

[email protected]
Yeark Shamirsh,

I am from Kazakstan, and my wife walks 50 miles to shop and 50 miles back to get me PC Gamer magazine.

I like PC Gamer magazine. I like you. Do you like me?


As Gamespy and gamershell have hosted them we're allowing the screenshots.

Besides your not responsible for the content of sites you link too as far as copyright is concerned.

EDIT: Gamespy just pulled the images.
I am from planet Jupiter, and sadly, while we DO have the technology to simply teleport things away from people and i could obtain your pitiful earth magazine, the teleportation fees would be astronomical. So please, this is my only chance for PCGAMER!

send it to [email protected]
mrchimp said:
As Gamespy and gamershell have hosted them we're allowing the screenshots.

Besides your not responsible for the content of sites you link too as far as copyright is concerned.

EDIT: Gamespy just pulled the images.

I didn't know you spoke for the site.

Everyone else - stop asking for links to the scans.
mrchimp said:
Besides your not responsible for the content of sites you link too as far as copyright is concerned.

I don't know where you get your info from, but it's wrong.
I apologize if MrChimp's comment seemed to be directed at in any way. How you handle this sort of thing is completely up to you, of course. :)

Icarus said:
I don't know where you get your info from, but it's wrong.

Actually, the law is pretty unclear at the moment. If anything, the case law suggests that you probably wouldn't be held as a contributory infringer for merely having a link to an external infringing page on your site. And then there's different jurisdictions and legislation to further complicate things (which depends on the server/ISP's location).
Mr Bond said:
I apologize if MrChimp's comment seemed to be directed at in any way. How you handle this sort of thing is completely up to you, of course. :)

Actually, the law is pretty unclear at the moment. If anything, the case law suggests that you probably wouldn't be held as a contributory infringer for merely having a link to an external infringing page on your site. And then there's different jurisdictions and legislation to further complicate things (which depends on the server/ISP's location).

1. The clarity issues were solved earlier this year.

2. Knowingly deep linking directly to offending material is very much illegal.

3. I think you misunderstand the pages you linked to, they concern things different then what we were dealing with before, matter of fact it concerns what we are dealing with now. Let me explain. The case concerned linking to images that were owned by the individual being linked to, and if someone could link to those. Case in point; if we linked to an image at we in all probability wouldn't have legislation levied against us (which is what we are now faced with linking to the Future Network (who owns the copyright) site that has the images). But what we were dealing with before, and will no doubt have to deal with in the future, is illegal in no uncertain terms, linking to material that otherwise individuals would have to pay for, and the person linked to having the images up illegally (Which is very distinctly illegal).