Reissues Released


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Reissues is a Half-Life singleplayer modification very much in the same spirit as Issues, a SP mod that was released '06.

"Reissues is a collaborative mapping project that traces its roots back to Project Quantum Leap. The basic idea was to collect a bunch of unrelated maps and short multi-map adventures by authors of all levels of skill, both veterans and newbies, and release it as a single map-pack. There was no story; each map stood (or fell) on its own. The first Issues was the same idea - in fact it was originally called PQL2 - except that it used Spirit of Half-Life as the basis for it's maps.

Which brings us to Reissues.

Like its predecessors it will be a collection of unrelated maps and short multi-map adventures. It will be based on Spirit of Half-Life. It will not be compatible with Half-Life 2, or Valve's Source engine. Underneath it all, Spirit is still a Half-Life 1 mod. This is old-school mapping.."

Download mirrors (thanks to PlanetPhillip):
  • Steam Version
  • WON Version

I already have it downloaded (not played yet, because I have to work on something). There were some annoying bugs in the original Issues, I hope they got them all fixed in this new version.
So far I haven't encountered any serious bugs, seems quite solid. Although in the training map I could not see any of the fog effects after turning the valve even though I have OpenGL activated.
That's odd. I remember someone was talking about fog not working in OpenGL mode on SOHL forums (currently down for some unknown reason).
Why is it nobody round here knows how to use the 'report' button? The post has now been reported and as soon as a moderator or admin sees it the post will be deleted.

Spambots are not an invitation for user spam - just report the post, tell everyone you've reported it and move on.

Btw the 'spirit of half-life' link isn't working. Is it a slightly modified version of the GoldSrc engine or is it some sort of initiative?
As Crispy said, you guys need to report the post and we will deal with it as soon as we can. Thank you to Crispy and KineticAesthetic who both reported that user (Yes KA, the reports do come to us to answer your question).

It's highly ironic really that people spam bots back...
I tried it's safer here
the sky was missing and blurry and gave me a headache and I wasn't bothered afterwards.
That's the buggiest maps in the mod and in my opinion one of the worst.
Sorry to bring an old thread back to life. But I tried this the first time this night. I had had it installed since the release but had forgotten to play it.

Tried couple of the maps. The egyptian one was funny, the whole idea of Gordon working for the Goverment or some agency. After accepting G-man's deal the game continues in Bond like office with secretary and all, and you are sent into a mission. HL1 enemies with funny egyptian replacement models follow.

I also tried It's Safer Here. I too had the sky missing, but after I restarted the game it was suddenly there. It was 3d-skybox of the Citadel. They also had replacement models for the soldiers to look like Combine soldiers. Personally I loved it and I thought it was great work. There was something sexy about seeing all this Combine stuff in GoldSrc.