Renegade X: The Dead 6 - New Media


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
First, the weapons:

Civ Rifle:

Nod Adv. Sniper Rifle

This one is too big to post:
Chemical Sprayer:
Chemical Thrower

Commanche with Beta Skin:
I like them all. This is going to be much better than Command and Conquer: Renegade. Good job.
Yeah that's what I thought. Tech tree? A nuclear fallout which causes technology to go back in time, just as Einstein predicted:
"I don't know what World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
No, note that that's the CIVILLIAN rifle. Civllians dont have access to high-tech weaponry, and thus they cant have the uber-L337 weapons GDI or NOD gets.
Yeah but I don't think they would have a WWII era gun.
its grandpa's rifle, trust me, you will understand when you see it pop up in the storyline.
This is a little off topic but how far are you with this MOD? What is your progress? With the SDK possibly coming soon yoou can get a jumpo start on it.
Ace stuff, Dante...I never realised you were doing the Dead Six to Half Life, it looks class.
I think its cool, since I'll be so l337 that you'll guys will die in helicopters from my uber one-shot rifle :D
ray_MAN said:
This is a little off topic but how far are you with this MOD? What is your progress? With the SDK possibly coming soon yoou can get a jumpo start on it.

we are getting as much modeling done as possible, and even the beginning stages of fleshing out some levels (mostly our Demo Level).

From there, the day we get the SDK, me and our other programmer will be humping ass to get all the vehicles and weapons scripted up, then while one of us works on UI, the other will be working on game modes and game play.

Then we go to popping everything together.
Panthers_Domain said:
Is that a GDI commanche? Now how did THAT come about?

Uhm, texturing missprint. It was just a beta skin, and I put it there to replace the normal US ARMY, yes I know, it should say Nod. My bad :dozey:
Panthers_Domain said:
No, note that that's the CIVILLIAN rifle. Civllians dont have access to high-tech weaponry, and thus they cant have the uber-L337 weapons GDI or NOD gets.

LOL, you should come to my neighborhood.

There is no OICW, and the G36 is going to be a GDI weapon. Tho if someone were to update the website all this would be quite clear. /HINT
Panthers_Domain said:
No, note that that's the CIVILLIAN rifle. Civllians dont have access to high-tech weaponry, and thus they cant have the uber-L337 weapons GDI or NOD gets.

hehe I know more civilians with ak47's than the entire Iraq army. :p
Sulkdodds said:
Civilians with G36s and OICWs?

Thats if you are a cheap bastard. LOL Seriously I could get just about any gun I want in a matter of a couple of hours? Well thats if I had the money to spend..... ;)
Yakuza said:
Thats if you are a cheap bastard. LOL Seriously I could get just about any gun I want in a matter of a couple of hours? Well thats if I had the money to spend..... ;)
C&C didn't play in america....

CommandoSR said:
It would look better with a simple Nod logo instead of a full logo.
No borders, just the octagon and scorpion's tail.
See what I mean:
The logo is fine i like it more in black. But the skin itself needs to be more urban like Nod has.