Reloading animations


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Does the reloading animation for the M4 bother anyone else? The fact that he pulls the forward assist back, which you can't do like that pisses me off, is it really that hard to make him pull the charging handle back instead?

obvoisly no one cares but u.
this is a game, not real life.
It kind of bothers me, but I dont really care that much. I don't care that its wrong but I mean pulling out the charging handle would look so much cooler
That doesn;t bother me - the new M4 model does thoigh. It looks rubbish compared to the old one.

Other than that cs:s is all good :)
Also bugs me that he puts the clip in, LETS HIS HAND OFF OF IT, and slams it into the chamber. Clips can now be suspended in mid air. There was a realistic reloading m4 for cs 1.6, it was the most realistic, and sweetest looking m4 ever in any game ive played.
the new m4 model is 20936129784512 times better than the old one
this isnt cs 1.6 it should pull charging handle back

this kinda sh** looking stuff should stay on 1.6 -.-
The new m4 looks much better IMO. Especially the angle you're looking at it from.
Blow your computer up, so you don't have to suffer such non-realism if you're going to complain about such a small detail.