
Do you believe in any kind of Religion?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • No

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters


Sep 22, 2003
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I'm pretty sure there has been a post about this, or maybe it's not allowed, but anyways:

Do you believe in religion? It's forced on me but I don't believe any of it.

The marriage thread made me ask this question.
I don't believe that we just die thats for sure.
Yeah, I believe in Religion. I am a christian, I go to church and stuf, but even though I think it is a great thing, I think some people get way too into, like my dad, but I guess whatever floats your boat. It really is a part of how I was raised, and my main belief in my religion is that it helps me to live to be a person with good morals and standards.
Yes I believe in religion. I'm quite sure there is stuff out there called religion, there's a church not so far from my house, so there's no believing to it.

If you mean whether I'm religious or if I believe in a god, then no, I'm an atheist.
I trully dont know what to think...

I dont think I do believe in God. But I kind of wish I did if you know what I mean. I wish there was something else...

Bah, I'm getting depressed again.. I'll be leaveing now..
Have to say no for me, although I have seen gone back and forth with my feelings. I have no problems with others and religion, but I personally just have too many issues with it. There are just too many contradictions with all religions and the people who push it upon others.

I think one big pet peeve with religion for me is: seems like most people are in it simply because their parents taught them what to believe, no questions asked. And, of course, their parents were usually taught the same by their parents. And so on.

But, on a side note to that, I TRULY appreciate the people who found it, and believe it, on their own.

It's just not for me though...have to believe more in what I can see and prove, rather than in faith and stuff people tell me is true.
craigweb said:
I don't believe that we just die thats for sure.

Yeah, same here. It would just feel wrong to think that people died and rotted away and that was the end of it. That would make things seem a little too meaningless, like there's no point in living anyways.

Edit: Wow, maybe I oughtta change my sig, lol.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I trully dont know what to think...

I dont think I do believe in God. But I kind of wish I did if you know what I mean. I wish there was something else...

Bah, I'm getting depressed again.. I'll be leaveing now..

you have nothing to lose if you believe
Evil^Milk said:
you have nothing to lose if you believe

Yeah, but if there is a God..

I doubt he would be happy with people if they "Believed" just to be on the safe side.

I dont call that faith. I call that being afraid of dieing...
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Yeah, but if there is a God..

I doubt he would be happy with people if they "Believed" just to be on the safe side.

I dont call that faith. I call that being afraid of dieing...

Yeah, I agree.
There's just something about "believing" -- you don't just listen to what people say and think, "Oh, ok, that's fine, sure." I dunno, I guess you're supposed to "know" that it's true, believing without doubt. Which is pretty hard for me since there's not really much tangible proof. It's weird; I'd really like to reach that stage but I guess it's kind of hard to get into it.
can i edit that to read "Are you a victim of mind control?" :E
dont believe in god or organised religion but I do believe in higher beings but it's all relative an ant, humans are "higher beings"

unfortunately I truely believe when we die that's it: nothing, nada ...just nothingness. The universe is just too immense for us to be the only ones worth "saving"
i despise organised religion, to me, the whole ethos of the religion and where it's coming from is thrown out when people have church at a partcular time or have to all pray together, to me, religion is something personal. It needn't be shared with others, what you believe is your own belief. I think people who actively try and convert others (like Jahovah Witnesses etc) is wrong, they are infringing on other peoples lives and religion shouldnt do that.

I have a great respect for those that truely believe without doubt in their faith - whichever that is, aslong as they can take this and use it to help society through their actions.

Im not part of any religion, but i take on lots of views and make up my own mind, allot of religions have morals we should all follow in my opinion, but we dont all need to go to church and pray to be religious. Just be good people.

I love Douglas Adams.. his books are the best, and take so many stances on human actions and stuff, like the cow that is genetically engineered to Want to be eaten, and when he cannot repair his watch. Very good and funny read, recomended.
Obligatory quote: Douglas Adams in The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy:

"I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."

"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

"Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
Sorry, couldn't resist posting it.

On a more on-topic note, I'm atheist. Now please ignore this post and continue your serious discussion.