Remoteopened door


May 8, 2004
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Well, I have a door and I want it to open when I walk up an alley which leads to it.

Sounds simple enough.

I unchecked all flags (Because I don't want it to open by anything other then my trigger) on the door entity. The door itself works if I check a flag that allows it to open by player touching/using etc.

Now, I created a new box, textured it with tools/trigger.

I tied it to both trigger_once and trigger_multiple and neither of them seemed to work.

So, does someone have a good tutorial to supply or any "This is what people usually do wrong with this" tips? I'm a little bummed out as it is right now.

Thanks for your help,
Dead-Inside :)
Are you sure you had the outputs correct for the trigger brush, and it checked out on the inputs section of the dorr?
Should there be any differences on the Output of the trigger to the input of the door? It shouldn't be any different now should it?

And no, obviously I'm not sure. I'd be happy to know what the Outputs should be, all apart from the object name because, well, that's decided by me ;).


OKAY I SOLVED IT... I managed to overlook the triggering factors and had it on UserOn1 or something of that kind, which doesn't really do me anything good at all. Stupid thing that is.
Instead of starting a new thread I figured I'd just revive this one.

I'm concidering adding a camera and a monitor to my map. The monitor part is no problem, however I can't seem to find point_camera in my entity list.

Does cameras not work for CSS or did I miss something?
It works for CS:S, but isn't in the cstrike.fgd, so you have to add it manually to the map.

One way is just to type it in under the entity list, then enter the required properties, etc.

An easier way is to create a point_camera in a map under HL2, then restart Hammer for CS:S and load that map, and cut-and-paste the entity into your real map.

Note it'll show up as "obsolete" in Hammer whichever way you do it.
I do certainly hope it's worth the trouble. Thank you for your help :)