Remake of Seven Samurai /dies



Oh well, Ziyi Zhang is perfect for a remake since she's been playing the exact same freaking part since Crouching Tiger :rolleyes:
What the hell? Cant they think up any new ideas for a movie? It's already been remade once, which wasnt too bad since the reamake wasnt too shabby but come on! They really dont have the right to remake such a classic again.

And George Clooney?!?!?!?!?!!? They've screwed it up already.
Technically the magnificent seven is a re-imagining of the Seven Samurai, or wasn't that the one you were talking about?
I read the thread title and thought I'd reply with 'could be okay if they don't cheese it up too bad' - but now I read about George Clooney and that Chinese bint from Memoirs...??

Tbh I'm more annoyed about this Ziyi Zhang popping up again. It seems like there's a Hollywood attitude of 'chuck any old Oriental actor in, they wont know the difference.' I never bothered watching Memoirs because even in the trailers the idea of a chinese accent and clumsy english in a supposedly Japan-based film ruined the setting for me. Looks like this remake is going down the same route, unless they do a Magnificent Seven and keep the theme but set it somewhere else.

Meh, it's gonna suck. But to be fair I think Clooney comes in for more stick than he really deserves. He's not a bad actor.
mortiz said:
Technically the magnificent seven is a re-imagining of the Seven Samurai, or wasn't that the one you were talking about?

Yes, thats the one i was talking about. And now that I think about, it, I suppose it is a re-image. But my point is that they will most probably screw it up, its just a real shame.
I think if anything they have a good chance of re-inventing it for modern audiences ..I have faith in clooney (he has yet to disappoint)

just look at what the american seven samurai (the magnificent seven) did for the western genre ..between that and Sergio Leone's spaghetti westerns they're the definative movies of their genres (not to downplay sam peckingpah, John ford, or Howard hawks)
Unless it's rated R for "obscene and graphic violence" and stars Ken Wantanabe and a Brit, directed by Tarentino, Ridley Scott, or Michael Mann (Heat, Collateral), then this is going to be baaad.
Ugh, the cartoons were bad enough. I don't feel that classic films need to be remade--EVER! But they just can't stop doing it nowadays for whatever reason, though I am sure the biggest reason is lack of creative thought. I am thoroughly against this one no matter who is involved. Kurosawa created many great works of art with his films, what is the point in trying to reproduce such masterpieces when all the remakes can hope to be are reproductions?!