Rendery goodness

i don't know anything about rendering stuff, but thats awsome. The headcrab one it very nice
Cool stuff, u should attempt a firefight scene or something.
i love the vortigaunt one although kleiner seems very low detail :D
btw is that your dm map - looks sechsy!
I had to move the pics, and I can't seem to edit my first post so here they are relisted:
Pet Headcrab
My Favourite Sidearm :)
'Coterminous'? You made that word up you leathery freak.

Another picture:
"What did I tell you about playing with that thing inside, young man?"

john: yeah that is my map, it was originally for hl1, and i ported it across a while back. i need to rebuild it tho - in hl1 the map was designed to centre around that rocket-whore pad off to one side, problem is in hl2 the rocket is too good, and the other weapons not so much... ive seen one guy stay up there for a whole round and that was never meant to happen :(
john3571000 said:
btw is that your dm map - looks sechsy!

poor renders, simply imported the modells into 3ds Max or similar and added some lighttracer effect to it..
but i like how the modells are adapted to the photographs, good job.

highpoly modells please :/
A firefight would be sweet. The 357 looks almost real, and i love the headcrab!
unex said:
poor renders, simply imported the modells into 3ds Max or similar and added some lighttracer effect to it...

actually very little of anything was done in 3D, i rigged up some reflection maps for the models, added lights and rendered with mental ray...

the majority of the work is done post-production in photoshop, as thats the bit im trying to get better at

...and as for hi-poly models... yeah if someone wants to make me some... :) i picked the hl2 models cause i thought it was a good way to get some practice, if i can make a lo-poly model look like its higher quality then so much the better
Lord_PackRat said:
actually very little of anything was done in 3D, i rigged up some reflection maps for the models, added lights and rendered with mental ray...

the majority of the work is done post-production in photoshop, as thats the bit im trying to get better at

...and as for hi-poly models... yeah if someone wants to make me some... :) i picked the hl2 models cause i thought it was a good way to get some practice, if i can make a lo-poly model look like its higher quality then so much the better

Don't listen to him. I didn't find his comment of your work being a poor rendering to be very constructive criticism. I like your images, keep up the good work. There's always room for improvement.
Raziaar said:
Don't listen to him.
No good idea as he posted his shots in a public forum.

I like your images, keep up the good work.
And that's what you call constructive criticism?

Besides I said that I like the result. But the renders in fact are poor. There's nothing artistic about importing a model and adding a Lighttrace effect.
Raziaar said:
Don't listen to him.

Heh, don't worry, I wasnt defending myself - the renders are in fact rather shabby.

I was merely trying to explain that the 3D models werent the focus of the exercise. They were just something I could use to improve my photoshop skills with.

Incidently, I was originally gonna play around with HDR lighting like I've seen a couple of other guys do already, but I decided not to because all it ever seems to do is make your models look like theyre made of gloss plastic - its cool, and can look great if used right, but not worth the effort for an effect i don't really want.

Edit: Perhaps i shouldn't have used the word 'render' in the title :p
unex, be polite, tyou have no standing what so ever concenring impolite critiscism, you do not have the right to be arrogant concerning 3d renders unless, you have some mental standing on the subject at hand

eg, stop being a basterd, criticise constructivly, give point on how to improve,
dont just say well thats crap
errrm.. okay? i don't know if you really understood my point of view..

as to yours, i don't get it..
i criticised some fundamental things that cannot be improved as he didn't built the models himself and concentrated on completely different things as i looked at in my criticism.. PackRat and I have understood each other, but did you?
lord_packrat took it the right way, don't worry about it.

Looking pretty sweet, I ****in' love the one with the sawblade.
Yeah saying render in the title got me excited. When I first looked at the headcrab pic, I was like "holy crap that looks real!!" Then second pic I realized that it wasnt the whole scene rendered.

But the vortiguant one is awesome. Funny too. And the combine one looks really good.
im currently working on a firefight scene - its taking a little longer than i originally thought.

however i thought seeing im here i might as well show you this:

Some 3D I actually did produce.

His name is Giermo, and I made him ages ago, sort of on impulse, and i still haven't worked out what to do with him... I might try adding him to one of these scenes later on...

Fire at will. :D
Rather simple looking, but cool.

One problem, the muzzle flash is way too big! :p
bah... this one didnt turn out at all the way i planned...


i feel it needs to be redone but screw it that took too long... time for something else...
Lord_PackRat said:
bah... this one didnt turn out at all the way i planned...


i feel it needs to be redone but screw it that took too long... time for something else...

Whoa. That could go right onto a magazine cover, in my opinion! It looks incredibly realistic in its portrayal.

For a second there, I somehow thought that it was an actual in game scene, touched up alot. I guess i'm kind of naive :-P
Holy crap, that's an awesome Render {or whatever}.
It is breathtaking. Next time select a location picture with objects to hid from gunfire, too many of the rebels are out in the open.

But still Breathtaking.
evilsloth said:
Next time select a location picture with objects to hid from gunfire, too many of the rebels are out in the open.

its not like the combine are exactly scrambling for shelter either... :p

but i do agree, i didnt get the composition exactly as id planned when i took that shot... it was meant to give the impression that it was an unforseen/unintentional encounter (not quite an ambush), but i still didnt get it quite right
These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed
The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.


Please try the following:

Click the Regime change button, or try again later.

If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).

To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.
If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.
If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them,
click Detect weapons
Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them. Click the Panic menu and then click About US foreign policy to determine what regime they will install.
If you are an Old European Country trying to protect your interests, make sure your options are left wide open as long as possible. Click the Tools menu, and then click on League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in the Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq.
Click the Bombbutton if you are Donald Rumsfeld.

Cannot find weapons or CIA Error
Iraqi Explorer

xx.xx.xx.xx (IP Address)
I try to open the page and get this... wtf?
wtf - the conspiracy begins here
what was the url in the address bar?
go to the homepage and you can find them from there.

I too was confused, but it's worth it.
It seems that some of your angles are off. Such as the pistol, it should be tilted just a hair so that the barrel and top of the gun are closer to the desk. Also, the saw blade looks a bit odd - but maybe you intended it to be that way.

Otherwise, nice job, I like your lighting, but maybe a little too much grain?

Have fun and keep crackin' at it.
Lord_PackRat said:
bah... this one didnt turn out at all the way i planned...


i feel it needs to be redone but screw it that took too long... time for something else...
Whoa nice I've just got myself a new wallpaper :)
Lord_PackRat said:
bah... this one didnt turn out at all the way i planned...


i feel it needs to be redone but screw it that took too long... time for something else...

Thats awesome! :O
Glo-Boy said:
It seems that some of your angles are off. Such as the pistol, it should be tilted just a hair so that the barrel and top of the gun are closer to the desk. Also, the saw blade looks a bit odd - but maybe you intended it to be that way.

Otherwise, nice job, I like your lighting, but maybe a little too much grain?

Have fun and keep crackin' at it.

heh, maybe, maybe not... i agree that the angles arent quite right and probably never will be (its surprisingly hard to do...)

however, the top of the revolver sits up like that because of the two points i chose for it to rest on - the end of the handle and the fat cylinder thats sticks out the sides and props it up.

now that i think of it the barrel is probably much heavier than the handle, it should have been resting on the barrel and the cylinder instead.

the sawblade isnt pointing straight down if thats what youre thinking. the tip thats sticking out is tilted down towards the wall behind the combine (at about 30 degress i think)