Religious nuts discuss the singularity


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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It's recorded from a radio talk show apparently. The entire thing is long so I don't expect many will have the patience to listen through the whole thing.

Suffice to say I face palmed numerous times while listening to this.

It's also worth mentioning that one of the speakers is a bible literalist. :laugh:

Anyway, it's no surprise that they consider all of these technological advancements, the work of the devil, and are advocating basically a global civil war against them...
the obvious answer is christian communism:

Once perfect Christian character under God's law and Christ's teachings is achieved, man will be in the position to mercifully control the increasingly dangerous technologies, such as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence/robotics, and genetic engineering, as we advance towards the scientifically prophesied technological singularity, and be in the position to live out the greatly increased life spans these technologies will make possible as death and suffering finally become a thing of the past as prophesied in Revelation 21:3-4.
^^Thanks, good read. And the conclusion is correct, it's pointless to try to reason with people like this.

What's ironic is that most of these people probably have no problem with benefiting from medical care. Such as artificial hearts and bones, pacemakers etc. Which practically makes them transhuman too LOL.