Renegade X: The Dead 6 - UPDATE


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
After combing the wastelands for a good concept artist to portray the quality of our ideas, we finally found quite a wonderful one. Here is some of the first (of quite a few) concept drawings made available to the public.

SOGE Uniform Concept

SP Level 1 Scenery Concept 1

SP Level 1 Scenery Concept 1
sp_lvl1_002.jpg to learn more about the TC.
reminds me very much of jurrasic park. Youldn't you be better of using the farcry engine?

The solider seems a bit.... ordinary. Thats not a bad thing, its just some people seem to like originality. But it does get a bit boring seeing the same old soliders everywhere :/ (not in your mod, just in games in general)

also.... why do soliders never smile, hehehe.

Nice concepts they are well litten and well drawn
i used to like renegade but then it got filled with hacks cusse its a rated T pussy game... so just about evrey kid on the planet will be online... it filled up with hackers and scum real quick... + the engine sucked... ne ways i compleated the compaign last year i hope this mod is better...

P.S C&C rene key 4 Cs?
no more comments on the mod...

thats quite disappointing :'(
Awwww, cheer up... :)

It's hard to comment when there's nothing to whine about...

There's nothing wrong with the concepts, and the 'technique' (whatever.. English<Swedish) of the concepts are really good.

Good luck with your mod, I'll be sure to check it out as soon as possible. :)
It'll be good, I assure you.
Is this for Half Life2?

I like the whole concept of a Command and Conquer mod, hopefully it will be better then Renegade was but i am not very impressed by the models, the models seem to be basic with a texture layed over and nothing more.
yes, it will be for halflife2, what you see with the models are the beta models thus far, and photo skins to just get our working library going when we have a sdk, then we will go thru and refine as needed/wanted.

More Media
Stealth Tank - Uncloaked
Nice evolution of the Stealth Tank there.
lool, exactly, actually, we are aiming for a "predator" effect with the "stank" when stealthed.

*note the huge use of dr. evil "quotation" marks...
Pi Mu Rho said:
Nice evolution of the Stealth Tank there.

But as far I know Dead 6 is supposed to be happen before Tiberian Dawn.. but this prototype looks more advanced than Tiberian Dawn's Stealth Tank which has exposed external power generator and wires leading to stealth generator crystals..