Remove Frags for defuse/bomb exploding



I have never liked this idea of gaining frags for defusing a bomb or if the bomb succesfully explodes.

I never play public much but I can see why the idea was introduced to encourage the bomb being planted and to encourage the CTs to actually make an effort defusing.

I myself only play clan matches and find this completlely useless. Its the same when watching all big matches in competitions around the world like cpl, eswc etc etc. I want to look at the scoreboard and know who is playing well and who is playing badly. Not who can defuse the bomb the most times.

If valve decide to keep this could they atleast make it an option you choose server side. So public servers can have it turned on but for clan matches the option can be switched off.
I kinda agree with you, for clan matches that is, but for just regular pubbing it's fine :p I agree with you on adding a server side option though..
It's a bit stupid indeed, but they don't add frags cause it says 'Score' not kills.
Maybe make it like BF1942/BF:V where there are three columns score, kills and deaths.
yeah... In a way I agree with it. Afterall if you're planting and holding for the duration effectively you've played a key part in the game.

You only get the frag if the round ends in the defuse or explosion, and usually they're the tight rounds.

But it would also be nice to distingush kills from defuses. On Torn I was doing alright and get 3 defuses in a row. People looked at my score and called me a hacker cause I was on about 14-1. which is only 5-1 in terms of kills over 3 rounds. Still not bad but no way as good as people were making out.
it's a good idea only because it gives an incentive for players to plant/defuse instead of just going on a killing spree. But they also should give you a kill point for every hostage you save on those kind of maps. Matbe they should only give one point instead of 3 for plant/defuse.
Eh? Remove it? Why??!? It's a good motivation for people to plant/defuse, since alot of people in CS are jackasses who just run around like it's a deathmatch. Thanks to adding frags for completing the objective, most Ts I see actually plant the damn bomb now.
I prefer no frags for a bombing. But, it's fine either or.
I say, add mp_bombfrags 0/1 or something, let servers turn it on/off
It should definitely stay, and there should be points gained from saving hostages, but 1 per hostage is too many -- maybe 1 for every 2 hostages. It seems, to me at least, that people plant and defuse the bomb more often than they use to.

I do agree with PvtRyan that "Score" should be a seperate column, but it should still be used to order or rank the players (instead of kills). This would be the best of both arguments -- rewarding team play and being able to see a kill/death ratio.
it shouldn't "definetly stay" there server side command sounds good... In clan wars, its 5on5, and its all about making the defuse, and planting AS A TEAM. There is no point in showing the frags for one person, as it could have been any member in the team making the defuse. On Public servers it is a brilliant idea, because it means that people will want the 3 kills, and thus play the game a bit better. But also on the flipside, it means on FF enabled servers, players may want to tk for the bomb/defuse kills. A serverside command would be the best option.
i think it should stay. you say you look at the scoreboard, and want to see who is playing well.. well thats what the score tells you. if i manage to defuse the bomb 3 times in 3 rounds, i consider that playing well.... only thing i dont understand is why dont they do the same for rescuing hossies.. 1 point per hossie... and in an off topic moment- now i can pick up grenades in cz when dropped by someone whos been killed, why cant i pick up their pistol if the had a primary weapon! where does that go? strange valve didnt think of that....
not being funny here.. but in a clan match... its all about defusing the bomb... or planting the bomb not about the amount of frags you get so to be honest it doesnt matter if you get frags for it or not...

DanceMag said:
it shouldn't "definetly stay" there server side command sounds good... In clan wars, its 5on5, and its all about making the defuse, and planting AS A TEAM. There is no point in showing the frags for one person, as it could have been any member in the team making the defuse. On Public servers it is a brilliant idea, because it means that people will want the 3 kills, and thus play the game a bit better. But also on the flipside, it means on FF enabled servers, players may want to tk for the bomb/defuse kills. A serverside command would be the best option.

beaten too it... Gj :/
I agree it's good in pubs, but in clan matches it really doesn't make any difference because player scores mean nothing.
I agree what someone said earlier: Have a column for "kills", "deaths" and "overall score" for defuse/explosion, etc