[Release] dm_finaldrive


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
This is a race/stunt track for HL2 Deathmatch, and was based on the Gorillaz Flash Game Final Drive (found here: http://www.gorillaz.com/geep/finaldrive.htm ).

In dm_finaldrive the players are provided with buggies, civilian cars, airboats, helicopters, a dropship, an F-16 jet, and a hovertank for racing/crashing around a raised race-track with jumps, a loop-dee-loop, a corkscrew, and a half-pipe. The helicopters are destructable, and will re-spawn upon death. Additional buggies and airboats can be spawned by pressing the buttons on the gas pumps.


List of prefabs used:

Civilian Cars by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4131&formtype=2
Hovertank by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4129&formtype=2
F-16 Jet by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4128&formtype=2
Combine Helicopter by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4127&formtype=2
Combine Transport Helicopter by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4133&formtype=2
Combine Dropship by DaMaN: http://www.ejoop.com/pfl/showlist.asp?pref...4143&formtype=2

Credit and much thanks goes to MeDiEvAl CoW for construction of the loop-dee-loop and big jumps.

The map can be downloaded off-site from www.role-play.us (which was the only HL2 site willing to host more than 5 megs). Here's the link: http://www.role-play.us/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=5986

[email protected]

More race-track:




Buggy (or Geep if you're going by Final Drive), and Airboat:

A jump in the buggy:

BIG jump:

Small jump but in a big way:


Here's the download link again if you missed it: http://www.role-play.us/forums/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=5986
nice looking map, I have a question. do you know what that pod thing is you can use so people can get in prefab vehicals?
Yup, the pod is called a prop_vehicle_prisoner_pod.
I designed and built all the vehicles in this map, (except the buggy and airboat of course), from this tutorial here:
http://www.*************/wiki/index.php/Controllable_Brush_Vehicle (This site hates hl2world, so replace all the *****'s in the link with "hl2world. com" (without the space)).

Thanks for all the great feedback!!


EDIT: Oh and yes, FictiousWill, those roads did take some time and effort :D
Are all the jumps and loops actually able to be done? :X
Looks pretty damn good.

However, are the vehicles easy to manuevre round those roads, and as sock said, can the loops be done?
Yes, every single loop and jump you see CAN be done by the buggy. (The other vehicles it's a little hit-or-miss on, since i based all the physics of the jumps on the buggy. The airboat should work for most of it, and same with the civilian cars. If you can actually get the hovertank up there i'd be impressed...).

Anyways, using the buggy, every single jump and loop-dee-loop can be done. On the jumps, i suggest turboing a fair distance away so that you are travelling max speed upon hitting the jump.

As for the loop-dee-loop, you'll notice two stripes of caution material (one on each side) before you actually hit the loop-dee-loop. You have to turbo EXACTLY when you run over these strips. If you do, then you go all the way around no problem. If not, then usually you only go half-way :(

It was fun to romp around in, reminded me of some game for the old Sega. I liked setting my friction to like .05 and sort of skating around it, that was a hoot. Fun map. :)
Damn baby I hope this is on a server.

I just wish controlable cars were avavible for CSS.
Yea, unfortunately, CSS isn't as condecending with vehicles as DM is.

I am looking into getting vehicles into CSS but i've heard it's quite difficult.
