Replace Graffiti


Nov 20, 2004
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I've been busy in Photoshop making custom graffiti to put into HL2 to replace the originals. I also want to make new warning signs and Combine posters and such.

I can find them in hammer (they'r all under decals) but how do i actually export them.

Will the replace button work if i save my images as .tga?

I still need to export the originals so i can match the background wall colour of textures.

vtf2tga.exe does not seem to be any help.

- Thanks -
Theres no need to get the background colour right, just set the transparency up :)
how exactly do you create the transparency layer?
I would rather just extract the originals and then re do them.
It's hard to explain but in some of the textures there is the Graffiti but also (parts) of other posters in the same texture. I cant replace the Graffiti without loosing the other details.
Also if i extract the originals i can keep a backup.
So how exactly can i export the specific textures (as i sad i can find them just not export)????

But still, thanks v1p3r
If they're 512x512 or smaller, just print screen and paste in Photoshop. Otherwise, you need to get GCFScape and find the vtf in Source-materials.gcf.

Then convert the vtfs to tgas with vtf2tga in the SourceSDK\bin folder. It took me a while to figure out how to use it. I wrote this batch file to simplify it. Save this as a .bat and put it with your vtf in the bin folder. Then open the .bat.

@echo off
mkdir temp
for %%f in (*.vtf) do vtf2tga %%f temp\%%f
ren temp\*.vtf *.tga
move temp\* 
rmdir \q temp
set /p userinp=Delete originals?(y/n)
set userinp=%userinp:~0,1%
if "%userinp%"=="y" goto delete
goto end
del *.vtf
Great batch! Is there a way to make it convert multiple files?
Ignore previous post. The first time I tried it, it converted the first vtf and than stopped. Weird.
Cool batch, though. I'll use it often and I hope you don't mind if I share it with other people I know (and some I don't):E