Remove Friends Button till later

Dario D.

Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
It's kind of stupid to open CS:S, see the extremely simple interface, and notice that one of the few buttons on the screen doesn't even work.

I mean, if there were a list of 20 buttons, it would be less noticeable, but when you've practically only got like 3 buttons on the screen, they better all WORK, you know?

Why doesn't Valve just remove Friends from the screen, and put it back when they have it working?

Friends is just a massive embarassment, plaguing the beautiful interface of the most popular, most played online game.

(bottom line - fix please -
I agree with you, Dario. If something doesn't work, remove it. If you're not going to support it, remove it. (hey, maybe they should do that for HL2DM...)
accutlly u can script it yourself to get rid of the button if it bothers u that badly
It doesn't bother me, but it's an ugly mole on Valve's face. Something they should take care of on their own...

I wish they read the forums, the way Epic reads theirs.
While this is true, I think Valve is busy enough already, let them do the important work. You can survive with the ugly mole. Just pretend it's not there, it will be adressed.